

双端队列或双端队列队列数据结构的通用版本,允许在两端插入和删除。 在先前文章中,已经讨论了使用循环数组实现Deque的方法。 现在,在这篇文章中,我们将了解如何使用双链表实现Deque



insertFront() : Adds an item at the front of Deque.
insertRear()  : Adds an item at the rear of Deque.
deleteFront() : Deletes an item from front of Deque.
deleteRear()  : Deletes an item from rear of Deque.


getFront() : Gets the front item from queue.
getRear()  : Gets the last item from queue.
isEmpty()  : Checks whether Deque is empty or not.
size()     : Gets number of elements in Deque.
erase()    : Deletes all the elements from Deque.


为了实现双端队列,我们​​需要跟踪两个指针,即。 我们从队列的后端或前端放入(推入)从队列的后端和前端弹出(弹出)


声明类型为Node的两个指针frontrear,其中Node代表双链表节点的结构。 用值NULL初始化它们两个。


1\. Allocate space for a newNode of doubly linked list.
2\. IF newNode == NULL, then
3\.     print "Overflow"
4\. ELSE
5\.     IF front == NULL, then
6\.         rear = front = newNode
7\.     ELSE
8\.         newNode->next = front
9\.       front->prev = newNode
10\.        front = newNode 


1\. Allocate space for a newNode of doubly linked list.
2\. IF newNode == NULL, then
3\.     print "Overflow"
4\. ELSE
5\.     IF rear == NULL, then
6\.         front = rear = newNode
7\.     ELSE
8\.         newNode->prev = rear
9\.       rear->next = newNode
10\.        rear = newNode 


1\. IF front == NULL
2\.     print "Underflow"
3\. ELSE
4\.     Initialize temp = front
5\.     front = front->next
6\.     IF front == NULL
7\.         rear = NULL
8\.     ELSE
9\.         front->prev = NULL
10     Deallocate space for temp


1\. IF front == NULL
2\.     print "Underflow"
3\. ELSE
4\.     Initialize temp = rear
5\.     rear = rear->prev
6\.     IF rear == NULL
7\.         front = NULL
8\.     ELSE
9\.         rear->next = NULL
10     Deallocate space for temp
// C++ implementation of Deque using 
// doubly linked list 
#include <bits/stdc++.h> 

using namespace std; 

// Node of a doubly linked list 
struct Node  
    int data; 
    Node *prev, *next; 
    // Function to get a new node 
    static Node* getnode(int data) 
        Node* newNode = (Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node)); 
        newNode->data = data; 
        newNode->prev = newNode->next = NULL; 
        return newNode; 

// A structure to represent a deque 
class Deque  
    Node* front; 
    Node* rear; 
    int Size; 

        front = rear = NULL; 
        Size = 0; 

    // Operations on Deque 
    void insertFront(int data); 
    void insertRear(int data); 
    void deleteFront(); 
    void deleteRear(); 
    int getFront(); 
    int getRear(); 
    int size(); 
    bool isEmpty(); 
    void erase(); 

// Function to check whether deque 
// is empty or not 
bool Deque::isEmpty() 
    return (front == NULL); 

// Function to return the number of 
// elements in the deque 
int Deque::size() 
    return Size; 

// Function to insert an element 
// at the front end 
void Deque::insertFront(int data) 
    Node* newNode = Node::getnode(data); 
    // If true then new element cannot be added 
    // and it is an 'Overflow' condition 
    if (newNode == NULL) 
        cout << "OverFlow\n"; 
        // If deque is empty 
        if (front == NULL) 
            rear = front = newNode; 

        // Inserts node at the front end 
            newNode->next = front; 
            front->prev = newNode; 
            front = newNode; 

        // Increments count of elements by 1 

// Function to insert an element 
// at the rear end 
void Deque::insertRear(int data) 
    Node* newNode = Node::getnode(data); 
    // If true then new element cannot be added 
    // and it is an 'Overflow' condition 
    if (newNode == NULL) 
        cout << "OverFlow\n"; 
        // If deque is empty 
        if (rear == NULL) 
            front = rear = newNode; 

        // Inserts node at the rear end 
            newNode->prev = rear; 
            rear->next = newNode; 
            rear = newNode; 


// Function to delete the element 
// from the front end 
void Deque::deleteFront() 
    // If deque is empty then 
    // 'Underflow' condition 
    if (isEmpty()) 
        cout << "UnderFlow\n"; 

    // Deletes the node from the front end and makes 
    // the adjustment in the links 
        Node* temp = front; 
        front = front->next; 

        // If only one element was present 
        if (front == NULL) 
            rear = NULL; 
            front->prev = NULL; 

        // Decrements count of elements by 1 

// Function to delete the element 
// from the rear end 
void Deque::deleteRear() 
    // If deque is empty then 
    // 'Underflow' condition 
    if (isEmpty()) 
        cout << "UnderFlow\n"; 

    // Deletes the node from the rear end and makes 
    // the adjustment in the links 
        Node* temp = rear; 
        rear = rear->prev; 

        // If only one element was present 
        if (rear == NULL) 
            front = NULL; 
            rear->next = NULL; 

        // Decrements count of elements by 1 

// Function to return the element 
// at the front end 
int Deque::getFront() 
    // If deque is empty, then returns 
    // garbage value 
    if (isEmpty()) 
        return -1; 
    return front->data; 

// Function to return the element 
// at the rear end 
int Deque::getRear() 
    // If deque is empty, then returns 
    // garbage value 
    if (isEmpty()) 
        return -1; 
    return rear->data; 

// Function to delete all the elements 
// from Deque 
void Deque::erase() 
    rear = NULL; 
    while (front != NULL)  
        Node* temp = front; 
        front = front->next; 
    Size = 0; 

// Driver program to test above 
int main() 
    Deque dq; 
    cout << "Insert element '5' at rear end\n"; 

    cout << "Insert element '10' at rear end\n"; 

    cout << "Rear end element: "
        << dq.getRear() << endl; 

    cout << "After deleting rear element new rear"
        << " is: " << dq.getRear() << endl; 

    cout << "Inserting element '15' at front end \n"; 

    cout << "Front end element: "
        << dq.getFront() << endl; 

    cout << "Number of elements in Deque: "
        << dq.size() << endl; 

    cout << "After deleting front element new "
        << "front is: " << dq.getFront() << endl; 

    return 0; 


Insert element '5' at rear end
Insert element '10' at rear end
Rear end element: 10
After deleting rear element new rear is: 5
Inserting element '15' at front end
Front end element: 15
Number of elements in Deque: 2
After deleting front element new front is: 5


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