
原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/generate-排列-相邻-交换-允许/

给定一个长度为 n 的字符串。您只能交换相邻的元素,并且每个元素可以在大气中交换一次。找出在执行上述交换后可以生成的字符串排列数。 例:

Input : 12345
Output : 12345 12354 12435 13245 13254 
         21345 21354 21435


考虑字符串中的第 I 个字符。这个角色有两种可能: 1。)不要交换,即不要对这个角色做任何事情,移动到下一个角色。 2。)交换一下。因为它可以与其相邻的、 ……..a .)用下一个字符替换它。因为每个角色可以在大气中交换一次,所以我们将移动到位置(i+2)。 ……。b .)用前一个字符替换它–我们不需要单独考虑这种情况,因为第 I 个字符是第(i-1)个字符的下一个字符,这与情况 2.a. 相同


// CPP program to generate permutations with only
// one swap allowed.
#include <cstring>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

void findPermutations(char str[], int index, int n)
    if (index >= n || (index + 1) >= n) {
        cout << str << endl;

    // don't swap the current position
    findPermutations(str, index + 1, n);

    // Swap with the next character and
    // revert the changes. As explained
    // above, swapping with previous is
    // is not needed as it anyways happens
    // for next character.
    swap(str[index], str[index + 1]);
    findPermutations(str, index + 2, n);
    swap(str[index], str[index + 1]);

// Driver code
int main()
    char str[] = { "12345" };
    int n = strlen(str);
    findPermutations(str, 0, n);
    return 0;

Java 语言(一种计算机语言,尤用于创建网站)

// Java program to generate permutations with only
// one swap allowed.

class GFG {

    static void findPermutations(char str[], int index, int n) {
        if (index >= n || (index + 1) >= n) {

        // don't swap the current position
        findPermutations(str, index + 1, n);

        // Swap with the next character and
        // revert the changes. As explained
        // above, swapping with previous is
        // is not needed as it anyways happens
        // for next character.
        swap(str, index);
        findPermutations(str, index + 2, n);
        swap(str, index);

    static void swap(char arr[], int index) {
        char temp = arr[index];
        arr[index] = arr[index + 1];
        arr[index + 1] = temp;
// Driver code

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        char str[] = "12345".toCharArray();
        int n = str.length;
        findPermutations(str, 0, n);
// This code is contributed by 29AjayKumar

Python 3

# Python3 program to generate permutations
# with only one swap allowed.
def findPermutations(string, index, n):
    if index >= n or (index + 1) >= n:

    # don't swap the current position
    findPermutations(string, index + 1, n)

    # Swap with the next character and
    # revert the changes. As explained
    # above, swapping with previous is
    # is not needed as it anyways happens
    # for next character.
    string[index], \
    string[index + 1] = string[index + 1], \

    findPermutations(string, index + 2, n)

    string[index], \
    string[index + 1] = string[index + 1], \

# Driver Code
if __name__ == "__main__":
    string = list("12345")
    n = len(string)
    findPermutations(string, 0, n)

# This code is contributed by
# sanjeev2552


// C# program to generate permutations with only
// one swap allowed.
using System;
public class GFG {

    static void findPermutations(char []str, int index, int n) {
        if (index >= n || (index + 1) >= n) {

        // don't swap the current position
        findPermutations(str, index + 1, n);

        // Swap with the next character and
        // revert the changes. As explained
        // above, swapping with previous is
        // is not needed as it anyways happens
        // for next character.
        swap(str, index);
        findPermutations(str, index + 2, n);
        swap(str, index);

    static void swap(char []arr, int index) {
        char temp = arr[index];
        arr[index] = arr[index + 1];
        arr[index + 1] = temp;
// Driver code

    public static void Main() {
        char []str = "12345".ToCharArray();
        int n = str.Length;
        findPermutations(str, 0, n);

// This code is contributed by Rajput-Ji

服务器端编程语言(Professional Hypertext Preprocessor 的缩写)

// PHP program to generate permutations
// with only one swap allowed.

function findPermutations($str, $index, $n)
    if ($index >= $n || ($index + 1) >= $n)
        echo $str, "\n";

    // don't swap the current position
    findPermutations($str, $index + 1, $n);

    // Swap with the next character and
    // revert the changes. As explained
    // above, swapping with previous is
    // is not needed as it anyways happens
    // for next character.
         $str[$index + 1]) = array($str[$index + 1],

    findPermutations($str, $index + 2, $n);
         $str[$index + 1]) = array($str[$index + 1],

// Driver code
$str = "12345" ;
$n = strlen($str);
findPermutations($str, 0, $n);

// This code is contributed by Sach_Code

java 描述语言


      // JavaScript program to generate
      // permutations with only
      // one swap allowed.
      function findPermutations(str, index, n) {
        if (index >= n || index + 1 >= n) {
          document.write(str.join("") + "<br>");

        // don't swap the current position
        findPermutations(str, index + 1, n);

        // Swap with the next character and
        // revert the changes. As explained
        // above, swapping with previous is
        // is not needed as it anyways happens
        // for next character.
        swap(str, index);
        findPermutations(str, index + 2, n);
        swap(str, index);

      function swap(arr, index) {
        var temp = arr[index];
        arr[index] = arr[index + 1];
        arr[index + 1] = temp;
      // Driver code

      var str = "12345".split("");
      var n = str.length;
      findPermutations(str, 0, n);




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