通过改变链接成对交换给定链表元素的 Java 程序

原文:https://www . geeksforgeeks . org/Java-通过改变链接来成对交换给定链表的元素/

给定一个单链表,编写一个成对交换元素的函数。例如,如果链表是 1->2->3->4->5->6->7,那么函数应该把它改成 2->1->4->3->6->5->7,如果链表是 1->2->3->4->5->6,那么函数应该把它改成 2->1->4->3->6->5



// Java program to swap elements of 
// linked list by changing links
class LinkedList 
    static Node head;

    static class Node 
        int data;
        Node next;

        Node(int d)
            data = d;
            next = null;

    /* Function to pairwise swap elements 
       of a linked list */
    Node pairWiseSwap(Node node)
        // If linked list is empty or 
        // there is only one node in list
        if (node == null || 
            node.next == null) 
            return node;

        // Initialize previous and 
        // current pointers
        Node prev = node;
        Node curr = node.next;

        // Change head before proceeding
        node = curr; 

        // Traverse the list
        while (true) 
            Node next = curr.next;

            // Change next of current as 
            // previous node
            curr.next = prev; 

            // If next NULL or next is the 
            // last node
            if (next == null || 
                next.next == null) 
                prev.next = next;

            // Change next of previous to 
            // next next
            prev.next = next.next;

            // Update previous and curr
            prev = next;
            curr = prev.next;
        return node;

    /* Function to print nodes in a 
       given linked list */
    void printList(Node node)
        while (node != null) 
            System.out.print(node.data + 
                             " ");
            node = node.next;

    // Driver code
    public static void main(String[] args)
        /* The constructed linked list is:
           1->2->3->4->5->6->7 */
        LinkedList list = new LinkedList();
        list.head = new Node(1);
        list.head.next = new Node(2);
        list.head.next.next = new Node(3);
        list.head.next.next.next = 
        new Node(4);
        list.head.next.next.next.next = 
        new Node(5);
        list.head.next.next.next.next.next = 
        new Node(6);
        list.head.next.next.next.next.next.next = 
        new Node(7);

        "Linked list before calling pairwiseSwap() ");
        Node st = list.pairWiseSwap(head);
        "Linked list after calling pairwiseSwap() ");
// This code is contributed by Mayank Jaiswal


Linked list before calling  pairWiseSwap() 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Linked list after calling  pairWiseSwap() 2 1 4 3 6 5 7

时间复杂度:上述程序的时间复杂度为 O(n),其中 n 为给定链表中的节点数。while 循环遍历给定的链表。

以下是相同方法的递归实现。我们更改前两个节点,并对剩余的列表重复执行。感谢 geek 和 omer salem 提出这个方法。


// Java program to swap elements of 
// linked list by changing links

class LinkedList 
    static Node head;

    static class Node 
        int data;
        Node next;

        Node(int d)
            data = d;
            next = null;

    /* Function to pairwise swap elements 
       of a linked list. It returns head 
       of the modified list, so return 
       value of this node must be assigned */
    Node pairWiseSwap(Node node)
        // Base Case: The list is empty or 
        // has only one node
        if (node == null || 
            node.next == null) 
            return node;

        // Store head of list after two 
        // nodes
        Node remaining = node.next.next;

        // Change head
        Node newhead = node.next;

        // Change next of second node
        node.next.next = node;

        // Recur for remaining list and change 
        // next of head
        node.next = pairWiseSwap(remaining);

        // Return new head of modified list
        return newhead;

    /* Function to print nodes in a 
       given linked list */
    void printList(Node node)
        while (node != null) 
            System.out.print(node.data + 
                             " ");
            node = node.next;

    // Driver code
    public static void main(String[] args)
        /* The constructed linked list is:
           1->2->3->4->5->6->7 */
        LinkedList list = new LinkedList();
        list.head = new Node(1);
        list.head.next = new Node(2);
        list.head.next.next = new Node(3);
        list.head.next.next.next = 
        new Node(4);
        list.head.next.next.next.next = 
        new Node(5);
        list.head.next.next.next.next.next = 
        new Node(6);
        list.head.next.next.next.next.next.next = 
        new Node(7);

        "Linked list before calling pairwiseSwap() ");
        head = list.pairWiseSwap(head);
        "Linked list after calling pairwiseSwap() ");


Linked list before calling  pairWiseSwap() 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Linked list after calling  pairWiseSwap() 2 1 4 3 6 5 7
