先决条件:哈希简介,使用单链表的哈希表和在 Java 中用的单链接实现我们自己的哈希表
使用通过双向链表链接实现哈希表类似于使用单链表实现[哈希表。 唯一的区别是,链表的每个节点都具有下一个节点和上一个节点的地址。 这将加快从列表中添加和删除元素的过程,因此,时间复杂度将大大降低。
``` 1->2->3->4
如果我们位于 3,并且需要将其删除,则需要将 2 与 4 链接起来,并且从 3 开始,由于 2 是单链表,因此无法访问 2。 因此,必须再次遍历列表,即
1234 ->->->
2 和 4 可以从 3 访问,因此在
中可以删除 3。
// C++ implementation of Hashtable
// using doubly linked list
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
const int tablesize = 25;
// declaration of node
struct hash_node {
int val, key;
hash_node* next;
hash_node* prev;
// hashmap's declaration
class HashMap {
public :
hash_node **hashtable, **top;
// constructor
// create a empty hashtable
hashtable = new hash_node*[tablesize];
top = new hash_node*[tablesize];
for ( int i = 0; i < tablesize; i++) {
hashtable[i] = NULL;
top[i] = NULL;
// destructor
delete [] hashtable;
// hash function definition
int HashFunc( int key)
return key % tablesize;
// searching method
void find( int key)
// Applying hashFunc to find
// index for given key
int hash_val = HashFunc(key);
[HTG45 9] bool flag = false ;
hash_node* entry = hashtable[hash_val];
// if hashtable at that index has some
// values stored
if (entry != NULL) {
while (entry != NULL) {
if (entry->key == key) {
flag = true ;
if (flag) {
cout << "Element found at key "
<< key << ": " ;
cout << entry->val << endl;
entry = entry->next;
if (!flag)
cout << "No Element found at key "
<< key << endl;
// removing an element
void remove ( int key) ]
// Applying hashFunc to find
// index for given key
int hash_val = HashFunc(key);
hash_node* entry = hashtable[hash_val];
if (entry->key != key || entry == NULL) {
cout << "Couldn't find any element at this key "
<< key << endl;
return ;
// if some values are present at that key &
// traversing the list and removing all values
while (entry != NULL) {
if (entry->next == NULL) {
if (entry->prev == NULL) {
hashtable[hash_val] = NULL;
top[hash_val] = NULL;
delete entry;
break ;
else {
top[hash_val] = entry->prev;
top[hash_val]->next = NULL;
delete entry;
entry = top[hash_val];
entry = entry->next;
cout << "Element was successfully removed at the key "
<< key << endl;
// inserting method
void add( int key, int value)
// Applying hashFunc to find
// index for given key
int hash_val = HashFunc(key);
hash_node* entry = hashtable[hash_val];
// if key has no value stored
if (entry == NULL) {
] // creating new node
entry = new hash_node;
entry->val = value;
entry->key = key;
entry->next = NULL;
entry->prev = NULL;
hashtable[hash_val] = entry;
top[hash_val] = entry;
// if some values are present
else {
// traversing till the end of
// the list
while (entry != NULL)
entry = entry->next;
// creating the new node
entry = new hash_node;
[HTG63 5] entry->val = value;
entry->key = key;
entry->next = NULL;
entry->prev = top[hash_val];
top[hash_val]->next = entry;
top[hash_val] = entry;
cout << "Value " << value << " was successfully"
" added at key " << key << endl;
// Driver Code
int main()
HashMap hash;
hash.add(4, 5);
hash. remove (4);
return 0;
Value 5 was successfully added at key 4
Element found at key 4: 5
Element was successfully removed at the key 4
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