用于合并两个排序链表的 Java 程序,使得合并后的链表顺序相反

原文:https://www . geeksforgeeks . org/Java-用于合并的程序-两个排序的链表-这样-合并的列表以相反的顺序/



Input:  a: 5->10->15->40
        b: 2->3->20 
Output: res: 40->20->15->10->5->3->2

Input:  a: NULL
        b: 2->3->20 
Output: res: 20->3->2

一个简单的解决方法就是做以下几点。 1) 逆转首榜‘a’。 2) 反转第二个列表‘b’。 3) 合并两个反向列表。 另一个简单的解决方案是首先合并两个列表,然后反转合并的列表。 上述两种解决方案都需要链表的两次遍历。

没有反向,O(1)辅助空间(原地),两个列表只有一次遍历,如何求解? 思路是遵循合并风格流程。将结果列表初始化为空。从头到尾遍历两个列表。比较两个列表的当前节点,并在结果列表的开头插入两个中较小的一个。

1) Initialize result list as empty: res = NULL.
2) Let 'a' and 'b' be heads first and second lists respectively.
3) While (a != NULL and b != NULL)
    a) Find the smaller of two (Current 'a' and 'b')
    b) Insert the smaller value node at the front of result.
    c) Move ahead in the list of smaller node. 
4) If 'b' becomes NULL before 'a', insert all nodes of 'a' 
   into result list at the beginning.
5) If 'a' becomes NULL before 'b', insert all nodes of 'a' 
   into result list at the beginning. 


Java 语言(一种计算机语言,尤用于创建网站)

// Java program to merge two sorted 
// linked list such that merged 
// list is in reverse order

// Linked List Class
class LinkedList 
    // Head of list
    Node head;  
    static Node a, b;

    // Node Class 
    static class Node 
        int data;
        Node next;

        // Constructor to create
        // a new node
        Node(int d) 
            data = d;
            next = null;

    void printlist(Node node) 
        while (node != null) 
            System.out.print(node.data + " ");
            node = node.next;

    Node sortedmerge(Node node1, 
                     Node node2) 
        // If both the nodes are null
        if (node1 == null && 
            node2 == null) 
            return null;

        // Resultant node
        Node res = null;

        // If both of them have nodes 
        // present traverse them
        while (node1 != null && 
               node2 != null) 

            // Now compare both nodes 
            // current data
            if (node1.data <= node2.data) 
                Node temp = node1.next;
                node1.next = res;
                res = node1;
                node1 = temp;
                Node temp = node2.next;
                node2.next = res;
                res = node2;
                node2 = temp;

        // If second list reached end, 
        // but first list has nodes. 
        // Add remaining nodes of first
        // list at the front of result list
        while (node1 != null) 
            Node temp = node1.next;
            node1.next = res;
            res = node1;
            node1 = temp;

        // If first list reached end, 
        // but second list has node. 
        // Add remaining nodes of first 
        // list at the front of result list
        while (node2 != null) 
            Node temp = node2.next;
            node2.next = res;
            res = node2;
            node2 = temp;

        return res;

    public static void main(String[] args) 
        LinkedList list = new LinkedList();
        Node result = null;

        /* Let us create two sorted linked lists 
           to test the above functions. Created 
           lists shall be
           a: 5->10->15
           b: 2->3->20 */
        list.a = new Node(5);
        list.a.next = new Node(10);
        list.a.next.next = new Node(15);

        list.b = new Node(2);
        list.b.next = new Node(3);
        list.b.next.next = new Node(20);

        System.out.println("List a before merge :");
        System.out.println("List b before merge :");

        // Merge two sorted linkedlist in 
        // decreasing order
        result = list.sortedmerge(a, b);
        System.out.println("Merged linked list : ");
// This code is contributed by Mayank Jaiswal


List A before merge: 
5 10 15 
List B before merge: 
2 3 20 
Merged Linked List is: 
20 15 10 5 3 2 

这个解决方案只遍历两个列表一次,不需要反向,就地工作。 本文由T2T4【穆罕默德·拉基布】供稿。如果您发现任何不正确的地方,或者您想分享关于上面讨论的主题的更多信息,请写评论
