非恢复除法算法用于除法两个无符号整数。这个算法的另一种形式是恢复除法。该算法不同于其他算法,因为这里没有恢复的概念,并且该算法没有恢复除法算法复杂。设被除数 Q = 0110,除数 M = 0100。下表演示了给定值的逐步解决方案:
累加器-A(0) | 股息-问题(6) | 状态 | |
Initial Values
| 0000 | 0111 | 0101(M) | |
| 0000 | 111_ | | | 运营:上午 | One thousand and eleven | One thousand one hundred and ten | 下一步不成功(-ve) A+M | |
| 0111 | 110_ | | | 运营:A + M | One thousand one hundred | One thousand one hundred | 下一步不成功(-ve) A+M | |
| One thousand and one | 100_ | | | 运营:A + M | One thousand one hundred and ten | One thousand | 下一步不成功(-ve) A+M | |
| One thousand one hundred and one | 000_ | | | 运营:A + M | 0010 | 0001 | 成功(+ve) | | | 余数(2) | 商(1) | |
方法:从上面的解决方案来看,思路是观察计算所需商和余数所需的步数等于被除数中的位数。最初,假设被除数为 Q,除数为 M,累加器 A = 0。因此:
- 每走一步,向左移动红利 1 个位置。
- 从 A(A–M)中减去除数。
- 如果结果是肯定的,那么该步骤被称为“成功”。在这种情况下,商位将为“1”,并且不需要恢复。所以,下一步也将是减法。
- 如果结果是否定的,那么该步骤被称为“不成功”。在这种情况下,商位将为“0”。这里,恢复不像恢复分割算法那样执行。相反,下一步将是加法代替减法。
- 对被除数的所有位重复步骤 1 至 4。
# Python program to divide two
# unsigned integers using
# Non-Restoring Division Algorithm
# Function to add two binary numbers
def add(A, M):
carry = 0
Sum = ''
# Iterating through the number
# A. Here, it is assumed that
# the length of both the numbers
# is same
for i in range (len(A)-1, -1, -1):
# Adding the values at both
# the indices along with the
# carry
temp = int(A[i]) + int(M[i]) + carry
# If the binary number exceeds 1
if (temp>1):
Sum += str(temp % 2)
carry = 1
Sum += str(temp)
carry = 0
# Returning the sum from
# MSB to LSB
return Sum[::-1]
# Function to find the compliment
# of the given binary number
def compliment(m):
M = ''
# Iterating through the number
for i in range (0, len(m)):
# Computing the compliment
M += str((int(m[i]) + 1) % 2)
# Adding 1 to the computed
# value
M = add(M, '0001')
return M
# Function to find the quotient
# and remainder using the
# Non-Restoring Division Algorithm
def nonRestoringDivision(Q, M, A):
# Computing the length of the
# number
count = len(M)
comp_M = compliment(M)
# Variable to determine whether
# addition or subtraction has
# to be computed for the next step
flag = 'successful'
# Printing the initial values
# of the accumulator, dividend
# and divisor
print ('Initial Values: A:', A,
' Q:', Q, ' M:', M)
# The number of steps is equal to the
# length of the binary number
while (count):
# Printing the values at every step
print ("\nstep:", len(M)-count + 1,
end = '')
# Step1: Left Shift, assigning LSB of Q
# to MSB of A.
print (' Left Shift and ', end = '')
A = A[1:] + Q[0]
# Choosing the addition
# or subtraction based on the
# result of the previous step
if (flag == 'successful'):
A = add(A, comp_M)
print ('subtract: ')
A = add(A, M)
print ('Addition: ')
print('A:', A, ' Q:',
Q[1:]+'_', end ='')
if (A[0] == '1'):
# Step is unsuccessful and the
# quotient bit will be '0'
Q = Q[1:] + '0'
print (' -Unsuccessful')
flag = 'unsuccessful'
print ('A:', A, ' Q:', Q,
' -Addition in next Step')
# Step is successful and the quotient
# bit will be '1'
Q = Q[1:] + '1'
print (' Successful')
flag = 'successful'
print ('A:', A, ' Q:', Q,
' -Subtraction in next step')
count -= 1
print ('\nQuotient(Q):', Q,
' Remainder(A):', A)
# Driver code
if __name__ == "__main__":
dividend = '0111'
divisor = '0101'
accumulator = '0' * len(dividend)
Initial Values: A: 0000 Q: 0111 M: 0101
step: 1 Left Shift and subtract:
A: 1011 Q: 111_ -Unsuccessful
A: 1011 Q: 1110 -Addition in next Step
step: 2 Left Shift and Addition:
A: 1100 Q: 110_ -Unsuccessful
A: 1100 Q: 1100 -Addition in next Step
step: 3 Left Shift and Addition:
A: 1110 Q: 100_ -Unsuccessful
A: 1110 Q: 1000 -Addition in next Step
step: 4 Left Shift and Addition:
A: 0010 Q: 000_ Successful
A: 0010 Q: 0001 -Subtraction in next step
Quotient(Q): 0001 Remainder(A): 0010
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