C# |计算混合字典


原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/c-sharp-count-number-of-key-value-pairs-in-hybrid dictionary/

杂交词典。Count 属性用于获取混合字典中包含的键/值对的数量。


public int Count { get; }


注意:检索该属性的值是一个 O(1)运算。


例 1:

// C# code to get the number of key/value
// pairs contained in the HybridDictionary.
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Specialized;

class GFG {

    // Driver code
    public static void Main()

        // Creating a HybridDictionary named myDict
        HybridDictionary myDict = new HybridDictionary();

        // Adding key/value pairs in myDict
        myDict.Add("Australia", "Canberra");
        myDict.Add("Belgium", "Brussels");
        myDict.Add("Netherlands", "Amsterdam");
        myDict.Add("China", "Beijing");
        myDict.Add("Russia", "Moscow");
        myDict.Add("India", "New Delhi");

        // To get count of key/value pairs in myDict
        Console.WriteLine("Total key/value pairs in myDict are : " 
                                                  + myDict.Count);


Total key/value pairs in myDict are : 6

例 2:

// C# code to get the number of key/value
// pairs contained in the HybridDictionary.
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Specialized;

class GFG {

    // Driver code
    public static void Main()

        // Creating a HybridDictionary named myDict
        HybridDictionary myDict = new HybridDictionary();

        // Adding key/value pairs in myDict
        myDict.Add("I", "first");
        myDict.Add("II", "second");
        myDict.Add("III", "third");
        myDict.Add("IV", "fourth");
        myDict.Add("V", "fifth");

        // To get count of key/value pairs in myDict
        Console.WriteLine("Total key/value pairs in myDict are : " 
                                                   + myDict.Count);


Total key/value pairs in myDict are : 5
