

原文:https://www . geeksforgeeks . org/implement-dynamic-deque-use-templates-class-and-a-circular-array/


  • 前置():从德格获取前置项。
  • back(): 从德格中获取最后一项。
  • push_back(X): 在 deque 结束时推 X。
  • push_front(X): 在下潜开始时按 X。
  • pop_front(): 从 deque 的开始处删除一个元素。
  • pop_back(): 从数据末尾删除一个元素
  • 空():检查德格是否为空
  • 容量():当前德奎可以存储的最大元素数量
  • 大小():德格中的元素数量


  • 最初,德格是空的

  • 在 deque 后面插入 1

  • 将元素 2、3 插入到 deque 的后面

  • 在德格的前面插入 4

  • 在 deque 后面插入 5

  • 从正面弹出 2 个元素,从背面弹出 2 个元素

  • 从德格前面弹出 1 个元素


  • 初始化 4 个变量 frontIndexbackIndexsizeVarcapacityVar ,一个数组arr【】来实现 deque。
  • 定义一个函数,比如 capacity() 来查找当前数组的大小,并返回变量 capacityVar 的值。
  • 定义一个函数,比如说 size() 来计算元素的数量并返回变量的值, sizeVar。
  • 定义一个函数,说 full() 来查找 deque 是否已满,如果 sizeVar 等于 capacityVar 则返回 true。否则,返回 false。
  • 定义一个函数,说 empty() 来查找 deque 是否为空,如果 frontIndexbackIndex 等于 -1 则返回 true。否则,返回 false。
  • 定义一个函数,比如 Front() 来打印德格的 front 元素。如果 deque 不为空(),打印arr【front index】元素。
  • 定义一个函数说 Back() 打印出最后一个元素的德格。如果 deque 不为空(),打印 arr【回溯】元素。
  • 定义一个函数,比如 push_back(X) 在数据末尾插入一个元素:
    • 如果 deque 已满,则将当前数组的大小加倍,并将前一个数组的元素复制到新数组中。
    • 如果 deque 为空(),则分配 frontIndex = backIndex = 0 ,然后将 X 分配给arr【front index】arr【back index】,然后将 sizeVar 递增 1。
    • 否则,将回溯索引更新为回溯索引=(回溯索引+1) %capacityVar ,然后将 X 分配给 arr【回溯索引】并将 sizeVar 递增 1。
  • 定义一个函数,比如 push_front(X) 在开始的地方插入一个元素:
    • 如果 deque 已满,则将当前数组的大小加倍,并将前一个数组的元素复制到新数组中。
    • 如果 deque 为空(),则分配 frontIndex = backIndex = 0 ,然后将 X 分配给arr【front index】arr【back index】,然后将 sizeVar 递增 1。
    • 否则,将 frontIndex 更新为front index =(front index-1+capacity var)% capacity var,然后将 X 分配给arr【front index】并将 sizeVar 递增 1。
  • 定义一个函数,比如 pop_front() 来删除一个元素:
    • 如果德格为空,打印“下溢”
    • 否则如果大小 Var 等于 1,则将 -1 分配给前置索引后置索引,然后将大小 Var 减 1。
    • 否则,将 frontIndex 更新为front index =(front index+1)% capacity var,并将 sizeVar 减 1。
  • 定义一个函数,比如 pop_back() 来删除页面前面的元素:
    • 如果德格为空,打印“下溢”
    • 否则如果大小 Var 等于 1 ,则将 -1 分配给前置索引后置索引,然后将大小 Var 减 1。
    • 否则,将回溯索引更新为回溯索引=(回溯索引-1 +电容值)%



// C++ program for the above approach
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

// Class definition of the deque
template <class X>
class Deque {

    // Stores the frontIndex
    int frontIndex;

    // Stores the backIndex
    int backIndex;

    // Stores the array
    X* arr;

    // Stores the size of deque
    int sizeVar;

    // Stores the size of array
    int capacityVar = 4;

    // Deque class constructor
        arr = new X[capacityVar];
        frontIndex = backIndex = -1;
        sizeVar = 0;

    // Function methods
    bool empty();
    bool full();
    void push_back(X x);
    void push_front(X x);
    void pop_front();
    void pop_back();
    X front();
    X back();
    int capacity();
    int size();

// Function to find the capacity of the deque
template <class X>
int Deque<X>::capacity()
    return capacityVar;

// Function to find the number of elements
// present in deque
template <class X>
int Deque<X>::size() { return sizeVar; }

// Function to check if deque is empty or not
template <class X>
bool Deque<X>::empty()
    if (frontIndex == -1 && backIndex == -1)
        return true;
        return false;

// Function to check if deque is full or not
template <class X>
bool Deque<X>::full()
    if (sizeVar == capacityVar)
        return true;
        return false;

// Function to find the front element of the deque
template <class X>
X Deque<X>::front()
    // If deque is empty
    if (empty()) {
        cout << "Deque underflow" << endl;
    return arr[frontIndex];

// Function to find the last element of the deque
template <class X>
X Deque<X>::back()
    // If deque is empty
    if (empty()) {
        cout << "Deque underflow" << endl;
    return arr[backIndex];

// Function to insert the element
// to the back of the deque
template <class X>
void Deque<X>::push_back(X x)
    if (full()) {

        // If the deque is full, then
        // double the capacity
        capacityVar = capacityVar * 2;

        // Initialize new array of
        // double size
        X* temp = new X[capacityVar];

        // Copy the elements of the
        // previous array
        int i = frontIndex;
        int j = 0;
        while (i != backIndex) {
            temp[j] = arr[i];
            i = (i + 1) % sizeVar;
        temp[j] = arr[i];

        frontIndex = 0;
        backIndex = sizeVar - 1;

        // Deallocate the memory
        // of previous array
        delete[] arr;
        arr = temp;

    // If size is zero
    if (empty()) {
        frontIndex = backIndex = 0;
        arr[backIndex] = x;

    // Increment back index cyclically
    backIndex = (backIndex + 1) % capacityVar;
    arr[backIndex] = x;

// Function to insert the element
// to the front of the deque
template <class X>
void Deque<X>::push_front(X x)
    if (full()) {

        // If the deque is full, then
        // double the capacity
        capacityVar = capacityVar * 2;

        // Initialize new array of
        // double size
        X* temp = new X[capacityVar];

        // Copy the elements of the
        // previous array
        int i = frontIndex;
        int j = 0;
        while (i != backIndex) {
            temp[j] = arr[i];
            i = (i + 1) % sizeVar;
        temp[j] = arr[i];

        frontIndex = 0;
        backIndex = sizeVar - 1;

        // Deallocate the memory
        // of previous array
        delete[] arr;
        arr = temp;

    // If size is zero
    if (empty()) {
        frontIndex = backIndex = 0;
        arr[backIndex] = x;

    // Decrement front index cyclically
        = (frontIndex - 1 + capacityVar) % capacityVar;
    arr[frontIndex] = x;

// Function to delete the element
// from the front of the deque
template <class X>
void Deque<X>::pop_front()
    // If deque is empty
    if (empty()) {
        cout << "Deque underflow" << endl;

    // If there is only one character
    if (frontIndex == backIndex) {

        // Mark deque as empty
        // and decrement sizeVar
        frontIndex = backIndex = -1;

    // Increment frontIndex cyclically
    frontIndex = (frontIndex + 1) % capacityVar;

// Function to delete the element
// from the back of the deque
template <class X>
void Deque<X>::pop_back()
    // If deque is empty
    if (empty()) {
        cout << "Deque underflow" << endl;

    // If there is only one character
    if (frontIndex == backIndex) {

        // Mark deque as empty
        // and decrement sizeVar
        frontIndex = backIndex = -1;

    // Decrement backIndex cyclically
    backIndex = (backIndex - 1 + capacityVar) % capacityVar;

// Driver Code
int main()
    // Deque initialization
    Deque<int> q;

    // Iterate range [1, 100],
    // push even numbers at the back
    // and push odd numbers at the front
    for (int i = 1; i < 10; i++)
        if (i % 2 == 0)

    // Print the current capacity
    cout << "Current capacity " << q.capacity() << endl;

    // Print the current size
    cout << "Current size " << q.size() << endl;

    // Print front elements of deque
    cout << "Front element " << q.front() << endl;

    // Print last element of the deque
    cout << "Rear element " << q.back() << endl;

    cout << endl;

    cout << "Pop an element from front" << endl;

    // Pop an element from the front of deque

    cout << "Pop an element from back" << endl;

    // Pop an element from the back of deque

    cout << endl;

    // Print the current capacity
    cout << "Current capacity " << q.capacity() << endl;

    // Print current size
    cout << "Current size " << q.size() << endl;

    // Print front elements of deque
    cout << "Front element " << q.front() << endl;

    // Print last element of the deque
    cout << "Rear element " << q.back() << endl;

    return 0;


Current capacity 16
Current size 9
Front element 9
Rear element 8

Pop an element from front
Pop an element from back

Current capacity 16
Current size 7
Front element 7
Rear element 6

时间复杂度:O(N) T5辅助空间:** O(N)