C# |数据类型


数据类型指定有效的 C# 变量可以保存的数据类型。C# 是一种强类型编程语言,因为在 C# 中,每种类型的数据(如整数、字符、浮点等)都是作为编程语言的一部分预定义的,为给定程序定义的所有常量或变量都必须用其中一种数据类型来描述。

数据类型在 C# 中主要分为三类

  • 数值数据类型
  • 参考数据类型
  • 指针数据类型

  • 值数据类型:C# 中,值数据类型将直接将变量值存储在内存中,它还将接受有符号和无符号文本。这些数据类型的派生类是系统。值类型。以下是 C# 编程语言中不同的值数据类型:

    • 有符号&无符号整数类型:有 8 种整数类型,支持 8 位、16 位、32 位和 64 位有符号或无符号形式的值。T67】系统 Int64 T93】零 T95】乌肖特 T99】无符号整数 T3【乌龙】T4

      别名 类型名 类型 大小(位) 范围 缺省值
      sbyte(字节) 系统 Sbyte 带符号整数 -128 到 127
      短的 系统 Int16 带符号整数 十六 -32768 到 32767
      同国际组织)国际组织 系统 Int32 带符号整数 三十二 -二三十一至 2 31 -1
      字节 System.byte 无符号整数 0 到 255 系统 uint 16
      uint 系统 UInt32 无符号整数 三十二 0 至 2 32 0
    • 浮点类型:包含小数点的浮点数据类型有 2 种。

      • 浮点:是 32 位单精度浮点类型。它有 7 位数的精度。要初始化一个浮点变量,使用后缀 f 或 F. Like,float x = 3.5F。如果后缀 F 或 F 不使用,那么它被视为双。
      • :是 64 位双精度浮点型。它有 14-15 位精度。若要初始化双精度变量,请使用后缀 d 或 d。但不一定要使用后缀,因为默认情况下,浮动数据类型是双精度类型。
      别名 类型名 大小(位) 范围(约) 缺省值
      漂浮物 系统。单一的 Thirty-two 1.5 × 10 -45 至 3.4 × 10 38 0.0F
      两倍 系统。两倍 Sixty-four 5.0 × 10 -324 至 1.7 × 10 308 0.0D
    • 十进制类型:十进制类型是适用于金融和货币计算的 128 位数据类型。它有 28-29 位精度。若要初始化十进制变量,请使用后缀 m 或 m。Like as,十进制 x = 300.5m。如果后缀 M 或 M 不使用,那么它被视为双。T21】系统。小数

      别名 类型名 大小(位) 范围(约) 缺省值
      小数 一百二十八 1.0 × 10 -28 至 7.9228×1028 0.0M
    • Character Types : The character types represents a UTF-16 code unit or represents the 16-bit Unicode character.

      别名 类型名 尺寸单位(位) 范围 缺省值
      系统。茶 Sixteen U +0000 至 U +ffff ‘\0’


      ```cs // C# program to demonstrate  // the above data types using System; namespace ValueTypeTest {

      class GeeksforGeeks {

      // Main function     static void Main()     {

      // declaring character         char a = 'G';

      // Integer data type is generally         // used for numeric values         int i = 89;

      short s = 56;

      // this will give error as number         // is larger than short range         // short s1 = 87878787878;

      // long uses Integer values which          // may signed or unsigned         long l = 4564;

      // UInt data type is generally         // used for unsigned integer values         uint ui = 95;

      ushort us = 76;         // this will give error as number is         // larger than short range

      // ulong data type is generally         // used for unsigned integer values         ulong ul = 3624573;

      // by default fraction value         // is double in C#         double d = 8.358674532;

      // for float use 'f' as suffix         float f = 3.7330645f;

      // for float use 'm' as suffix         decimal dec = 389.5m;

      Console.WriteLine("char: " + a);         Console.WriteLine("integer: " + i);         Console.WriteLine("short: " + s);         Console.WriteLine("long: " + l);         Console.WriteLine("float: " + f);         Console.WriteLine("double: " + d);         Console.WriteLine("decimal: " + dec);         Console.WriteLine("Unsinged integer: " + ui);         Console.WriteLine("Unsinged short: " + us);         Console.WriteLine("Unsinged long: " + ul);     } } } ```


      ```cs char: G integer: 89 short: 56 long: 4564 float: 3.733064 double: 8.358674532 decimal: 389.5 Unsinged integer: 95 Unsinged short: 76 Unsinged long: 3624573



      ```cs // C# program to demonstrate the Sbyte // signed integral data type using System; namespace ValueTypeTest {

      class GeeksforGeeks {

      // Main function     static void Main()     {         sbyte a = 126;

      // sbyte is 8 bit          // singned value         Console.WriteLine(a);

      a++;         Console.WriteLine(a);

      // It overflows here because         // byte can hold values          // from -128 to 127         a++;         Console.WriteLine(a);

      // Looping back within          // the range         a++;         Console.WriteLine(a);     } } } ```


      ```cs 126 127 -128 -127



      ```cs // C# program to demonstrate  // the byte data type using System; namespace ValueTypeTest {

      class GeeksforGeeks {

      // Main function     static void Main()     {         byte a = 0;

      // byte is 8 bit          // unsigned value         Console.WriteLine(a);

      a++;         Console.WriteLine(a);

      a = 254;

      // It overflows here because         // byte can hold values from         // 0 to 255         a++;         Console.WriteLine(a);

      // Looping back within the range         a++;         Console.WriteLine(a);     } } } ```


      ```cs 0 1 255 0


    • Boolean Types : It has to be assigned either true or false value. Values of type bool are not converted implicitly or explicitly (with casts) to any other type. But the programmer can easily write conversion code.

      别名 类型名 价值观念
      弯曲件 系统。布尔代数学体系的 真/假


      ```cs // C# program to demonstrate the // boolean data type using System; namespace ValueTypeTest {

      class GeeksforGeeks {

      // Main function     static void Main()      {

      // boolean data type         bool b = true;              if (b == true)             Console.WriteLine("Hi Geek");     }  } } ```


      ```cs Hi Geek


  • 引用数据类型:引用数据类型将包含变量值的内存地址,因为引用类型不会将变量值直接存储在内存中。内置引用类型有字符串、对象。

    • 字符串:代表一系列 Unicode 字符,其类型名为系统。弦。所以,字符串和 string 是等价的。 例:

      ```cs string s1 = "hello"; // creating through string keyword
      String s2 = "welcome"; // creating through String class


    • Object : In C#, all types, predefined and user-defined, reference types and value types, inherit directly or indirectly from Object. So basically it is the base class for all the data types in C#. Before assigning values, it needs type conversion. When a variable of a value type is converted to object, it’s called boxing. When a variable of type object is converted to a value type, it’s called unboxing. Its type name is System.Object.


      ```cs // C# program to demonstrate  // the Reference data types using System; namespace ValueTypeTest {

      class GeeksforGeeks {

      // Main Function     static void Main()      {

      // declaring string         string a = "Geeks"; 

      //append in a         a+="for";         a = a+"Geeks";          Console.WriteLine(a);

      // declare object obj         object obj;         obj = 20;         Console.WriteLine(obj);

      // to show type of object         // using GetType()         Console.WriteLine(obj.GetType());      }  } } ```


      ```cs GeeksforGeeks 20 System.Int32


  • Pointer Data Type : The Pointer Data Types will contain a memory address of the variable value. To get the pointer details we have a two symbols ampersand (&) and asterisk ()**. ampersand (&): It is Known as Address Operator. It is used to determine the address of a variable. asterisk (): It also known as Indirection Operator. It is used to access the value of an address. Syntax :

    ```cs type* identifier;



    ```cs int p1, p; // Valid syntax int p1, *p; // Invalid



    ``cs // Note: This program will not work on // online compiler // Error: Unsafe code requires theunsafe'  // command line option to be specified // For its solution: // Go to your project properties page and // check under Build the checkbox Allow // unsafe code. using System; namespace Pointerprogram {

    class GFG {

    // Main function     static void Main()     {         unsafe         {

    // declare variable             int n = 10;

    // store variable n address              // location in pointer variable p             int* p = &n;             Console.WriteLine("Value :{0}", n);             Console.WriteLine("Address :{0}", (int)p);         }     } } } ```