C# |检查数组列表是否为只读

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/c-sharp-check-if-the-ArrayList-只读/

数组列表表示可以单独索引的对象的有序集合。它基本上是数组的替代。它还允许动态内存分配、添加、搜索和排序列表中的项目。数组列表。IsReadOnly 属性用于检查数组列表是否为只读。


  • Elements can be added or removed from the array list collection at any point in time.
  • Arrays do not guarantee sorting.
  • The capacity of the array is the number of elements that the array list can hold.
  • You can access the elements in this collection using an integer index. The index in this collection is zero-based.
  • Duplicate elements are also allowed.
  • Multidimensional arrays are not supported as elements in array list collections.


public virtual bool IsReadOnly { get; }

返回值:如果数组列表是只读的,这个方法返回 ,否则返回 。默认值为


// C# code to check if the ArrayList
// is read-only or not
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;

class GFG {

    // Driver code
    public static void Main()

        // Creating an ArrayList
        ArrayList myList = new ArrayList();

        // Adding elements to ArrayList
        myList.Add("Geeks Classes");

        // To check if the ArrayList is read-only or not




  • The read-only collection is not allowed to add, remove or modify elements after it is created.
  • Retrieving the value of this attribute is an O(1) operation.
