使用类在 Java 中实现链表



像数组一样,链表是线性数据结构。 与数组不同,链表元素不存储在连续位置,而是使用指针链接元素,如下所示。


在 Java 中,LinkedList可以表示为一个类,而Node可以表示为单独的类。 LinkedList类包含Node类类型的引用。

class LinkedList { 
    Node head; // head of list 

    /* Linked list Node*/
    class Node { 
        int data; 
        Node next; 

        // Constructor to create a new node 
        // Next is by default initialized 
        // as null 
        Node(int d) { data = d; } 


在本文中,插入列表是在最后完成的,即在给定链表的最后一个节点之后添加新节点。 例如,如果给定的链表为5 -> 10 -> 15 -> 20 -> 25,并且要插入 30,则链表将变为5 -> 10 -> 15 -> 20 -> 25 -> 30



import java.io.*; 

// Java program to implement 
// a Singly Linked List 
public class LinkedList { 

    Node head; // head of list 

    // Linked list Node. 
    // This inner class is made static 
    // so that main() can access it 
    static class Node { 

        int data; 
        Node next; 

        // Constructor 
        Node(int d) 
            data = d; 
            next = null; 

    // Method to insert a new node 
    public static LinkedList insert(LinkedList list, int data) 
        // Create a new node with given data 
        Node new_node = new Node(data); 
        new_node.next = null; 

        // If the Linked List is empty, 
        // then make the new node as head 
        if (list.head == null) { 
            list.head = new_node; 
        else { 
            // Else traverse till the last node 
            // and insert the new_node there 
            Node last = list.head; 
            while (last.next != null) { 
                last = last.next; 

            // Insert the new_node at last node 
            last.next = new_node; 

        // Return the list by head 
        return list; 

    // Method to print the LinkedList. 
    public static void printList(LinkedList list) 
        Node currNode = list.head; 

        System.out.print("LinkedList: "); 

        // Traverse through the LinkedList 
        while (currNode != null) { 
            // Print the data at current node 
            System.out.print(currNode.data + " "); 

            // Go to next node 
            currNode = currNode.next; 

    // Driver code 
    public static void main(String[] args) 
        /* Start with the empty list. */
        LinkedList list = new LinkedList(); 

        // ******INSERTION****** 

        // Insert the values 
        list = insert(list, 1); 
        list = insert(list, 2); 
        list = insert(list, 3); 
        list = insert(list, 4); 
        list = insert(list, 5); 
        list = insert(list, 6); 
        list = insert(list, 7); 
        list = insert(list, 8); 

        // Print the LinkedList 


LinkedList: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8



import java.io.*; 

// Java program to implement 
// a Singly Linked List 
public class LinkedList { 

    Node head; // head of list 

    // Linked list Node. 
    // This inner class is made static 
    // so that main() can access it 
    static class Node { 

        int data; 
        Node next; 

        // Constructor 
        Node(int d) 
            data = d; 
            next = null; 

    // Method to insert a new node 
    public static LinkedList insert(LinkedList list, int data) 
        // Create a new node with given data 
        Node new_node = new Node(data); 
        new_node.next = null; 

        // If the Linked List is empty, 
        // then make the new node as head 
        if (list.head == null) { 
            list.head = new_node; 
        else { 
            // Else traverse till the last node 
            // and insert the new_node there 
            Node last = list.head; 
            while (last.next != null) { 
                last = last.next; 

            // Insert the new_node at last node 
            last.next = new_node; 

        // Return the list by head 
        return list; 

    // Method to print the LinkedList. 
    public static void printList(LinkedList list) 
        Node currNode = list.head; 

        System.out.print("LinkedList: "); 

        // Traverse through the LinkedList 
        while (currNode != null) { 
            // Print the data at current node 
            System.out.print(currNode.data + " "); 

            // Go to next node 
            currNode = currNode.next; 

    // **************MAIN METHOD************** 

    // method to create a Singly linked list with n nodes 
    public static void main(String[] args) 
        /* Start with the empty list. */
        LinkedList list = new LinkedList(); 

        // ******INSERTION****** 

        // Insert the values 
        list = insert(list, 1); 
        list = insert(list, 2); 
        list = insert(list, 3); 
        list = insert(list, 4); 
        list = insert(list, 5); 
        list = insert(list, 6); 
        list = insert(list, 7); 
        list = insert(list, 8); 

        // Print the LinkedList 


LinkedList: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8







  1. 在列表中搜索该键的首次出现

  2. 现在,三个条件中的任何一个都可能存在:

    • 情况 1:在头找到键

      1. 在这种情况下,将节点的头更改为当前头的下一个节点。

      2. 释放已替换头节点的内存。

    • 情况 2:除了头之外,该键位于中间或最后一个位置

      1. 在这种情况下,查找要删除的节点的上一个节点。

      2. 将上一个节点的下一个更改为当前节点的下一个节点。

      3. 释放替换节点的内存。

    • 情况 3:在列表中找不到键

      1. 在这种情况下,无需执行任何操作。


import java.io.*; 

// Java program to implement 
// a Singly Linked List 
public class LinkedList { 

    Node head; // head of list 

    // Linked list Node. 
    // This inner class is made static 
    // so that main() can access it 
    static class Node { 

        int data; 
        Node next; 

        // Constructor 
        Node(int d) 
            data = d; 
            next = null; 

    // Method to insert a new node 
    public static LinkedList insert(LinkedList list, int data) 
        // Create a new node with given data 
        Node new_node = new Node(data); 
        new_node.next = null; 

        // If the Linked List is empty, 
        // then make the new node as head 
        if (list.head == null) { 
            list.head = new_node; 
        else { 
            // Else traverse till the last node 
            // and insert the new_node there 
            Node last = list.head; 
            while (last.next != null) { 
                last = last.next; 

            // Insert the new_node at last node 
            last.next = new_node; 

        // Return the list by head 
        return list; 

    // Method to print the LinkedList. 
    public static void printList(LinkedList list) 
        Node currNode = list.head; 

        System.out.print("LinkedList: "); 

        // Traverse through the LinkedList 
        while (currNode != null) { 
            // Print the data at current node 
            System.out.print(currNode.data + " "); 

            // Go to next node 
            currNode = currNode.next; 


    // **************DELETION BY KEY************** 

    // Method to delete a node in the LinkedList by KEY 
    public static LinkedList deleteByKey(LinkedList list, int key) 
        // Store head node 
        Node currNode = list.head, prev = null; 

        // CASE 1: 
        // If head node itself holds the key to be deleted 

        if (currNode != null && currNode.data == key) { 
            list.head = currNode.next; // Changed head 

            // Display the message 
            System.out.println(key + " found and deleted"); 

            // Return the updated List 
            return list; 

        // CASE 2: 
        // If the key is somewhere other than at head 

        // Search for the key to be deleted, 
        // keep track of the previous node 
        // as it is needed to change currNode.next 
        while (currNode != null && currNode.data != key) { 
            // If currNode does not hold key 
            // continue to next node 
            prev = currNode; 
            currNode = currNode.next; 

        // If the key was present, it should be at currNode 
        // Therefore the currNode shall not be null 
        if (currNode != null) { 
            // Since the key is at currNode 
            // Unlink currNode from linked list 
            prev.next = currNode.next; 

            // Display the message 
            System.out.println(key + " found and deleted"); 

        // CASE 3: The key is not present 

        // If key was not present in linked list 
        // currNode should be null 
        if (currNode == null) { 
            // Display the message 
            System.out.println(key + " not found"); 

        // return the List 
        return list; 

    // **************MAIN METHOD************** 

    // method to create a Singly linked list with n nodes 
    public static void main(String[] args) 
        /* Start with the empty list. */
        LinkedList list = new LinkedList(); 

        // ******INSERTION****** 

        // Insert the values 
        list = insert(list, 1); 
        list = insert(list, 2); 
        list = insert(list, 3); 
        list = insert(list, 4); 
        list = insert(list, 5); 
        list = insert(list, 6); 
        list = insert(list, 7); 
        list = insert(list, 8); 

        // Print the LinkedList 

        // ******DELETION BY KEY****** 

        // Delete node with value 1 
        // In this case the key is ***at head*** 
        deleteByKey(list, 1); 

        // Print the LinkedList 

        // Delete node with value 4 
        // In this case the key is present ***in the middle*** 
        deleteByKey(list, 4); 

        // Print the LinkedList 

        // Delete node with value 10 
        // In this case the key is ***not present*** 
        deleteByKey(list, 10); 

        // Print the LinkedList 


LinkedList: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 
1 found and deleted
LinkedList: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 
4 found and deleted
LinkedList: 2 3 5 6 7 8 
10 not found
LinkedList: 2 3 5 6 7 8







  1. 通过计算节点索引遍历列表

  2. 对于每个索引,将索引与位置匹配

  3. 现在,三个条件中的任何一个都可能存在:

    • 情况 1:位置为 0,即要删除头部

      1. 在这种情况下,将节点的头更改为当前头的下一个节点。

      2. 释放已替换头节点的内存。

    • 情况 2:位置大于 0 但小于列表的大小,即居中或最后,但头除外

      1. 在这种情况下,查找要删除的节点的上一个节点。

      2. 将上一个节点的下一个更改为当前节点的下一个节点。

      3. 释放替换节点的内存。

    • 情况 3:位置大于列表的大小,即列表中找不到位置

      1. 在这种情况下,无需执行任何操作。


import java.io.*; 

// Java program to implement 
// a Singly Linked List 
public class LinkedList { 

    Node head; // head of list 

    // Linked list Node. 
    // This inner class is made static 
    // so that main() can access it 
    static class Node { 

        int data; 
        Node next; 

        // Constructor 
        Node(int d) 
            data = d; 
            next = null; 

    // Method to insert a new node 
    public static LinkedList insert(LinkedList list, int data) 
        // Create a new node with given data 
        Node new_node = new Node(data); 
        new_node.next = null; 

        // If the Linked List is empty, 
        // then make the new node as head 
        if (list.head == null) { 
            list.head = new_node; 
        else { 
            // Else traverse till the last node 
            // and insert the new_node there 
            Node last = list.head; 
            while (last.next != null) { 
                last = last.next; 

            // Insert the new_node at last node 
            last.next = new_node; 

        // Return the list by head 
        return list; 

    // Method to print the LinkedList. 
    public static void printList(LinkedList list) 
        Node currNode = list.head; 

        System.out.print("LinkedList: "); 

        // Traverse through the LinkedList 
        while (currNode != null) { 
            // Print the data at current node 
            System.out.print(currNode.data + " "); 

            // Go to next node 
            currNode = currNode.next; 


    // Method to delete a node in the LinkedList by POSITION 
    public static LinkedList deleteAtPosition(LinkedList list, int index) 
        // Store head node 
        Node currNode = list.head, prev = null; 

        // CASE 1: 
        // If index is 0, then head node itself is to be deleted 

        if (index == 0 && currNode != null) { 
            list.head = currNode.next; // Changed head 

            // Display the message 
            System.out.println(index + " position element deleted"); 

            // Return the updated List 
            return list; 

        // CASE 2: 
        // If the index is greater than 0 but less than the size of LinkedList 
        // The counter 
        int counter = 0; 

        // Count for the index to be deleted, 
        // keep track of the previous node 
        // as it is needed to change currNode.next 
        while (currNode != null) { 

            if (counter == index) { 
                // Since the currNode is the required position 
                // Unlink currNode from linked list 
                prev.next = currNode.next; 

                // Display the message 
                System.out.println(index + " position element deleted"); 
            else { 
                // If current position is not the index 
                // continue to next node 
                prev = currNode; 
                currNode = currNode.next; 

        // If the position element was found, it should be at currNode 
        // Therefore the currNode shall not be null 
        // CASE 3: The index is greater than the size of the LinkedList 
        // In this case, the currNode should be null 
        if (currNode == null) { 
            // Display the message 
            System.out.println(index + " position element not found"); 

        // return the List 
        return list; 

    // **************MAIN METHOD************** 

    // method to create a Singly linked list with n nodes 
    public static void main(String[] args) 
        /* Start with the empty list. */
        LinkedList list = new LinkedList(); 

        // ******INSERTION****** 

        // Insert the values 
        list = insert(list, 1); 
        list = insert(list, 2); 
        list = insert(list, 3); 
        list = insert(list, 4); 
        list = insert(list, 5); 
        list = insert(list, 6); 
        list = insert(list, 7); 
        list = insert(list, 8); 

        // Print the LinkedList 

        // ******DELETION AT POSITION****** 

        // Delete node at position 0 
        // In this case the key is ***at head*** 
        deleteAtPosition(list, 0); 

        // Print the LinkedList 

        // Delete node at position 2 
        // In this case the key is present ***in the middle*** 
        deleteAtPosition(list, 2); 

        // Print the LinkedList 

        // Delete node at position 10 
        // In this case the key is ***not present*** 
        deleteAtPosition(list, 10); 

        // Print the LinkedList 


LinkedList: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 
0 position element deleted
LinkedList: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 
2 position element deleted
LinkedList: 2 3 5 6 7 8 
10 position element not found
LinkedList: 2 3 5 6 7 8



import java.io.*; 

// Java program to implement 
// a Singly Linked List 
public class LinkedList { 

    Node head; // head of list 

    // Linked list Node. 
    // This inner class is made static 
    // so that main() can access it 
    static class Node { 

        int data; 
        Node next; 

        // Constructor 
        Node(int d) 
            data = d; 
            next = null; 

    // **************INSERTION************** 

    // Method to insert a new node 
    public static LinkedList insert(LinkedList list, int data) 
        // Create a new node with given data 
        Node new_node = new Node(data); 
        new_node.next = null; 

        // If the Linked List is empty, 
        // then make the new node as head 
        if (list.head == null) { 
            list.head = new_node; 
        else { 
            // Else traverse till the last node 
            // and insert the new_node there 
            Node last = list.head; 
            while (last.next != null) { 
                last = last.next; 

            // Insert the new_node at last node 
            last.next = new_node; 

        // Return the list by head 
        return list; 

    // **************TRAVERSAL************** 

    // Method to print the LinkedList. 
    public static void printList(LinkedList list) 
        Node currNode = list.head; 

        System.out.print("\nLinkedList: "); 

        // Traverse through the LinkedList 
        while (currNode != null) { 
            // Print the data at current node 
            System.out.print(currNode.data + " "); 

            // Go to next node 
            currNode = currNode.next; 

    // **************DELETION BY KEY************** 

    // Method to delete a node in the LinkedList by KEY 
    public static LinkedList deleteByKey(LinkedList list, int key) 
        // Store head node 
        Node currNode = list.head, prev = null; 

        // CASE 1: 
        // If head node itself holds the key to be deleted 

        if (currNode != null && currNode.data == key) { 
            list.head = currNode.next; // Changed head 

            // Display the message 
            System.out.println(key + " found and deleted"); 

            // Return the updated List 
            return list; 

        // CASE 2: 
        // If the key is somewhere other than at head 

        // Search for the key to be deleted, 
        // keep track of the previous node 
        // as it is needed to change currNode.next 
        while (currNode != null && currNode.data != key) { 
            // If currNode does not hold key 
            // continue to next node 
            prev = currNode; 
            currNode = currNode.next; 

        // If the key was present, it should be at currNode 
        // Therefore the currNode shall not be null 
        if (currNode != null) { 
            // Since the key is at currNode 
            // Unlink currNode from linked list 
            prev.next = currNode.next; 

            // Display the message 
            System.out.println(key + " found and deleted"); 

        // CASE 3: The key is not present 

        // If key was not present in linked list 
        // currNode should be null 
        if (currNode == null) { 
            // Display the message 
            System.out.println(key + " not found"); 

        // return the List 
        return list; 

    // **************DELETION AT A POSITION************** 

    // Method to delete a node in the LinkedList by POSITION 
    public static LinkedList deleteAtPosition(LinkedList list, int index) 
        // Store head node 
        Node currNode = list.head, prev = null; 

        // CASE 1: 
        // If index is 0, then head node itself is to be deleted 

        if (index == 0 && currNode != null) { 
            list.head = currNode.next; // Changed head 

            // Display the message 
            System.out.println(index + " position element deleted"); 

            // Return the updated List 
            return list; 

        // CASE 2: 
        // If the index is greater than 0 but less than the size of LinkedList 
        // The counter 
        int counter = 0; 

        // Count for the index to be deleted, 
        // keep track of the previous node 
        // as it is needed to change currNode.next 
        while (currNode != null) { 

            if (counter == index) { 
                // Since the currNode is the required position 
                // Unlink currNode from linked list 
                prev.next = currNode.next; 

                // Display the message 
                System.out.println(index + " position element deleted"); 
            else { 
                // If current position is not the index 
                // continue to next node 
                prev = currNode; 
                currNode = currNode.next; 

        // If the position element was found, it should be at currNode 
        // Therefore the currNode shall not be null 
        // CASE 3: The index is greater than the size of the LinkedList 
        // In this case, the currNode should be null 
        if (currNode == null) { 
            // Display the message 
            System.out.println(index + " position element not found"); 

        // return the List 
        return list; 

    // **************MAIN METHOD************** 

    // method to create a Singly linked list with n nodes 
    public static void main(String[] args) 
        /* Start with the empty list. */
        LinkedList list = new LinkedList(); 

        // ******INSERTION****** 

        // Insert the values 
        list = insert(list, 1); 
        list = insert(list, 2); 
        list = insert(list, 3); 
        list = insert(list, 4); 
        list = insert(list, 5); 
        list = insert(list, 6); 
        list = insert(list, 7); 
        list = insert(list, 8); 

        // Print the LinkedList 

        // ******DELETION BY KEY****** 

        // Delete node with value 1 
        // In this case the key is ***at head*** 
        deleteByKey(list, 1); 

        // Print the LinkedList 

        // Delete node with value 4 
        // In this case the key is present ***in the middle*** 
        deleteByKey(list, 4); 

        // Print the LinkedList 

        // Delete node with value 10 
        // In this case the key is ***not present*** 
        deleteByKey(list, 10); 

        // Print the LinkedList 

        // ******DELETION AT POSITION****** 

        // Delete node at position 0 
        // In this case the key is ***at head*** 
        deleteAtPosition(list, 0); 

        // Print the LinkedList 

        // Delete node at position 2 
        // In this case the key is present ***in the middle*** 
        deleteAtPosition(list, 2); 

        // Print the LinkedList 

        // Delete node at position 10 
        // In this case the key is ***not present*** 
        deleteAtPosition(list, 10); 

        // Print the LinkedList 


LinkedList: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 

1 found and deleted

LinkedList: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 

4 found and deleted

LinkedList: 2 3 5 6 7 8 

10 not found

LinkedList: 2 3 5 6 7 8 

0 position element deleted

LinkedList: 3 5 6 7 8 

2 position element deleted

LinkedList: 3 5 7 8 

10 position element not found

LinkedList: 3 5 7 8

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