在链表中插入节点的 Javascript 程序
我们已经在之前的帖子中引入了链表。我们还创建了一个简单的 3 节点链表,并讨论了链表遍历。 本文讨论的所有程序都考虑了链表的以下表示。
java 描述语言
// Linked List Class
// Head of list
var head;
// Node Class
class Node
// Constructor to create
// a new node
this.data = d;
this.next = null;
// This code is contributed by todaysgaurav
在这篇文章中,讨论了在链表中插入一个新节点的方法。一个节点可以通过三种方式添加 1) 在链表的前面 2) 在给定的节点之后。 3) 在链表的末尾。
在前面添加一个节点:(4 步流程) 新节点总是添加在给定链表的头部之前。新添加的节点成为链表的新头。例如,如果给定的链接列表是 10- > 15- > 20- > 25,并且我们在前面添加了项目 5,则链接列表变成 5->10->15->20->25。让我们调用在列表前面添加的函数是 push()。push()必须接收指向头指针的指针,因为 push 必须更改头指针以指向新节点(参见本
以下是在前端添加节点的 4 个步骤。
java 描述语言
/* This function is in LinkedList class.
Inserts a new Node at front of the list.
This method is defined inside LinkedList
class shown above */
function push(new_data)
/* 1 & 2: Allocate the Node &
Put in the data*/
var new_node = new Node(new_data);
// Make next of new Node as head
new_node.next = head;
// 4\. Move the head to point to new Node
head = new_node;
// This code is contributed by Rajput-Ji
push()的时间复杂度是 O(1),因为它做的功是恒定的。 给定节点后添加节点:(5 步流程) 给我们一个节点的指针,新节点插入给定节点后。
java 描述语言
/* This function is in LinkedList class.
Inserts a new node after the given prev_node.
This method is defined inside LinkedList
class shown above */
function insertAfter(prev_node , new_data)
// 1\. Check if the given Node is null
if (prev_node == null)
"The given previous node cannot be null");
/* 2\. Allocate the Node &
3\. Put in the data*/
var new_node = new Node(new_data);
// 4\. Make next of new Node as next
// of prev_node
new_node.next = prev_node.next;
// 5\. make next of prev_node as new_node
prev_node.next = new_node;
// This code is contributed by aashish1995
insertAfter()的时间复杂度是 O(1),因为它做的功是恒定的。
在末尾添加节点:(6 步流程) 新节点总是添加在给定链表的最后一个节点之后。例如,如果给定的链接列表是 5- > 10- > 15- > 20- > 25,并且我们在末尾添加了项目 30,则链接列表将变成 5->10->15->20->25->30。 由于链表通常由链表的头来表示,所以我们必须遍历链表直到结束,然后将倒数第二个节点更改为新节点。
下面是在末尾添加节点的 6 个步骤。
java 描述语言
/* Appends a new node at the end. This method is
defined inside LinkedList class shown above */
function append(new_data)
/* 1\. Allocate the Node &
2\. Put in the data
3\. Set next as null */
var new_node = new Node(new_data);
/* 4\. If the Linked List is empty, then
make the new node as head */
if (head == null)
head = new Node(new_data);
/* 4\. This new node is going to be the
last node, so make next of it as null */
new_node.next = null;
// 5\. Else traverse till the last node
var last = head;
while (last.next != null)
last = last.next;
// 6\. Change the next of last node
last.next = new_node;
// This code is contributed by aashish1995
追加的时间复杂度为 O(n),其中 n 是链表中的节点数。因为从头到尾有一个循环,所以函数做 O(n)工作。 这个方法也可以通过保持一个额外的指针指向链表的尾部/
java 描述语言
// A complete working javascript program
// to demonstrate all insertion methods
// on linked list
// Head of list
var head;
// Linked list Node
class Node
this.data = val;
this.next = null;
// Inserts a new Node at front
// of the list.
function push(new_data)
/* 1 & 2: Allocate the Node &
Put in the data */
var new_node = new Node(new_data);
// 3\. Make next of new Node as head
new_node.next = head;
// 4\. Move the head to point
// to new Node
head = new_node;
// Inserts a new node after the given
// prev_node.
function insertAfter(prev_node,
// 1\. Check if the given Node is null
if (prev_node == null)
"The given previous node cannot be null");
/* 2 & 3: Allocate the Node &
Put in the data */
var new_node = new Node(new_data);
// 4\. Make next of new Node as next
// of prev_node
new_node.next = prev_node.next;
// 5\. make next of prev_node as new_node
prev_node.next = new_node;
/* Appends a new node at the end. This method is
defined inside LinkedList class shown above */
function append(new_data)
/* 1\. Allocate the Node &
2\. Put in the data
3\. Set next as null */
var new_node = new Node(new_data);
/* 4\. If the Linked List is empty,
then make the new node as head */
if (head == null)
head = new Node(new_data);
/* 4\. This new node is going to be the
last node, so make next of it as null */
new_node.next = null;
// 5\. Else traverse till the last node
var last = head;
while (last.next != null)
last = last.next;
// 6\. Change the next of last node
last.next = new_node;
/* This function prints contents of linked list
starting from the given node */
function printList()
var tnode = head;
while (tnode != null)
document.write(tnode.data + " ");
tnode = tnode.next;
// Driver code
// Start with the empty list
// Insert 6\. So linked list becomes
// 6->NUllist
// Insert 7 at the beginning. So
// linked list becomes 7->6->NUllist
// Insert 1 at the beginning. So
// linked list becomes 1->7->6->NUllist
// Insert 4 at the end. So linked list
// becomes 1->7->6->4->NUllist
// Insert 8, after 7\. So linked list
// becomes 1->7->8->6->4->NUllist
insertAfter(head.next, 8);
"Created Linked list is: ");
// This code is contributed by gauravrajput1
Created Linked list is: 1 7 8 6 4
详情请参考链表|集合 2(插入节点)整篇文章!
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