用于重新排列链表以使所有偶数和奇数位置的节点在一起的 Javascript 程序

原文:https://www . geeksforgeeks . org/JavaScript-用于重新排列链表的程序-使得所有偶数和奇数位置的节点都在一起/

重新排列链表,所有奇数位置节点在一起,所有偶数位置节点在一起, 示例:

Input:   1->2->3->4
Output:  1->3->2->4

Input:   10->22->30->43->56->70
Output:  10->30->56->22->43->70


  1. 空链表。
  2. 只有一个节点的链表。
  3. 只有两个节点的链表。
  4. 具有奇数个节点的链表。
  5. 节点数为偶数的链表。


java 描述语言

// Javascript program to rearrange a linked list 
// in such a way that all odd positioned  
// node are stored before all even 
// positioned nodes 

// Linked List Node
class Node 
        this.data = 0;
        this.next = null;

// A utility function to create 
// a new node
function newNode(key) 
    var temp = new Node();
    temp.data = key;
    temp.next = null;
    return temp;

// Rearranges given linked list
// such that all even positioned
// nodes are before odd positioned.
// Returns new head of linked List.
function rearrangeEvenOdd(head) 
    // Corner case
    if (head == null)
        return null;

    // Initialize first nodes of even 
    // and odd lists
    var odd = head;
    var even = head.next;

    // Remember the first node of even 
    // list so that we can connect the 
    // even list at the end of odd list.
    var evenFirst = even;

    while (1 == 1) 
        // If there are no more nodes,
        // then connect first node of even
        // list to the last node of odd list
        if (odd == null || even == null ||
           (even.next) == null)
            odd.next = evenFirst;

        // Connecting odd nodes
        odd.next = even.next;
        odd = even.next;

        // If there are NO more even nodes
        // after current odd.
        if (odd.next == null) 
            even.next = null;
            odd.next = evenFirst;

        // Connecting even nodes
        even.next = odd.next;
        even = odd.next;
    return head;

// A utility function to point 
// a linked list
function printlist(node) 
    while (node != null) 
        document.write(node.data + "->");
        node = node.next;

// Driver code
var head = newNode(1);
head.next = newNode(2);
head.next.next = newNode(3);
head.next.next.next = newNode(4);
head.next.next.next.next = newNode(5);

         "Given Linked List<br/>");

head = rearrangeEvenOdd(head);

         "Modified Linked List<br/>");
// This code is contributed by gauravrajput1


Given Linked List
Modified Linked List
