由 X 和 Y 组成的最大数,其中 X 的计数可被 Y 整除,Y 的计数可被 X 整除

原文:https://www . geeksforgeeks . org/x 和 y 的最大组合数 x 的计数可被 y 整除,y 的计数可被 x 整除/

给定三个整数 XYN ,任务是找到长度 N 的最大可能数,该最大可能数仅由 XY 作为其数字组成,因此其中的 X 的计数可被 Y 整除,反之亦然。如果无法形成这样的编号,打印 -1例:

输入: N = 3,X = 5,Y = 3 输出: 555 说明: 5 的计数= 3,可被 3 整除 3 的计数= 0 输入: N = 4,X = 7,Y = 5 输出: -1

进场: 按照以下步骤解决问题:

  • XY 中较大的一个视为 X ,较小的一个视为 Y
  • 由于编号需要达到 N 的长度,请执行以下两个步骤,直到 N ≤ 0:
    • 如果 N 能被 Y 整除,在答案上追加 X,N 次,把 N 减为零。
    • 否则,将 N 减 X,并在答案中追加 Y,X 倍。
  • 完成上述步骤后,如果 N <0, then a number of required type is not possible. Print -1
  • 否则,打印答案。



// C++ program to implement
// the above approach
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

// Function to generate and return
// the largest number
void largestNumber(int n, int X, int Y)
    int maxm = max(X, Y);

    // Store the smaller in Y
    Y = X + Y - maxm;

    // Store the larger in X
    X = maxm;

    // Stores respective counts
    int Xs = 0;
    int Ys = 0;

    while (n > 0) {

        // If N is divisible by Y
        if (n % Y == 0) {

            // Append X, N times to
            // the answer
            Xs += n;

            // Reduce N to zero
            n = 0;
        else {

            // Reduce N by X
            n -= X;

            // Append Y, X times
            // to the answer
            Ys += X;

    // If number can be formed
    if (n == 0) {
        while (Xs-- > 0)
            cout << X;

        while (Ys-- > 0)
            cout << Y;

    // Otherwise
        cout << "-1";

// Driver Code
int main()
    int n = 19, X = 7, Y = 5;
    largestNumber(n, X, Y);
    return 0;

Java 语言(一种计算机语言,尤用于创建网站)

// Java program to implement the
// above approach
import java.util.*;

class GFG{

// Function to generate and return
// the largest number
public static void largestNumber(int n, int X,
                                        int Y)
    int maxm = Math.max(X, Y);

    // Store the smaller in Y
    Y = X + Y - maxm;

    // Store the larger in X
    X = maxm;

    // Stores respective counts
    int Xs = 0;
    int Ys = 0;

    while (n > 0)

        // If N is divisible by Y
        if (n % Y == 0)

            // Append X, N times to
            // the answer
            Xs += n;

            // Reduce N to zero
            n = 0;
            // Reduce N by X
            n -= X;

            // Append Y, X times
            // to the answer
            Ys += X;

    // If number can be formed
    if (n == 0)
        while (Xs-- > 0)

        while (Ys-- > 0)

    // Otherwise

// Driver code
public static void main (String[] args)
    int n = 19, X = 7, Y = 5;

    largestNumber(n, X, Y);

// This code is contributed by divyeshrabadiya07

Python 3

# Python3 program to implement
# the above approach

# Function to generate and return
# the largest number
def largestNumber(n, X, Y):

    maxm = max(X, Y)

    # Store the smaller in Y
    Y = X + Y - maxm

    # Store the larger in X
    X = maxm

    # Stores respective counts
    Xs = 0
    Ys = 0

    while (n > 0):

        # If N is divisible by Y
        if (n % Y == 0):

            # Append X, N times to
            # the answer
            Xs += n

            # Reduce N to zero
            n = 0


            # Reduce N by x
            n -= X

            # Append Y, X times to
            # the answer
            Ys += X

    # If number can be formed
    if (n == 0):

        while (Xs > 0):
            Xs -= 1
            print(X, end = '')

        while (Ys > 0):
            Ys -= 1
            print(Y, end = '')

    # Otherwise

# Driver code
n = 19
X = 7
Y = 5

largestNumber(n, X, Y)

# This code is contributed by himanshu77


// C# program to implement the
// above approach
using System;
class GFG{

// Function to generate and return
// the largest number
public static void largestNumber(int n, int X,
                                        int Y)
    int maxm = Math.Max(X, Y);

    // Store the smaller in Y
    Y = X + Y - maxm;

    // Store the larger in X
    X = maxm;

    // Stores respective counts
    int Xs = 0;
    int Ys = 0;

    while (n > 0)

        // If N is divisible by Y
        if (n % Y == 0)

            // Append X, N times to
            // the answer
            Xs += n;

            // Reduce N to zero
            n = 0;
            // Reduce N by X
            n -= X;

            // Append Y, X times
            // to the answer
            Ys += X;

    // If number can be formed
    if (n == 0)
        while (Xs-- > 0)

        while (Ys-- > 0)

    // Otherwise

// Driver code
public static void Main (String[] args)
    int n = 19, X = 7, Y = 5;

    largestNumber(n, X, Y);

// This code is contributed by shivanisinghss2110

java 描述语言


// Javascript program to implement the
// above approach

// Function to generate and return
// the largest number
function largestNumber(n, X, Y)
    let maxm = Math.max(X, Y);

    // Store the smaller in Y
    Y = X + Y - maxm;

    // Store the larger in X
    X = maxm;

    // Stores respective counts
    let Xs = 0;
    let Ys = 0;

    while (n > 0)

        // If N is divisible by Y
        if (n % Y == 0)

            // Append X, N times to
            // the answer
            Xs += n;

            // Reduce N to zero
            n = 0;
            // Reduce N by X
            n -= X;

            // Append Y, X times
            // to the answer
            Ys += X;

    // If number can be formed
    if (n == 0)
        while (Xs-- > 0)

        while (Ys-- > 0)

    // Otherwise

// Driver Code

    let n = 19, X = 7, Y = 5;

    largestNumber(n, X, Y);

 // This code is contributed by splevel62.



时间复杂度: O(N) 辅助空间: O(1)