使用分支定界实现 0/1 背包
本文讨论了 0/1 背包问题分支定界法的实现。
0/1 背包如何求每个节点的界? 的想法是利用贪婪方法为分数背包问题提供了最佳解决方案的事实。 为了检查特定节点是否能给我们更好的解决方案,我们使用贪婪方法计算最优解(通过节点)。如果贪婪方法本身计算的解超过了目前为止的最佳解,那么我们就不能通过节点得到更好的解。
- 按照单位重量价值比的递减顺序对所有项目进行排序,以便使用贪婪方法计算上限。
- 初始化最大利润,最大利润= 0
- 创建一个空队列,q。
- 创建一个决策树的伪节点,并将其入队到 q,伪节点的利润和权重为 0。
- 当 Q 不为空时,执行以下操作。
- 从 q 中提取一个项目,让提取的项目为 u。
- 计算下一级节点的利润。如果利润大于最大利润,那么更新最大利润。
- 计算下一级节点的界限。如果绑定大于 max 利润,那么在 q 上增加下一级节点。
- 考虑下一级节点不被视为解决方案的一部分的情况,并添加一个节点到队列中,级别为下一级,但权重和利润不考虑下一级节点。
// First thing in every pair is weight of item
// and second thing is value of item
Item arr[] = {{2, 40}, {3.14, 50}, {1.98, 100},
{5, 95}, {3, 30}};
Knapsack Capacity W = 10
The maximum possible profit = 235
Below diagram shows illustration. Items are
considered sorted by value/weight.
Note : The image doesn't strictly follow the
algorithm/code as there is no dummy node in the
以下是上述思想的 C++实现。
// C++ program to solve knapsack problem using
// branch and bound
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Structure for Item which store weight and corresponding
// value of Item
struct Item
float weight;
int value;
// Node structure to store information of decision
// tree
struct Node
// level --> Level of node in decision tree (or index
// in arr[]
// profit --> Profit of nodes on path from root to this
// node (including this node)
// bound ---> Upper bound of maximum profit in subtree
// of this node/
int level, profit, bound;
float weight;
// Comparison function to sort Item according to
// val/weight ratio
bool cmp(Item a, Item b)
double r1 = (double)a.value / a.weight;
double r2 = (double)b.value / b.weight;
return r1 > r2;
// Returns bound of profit in subtree rooted with u.
// This function mainly uses Greedy solution to find
// an upper bound on maximum profit.
int bound(Node u, int n, int W, Item arr[])
// if weight overcomes the knapsack capacity, return
// 0 as expected bound
if (u.weight >= W)
return 0;
// initialize bound on profit by current profit
int profit_bound = u.profit;
// start including items from index 1 more to current
// item index
int j = u.level + 1;
int totweight = u.weight;
// checking index condition and knapsack capacity
// condition
while ((j < n) && (totweight + arr[j].weight <= W))
totweight += arr[j].weight;
profit_bound += arr[j].value;
// If k is not n, include last item partially for
// upper bound on profit
if (j < n)
profit_bound += (W - totweight) * arr[j].value /
return profit_bound;
// Returns maximum profit we can get with capacity W
int knapsack(int W, Item arr[], int n)
// sorting Item on basis of value per unit
// weight.
sort(arr, arr + n, cmp);
// make a queue for traversing the node
queue<Node> Q;
Node u, v;
// dummy node at starting
u.level = -1;
u.profit = u.weight = 0;
// One by one extract an item from decision tree
// compute profit of all children of extracted item
// and keep saving maxProfit
int maxProfit = 0;
while (!Q.empty())
// Dequeue a node
u = Q.front();
// If it is starting node, assign level 0
if (u.level == -1)
v.level = 0;
// If there is nothing on next level
if (u.level == n-1)
// Else if not last node, then increment level,
// and compute profit of children nodes.
v.level = u.level + 1;
// Taking current level's item add current
// level's weight and value to node u's
// weight and value
v.weight = u.weight + arr[v.level].weight;
v.profit = u.profit + arr[v.level].value;
// If cumulated weight is less than W and
// profit is greater than previous profit,
// update maxprofit
if (v.weight <= W && v.profit > maxProfit)
maxProfit = v.profit;
// Get the upper bound on profit to decide
// whether to add v to Q or not.
v.bound = bound(v, n, W, arr);
// If bound value is greater than profit,
// then only push into queue for further
// consideration
if (v.bound > maxProfit)
// Do the same thing, but Without taking
// the item in knapsack
v.weight = u.weight;
v.profit = u.profit;
v.bound = bound(v, n, W, arr);
if (v.bound > maxProfit)
return maxProfit;
// driver program to test above function
int main()
int W = 10; // Weight of knapsack
Item arr[] = {{2, 40}, {3.14, 50}, {1.98, 100},
{5, 95}, {3, 30}};
int n = sizeof(arr) / sizeof(arr[0]);
cout << "Maximum possible profit = "
<< knapsack(W, arr, n);
return 0;
Maximum possible profit = 235
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