
原文:https://www . geeksforgeeks . org/implementation-of-TIC-tac-toe-game/


  • 游戏将在两个人之间进行(在这个程序中是人类和计算机之间)。
  • 其中一个玩家选择“O”,另一个选择“X”来标记他们各自的细胞。
  • 游戏从其中一个玩家开始,当其中一个玩家有一整行/一列/一条对角线填充了他/她各自的角色(“O”或“X”)时,游戏结束。
  • If no one wins, then the game is said to be draw. Implementation In our program the moves taken by the computer and the human are chosen randomly. We use rand() function for this.

    程序中还能做什么? 由于招式是随机选择的,双方都没有最佳发挥。该程序可以很容易地修改,使双方球员发挥最佳(这将属于人工智能的范畴)。也可以修改程序,使用户自己给出输入(使用 scanf()或 cin)。 以上改动留给读者做练习。

    获胜策略——一个有趣的事实 如果双方都打得很好,那么你注定永远不会输(“尽管比赛仍然可以平局”)。打第一还是第二不重要。从另一个角度来说——“两个专家玩家总是会打平”。 这不是很有意思吗?

    ``` // A C++ Program to play tic-tac-toe


    using namespace std;

    define COMPUTER 1

    define HUMAN 2

    define SIDE 3 // Length of the board

    // Computer will move with 'O' // and human with 'X'

    define COMPUTERMOVE 'O'

    define HUMANMOVE 'X'

    // A function to show the current board status void showBoard(char board[][SIDE]) {     printf("\n\n");

    printf("\t\t\t  %c | %c  | %c  \n", board[0][0],                              board[0][1], board[0][2]);     printf("\t\t\t--------------\n");     printf("\t\t\t  %c | %c  | %c  \n", board[1][0],                              board[1][1], board[1][2]);     printf("\t\t\t--------------\n");     printf("\t\t\t  %c | %c  | %c  \n\n", board[2][0],                              board[2][1], board[2][2]);

    return; }

    // A function to show the instructions void showInstructions() {     printf("\t\t\t  Tic-Tac-Toe\n\n");     printf("Choose a cell numbered from 1 to 9 as below"             " and play\n\n");

    printf("\t\t\t  1 | 2  | 3  \n");     printf("\t\t\t--------------\n");     printf("\t\t\t  4 | 5  | 6  \n");     printf("\t\t\t--------------\n");     printf("\t\t\t  7 | 8  | 9  \n\n");


    return; }

    // A function to initialise the game  void initialise(char board[][SIDE], int moves[]) {     // Initiate the random number generator so that      // the same configuration doesn't arises     srand(time(NULL)); 

    // Initially the board is empty     for (int i=0; i<SIDE; i++)     {         for (int j=0; j<SIDE; j++)             board[i][j] = ' ';     }

    // Fill the moves with numbers     for (int i=0; i<SIDE*SIDE; i++)         moves[i] = i;

    // randomise the moves     random_shuffle(moves, moves + SIDE*SIDE);

    return; }

    // A function to declare the winner of the game void declareWinner(int whoseTurn) {     if (whoseTurn == COMPUTER)         printf("COMPUTER has won\n");     else         printf("HUMAN has won\n");     return; }

    // A function that returns true if any of the row // is crossed with the same player's move bool rowCrossed(char board[][SIDE]) {     for (int i=0; i<SIDE; i++)     {         if (board[i][0] == board[i][1] &&             board[i][1] == board[i][2] &&              board[i][0] != ' ')             return (true);     }     return(false); }

    // A function that returns true if any of the column // is crossed with the same player's move bool columnCrossed(char board[][SIDE]) {     for (int i=0; i<SIDE; i++)     {         if (board[0][i] == board[1][i] &&             board[1][i] == board[2][i] &&              board[0][i] != ' ')             return (true);     }     return(false); }

    // A function that returns true if any of the diagonal // is crossed with the same player's move bool diagonalCrossed(char board[][SIDE]) {     if (board[0][0] == board[1][1] &&         board[1][1] == board[2][2] &&          board[0][0] != ' ')         return(true);

    if (board[0][2] == board[1][1] &&         board[1][1] == board[2][0] &&          board[0][2] != ' ')         return(true);

    return(false); }

    // A function that returns true if the game is over // else it returns a false bool gameOver(char board[][SIDE]) {     return(rowCrossed(board) || columnCrossed(board)             || diagonalCrossed(board) ); }

    // A function to play Tic-Tac-Toe void playTicTacToe(int whoseTurn) {     // A 3*3 Tic-Tac-Toe board for playing      char board[SIDE][SIDE];

    int moves[SIDE*SIDE];

    // Initialise the game     initialise(board, moves);

    // Show the instructions before playing     showInstructions();

    int moveIndex = 0, x, y;

    // Keep playing till the game is over or it is a draw     while (gameOver(board) == false &&              moveIndex != SIDE*SIDE)     {         if (whoseTurn == COMPUTER)         {             x = moves[moveIndex] / SIDE;             y = moves[moveIndex] % SIDE;             board[x][y] = COMPUTERMOVE;             printf("COMPUTER has put a %c in cell %d\n",                     COMPUTERMOVE, moves[moveIndex]+1);             showBoard(board);             moveIndex ++;             whoseTurn = HUMAN;         }

    else if (whoseTurn == HUMAN)         {             x = moves[moveIndex] / SIDE;             y = moves[moveIndex] % SIDE;             board[x][y] = HUMANMOVE;             printf ("HUMAN has put a %c in cell %d\n",                     HUMANMOVE, moves[moveIndex]+1);             showBoard(board);             moveIndex ++;             whoseTurn = COMPUTER;         }     }

    // If the game has drawn     if (gameOver(board) == false &&              moveIndex == SIDE * SIDE)         printf("It's a draw\n");     else     {         // Toggling the user to declare the actual         // winner         if (whoseTurn == COMPUTER)             whoseTurn = HUMAN;         else if (whoseTurn == HUMAN)             whoseTurn = COMPUTER;

    // Declare the winner         declareWinner(whoseTurn);     }     return; }

    // Driver program int main() {     // Let us play the game with COMPUTER starting first     playTicTacToe(COMPUTER);

    return (0); } ```


    ``` Tic-Tac-Toe

    Choose a cell numbered from 1 to 9 as below and play

              1 | 2  | 3  
              4 | 5  | 6  
              7 | 8  | 9
                    • -

    COMPUTER has put a O in cell 6

                |    |    
                |    | O  
                |    |

    HUMAN has put a X in cell 7

                |    |    
                |    | O  
              X |    |

    COMPUTER has put a O in cell 5

                |    |    
                | O  | O  
              X |    |

    HUMAN has put a X in cell 1

              X |    |    
                | O  | O  
              X |    |

    COMPUTER has put a O in cell 9

              X |    |    
                | O  | O  
              X |    | O

    HUMAN has put a X in cell 8

              X |    |    
                | O  | O  
              X | X  | O

    COMPUTER has put a O in cell 4

              X |    |    
              O | O  | O  
              X | X  | O

    COMPUTER has won


    这款游戏的一个有趣的变种 如上所述,如果两个有经验的玩家在玩井字游戏,那么游戏总是会打平。 这款游戏还有另一个病毒变种——终极井字游戏,旨在让正常的井字游戏变得更有趣、更不可预测。 看一下这里的游戏- Link1 Link2

    上面的文章实现了简单的井字游戏,其中移动是随机进行的。请参考下面的文章,看看如何进行最佳移动。 博弈论中的极小极大算法|集合 3(井字游戏 AI–寻找最佳移动)

    关于“赢/不输”战略的精彩讨论 【Quora】 Wikihow

    本文由拉希特·贝尔瓦亚尔供稿。如果你喜欢 GeeksforGeeks 并想投稿,你也可以使用contribute.geeksforgeeks.org写一篇文章或者把你的文章邮寄到 contribute@geeksforgeeks.org。看到你的文章出现在极客博客主页上,帮助其他极客。
