Javascript 中二叉查找树的实现

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/implementation-binary-search-tree-JavaScript/

在本文中,我们将用 Javascript 实现二叉查找树数据结构。树是由一些边连接的节点的集合。一个是一个非线性的数据结构。二叉查找树是一个二叉树,其中具有较小值的节点存储在左边,而具有较大值的节点存储在右边。



// Node class
class Node
    { = data;
        this.left = null;
        this.right = null;




// Binary Search tree class
class BinarySearchTree
        // root of a binary search tree
        this.root = null;

    // function to be implemented
    // insert(data)
    // remove(data)

    // Helper function
    // findMinNode()
    // getRootNode()
    // inorder(node)
    // preorder(node)              
    // postorder(node)
    // search(node, data)

上面的例子展示了一个二叉查找树类的框架,它包含一个私有变量 root ,这个变量保存了一棵树的根,它被初始化为 null。


1。 插入(数据)–它在树中插入一个新节点,值为数据


// helper method which creates a new node to
// be inserted and calls insertNode
    // Creating a node and initialising
    // with data
    var newNode = new Node(data);

    // root is null then node will
    // be added to the tree and made root.
    if(this.root === null)
        this.root = newNode;

        // find the correct position in the
        // tree and add the node
        this.insertNode(this.root, newNode);

// Method to insert a node in a tree
// it moves over the tree to find the location
// to insert a node with a given data
insertNode(node, newNode)
    // if the data is less than the node
    // data move left of the tree
    if( <
        // if left is null insert node here
        if(node.left === null)
            node.left = newNode;

            // if left is not null recur until
            // null is found
            this.insertNode(node.left, newNode);

    // if the data is more than the node
    // data move right of the tree
        // if right is null insert node here
        if(node.right === null)
            node.right = newNode;

            // if right is not null recur until
            // null is found

在上面的代码中我们有两种方法 插入(数据)插入节点(Node,newNode) 。让我们一个一个来理解:-

  • Insert (data) –It creates a new node with a value of data. If the tree is empty, it adds this node to a tree to make it a root. Otherwise, it calls Insert (node, data) .
  • Insert (node, data) –It compares the given data with the data of the current node, and accordingly moves to the left or right and repeats it until the correct null node can be added.

2 .移除(数据)–该函数移除具有给定数据的节点。


// helper method that calls the
// removeNode with a given data
    // root is re-initialized with
    // root of a modified tree.
    this.root = this.removeNode(this.root, data);

// Method to remove node with a
// given data
// it recur over the tree to find the
// data and removes it
removeNode(node, key)

    // if the root is null then tree is
    // empty
    if(node === null)
        return null;

    // if data to be delete is less than
    // roots data then move to left subtree
    else if(key <
        node.left = this.removeNode(node.left, key);
        return node;

    // if data to be delete is greater than
    // roots data then move to right subtree
    else if(key >
        node.right = this.removeNode(node.right, key);
        return node;

    // if data is similar to the root's data
    // then delete this node
         // deleting node with no children
        if(node.left === null && node.right === null)
            node = null;
            return node;

        // deleting node with one children
        if(node.left === null)
            node = node.right;
            return node;

        else if(node.right === null)
            node = node.left;
            return node;

        // Deleting node with two children
        // minimum node of the right subtree
        // is stored in aux
        var aux = this.findMinNode(node.right); =;

        node.right = this.removeNode(node.right,;
        return node;
