
原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/最大奇数除数游戏检查哪个玩家获胜/

两个玩家正在玩一个以数字 n 开始的游戏。在每一回合中,玩家可以进行任何一个后续动作:

  • 将 n 除以大于 1 的任何奇数除数。数的除数包括数本身。
  • 如果 n > k,从 n 中减去 1,其中 k < n。

玩家 1 进行主要移动,如果玩家 1 获胜,则打印“是”,否则如果两者都以最佳方式玩,则打印“否”。不能移动的玩家输掉游戏。 例:

输入: n = 12,k = 1 输出:解释: 玩家 1 第一步= 12 / 3 = 4 玩家 2 第一步= 4–1 = 3 玩家 1 第二步= 3 / 3 = 1 玩家 2 第二步可以完成,因此他输了。 输入: n = 1,k = 1 输出:说明: 1 号玩家第一招不可能,因为 n = k,因此 1 号玩家输。

方法:思路是针对以下 3 种情况分析问题:

  • 当整数 n 为奇数时,玩家 1 可以自己除 n,因为它是奇数,所以 n / n = 1,玩家 2 输。注意这里 n = 1 是个例外。
  • 当整数 n 是偶数并且没有大于 1 的奇数除数时,则 n 的形式为 2 x 。玩家 1 必然会用 1 减去 n,使 n 为奇数。所以如果 x > 1,玩家 2 赢。请注意,对于 x = 1,n–1 等于 1,因此玩家 1 获胜。
  • 整数 n 是偶数并且有奇数除数时,任务仍然是检查 n 是否能被 4 整除,然后玩家 1 可以用它最大的奇数因子除 n,之后 n 变成形式 2 x ,其中 x > 1,所以玩家 1 再次获胜。
  • 否则,n 必须是 2 * p 的形式,其中 p 为奇数。如果 p 是质数,玩家 1 输了,因为他可以将 n 减 1 或者除以 p,这两种情况对他来说都是输的。如果 p 不是质数,那么 p 必须是 p1 * p2 的形式,其中 p1 是质数,p2 是任意奇数> 1,玩家 1 可以通过 n 除以 p2 获胜。



// C++ implementation to find the
// Largest Odd Divisor Game to
// check which player wins
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

// Function to find the
// Largest Odd Divisor Game to
// check which player wins
void findWinner(int n, int k)
    int cnt = 0;

    // Check if n == 1 then
    // player 2 will win
    if (n == 1)
        cout << "No" << endl;

    // Check if n == 2 or n is odd
    else if ((n & 1) or n == 2)
        cout << "Yes" << endl;

    else {
        int tmp = n;
        int val = 1;

        // While n is greater than k and
        // divisible by 2 keep
        // incrementing tha val
        while (tmp > k and tmp % 2 == 0) {
            tmp /= 2;
            val *= 2;

        // Loop to find greatest
        // odd divisor
        for (int i = 3; i <= sqrt(tmp); i++) {
            while (tmp % i == 0) {
                tmp /= i;
        if (tmp > 1)

        // Check if n is a power of 2
        if (val == n)
            cout << "No" << endl;

        else if (n / tmp == 2 and cnt == 1)
            cout << "No" << endl;

        // Check if cnt is not one
        // then player 1 wins
            cout << "Yes" << endl;

// Driver code
int main()
    long long n = 1, k = 1;
    findWinner(n, k);
    return 0;

Java 语言(一种计算机语言,尤用于创建网站)

// Java implementation to find the
// Largest Odd Divisior Game to
// check which player wins
import java.util.*;

class GFG{

// Function to find the
// Largest Odd Divisior Game to
// check which player wins
public static void findWinner(int n, int k)
    int cnt = 0;

    // Check if n == 1 then
    // player 2 will win
    if (n == 1)

    // Check if n == 2 or n is odd
    else if ((n & 1) != 0 || n == 2)

        int tmp = n;
        int val = 1;

        // While n is greater than k and
        // divisible by 2 keep
        // incrementing tha val
        while (tmp > k && tmp % 2 == 0)
            tmp /= 2;
            val *= 2;

        // Loop to find greatest
        // odd divisor
        for(int i = 3;
                i <= Math.sqrt(tmp); i++)
           while (tmp % i == 0)
               tmp /= i;
        if (tmp > 1)

        // Check if n is a power of 2
        if (val == n)

        else if (n / tmp == 2 && cnt == 1)

        // Check if cnt is not one
        // then player 1 wins

// Driver code
public static void main(String[] args)
    int n = 1, k = 1;

    findWinner(n, k);

// This code is contributed by jrishabh99

Python 3

# Python3 implementation to find 
# the Largest Odd Divisor Game
# to check which player wins
import math 

# Function to find the Largest
# Odd Divisor Game to check
# which player wins
def findWinner(n, k):

    cnt = 0;

    # Check if n == 1 then
    # player 2 will win
    if (n == 1):

    # Check if n == 2 or n is odd
    elif ((n & 1) or n == 2):

        tmp = n;
        val = 1;

        # While n is greater than k and
        # divisible by 2 keep
        # incrementing tha val
        while (tmp > k and tmp % 2 == 0):
            tmp //= 2;
            val *= 2;

        # Loop to find greatest
        # odd divisor
        for i in range(3, int(math.sqrt(tmp)) + 1):
            while (tmp % i == 0):
                cnt += 1;
                tmp //= i;

        if (tmp > 1):
            cnt += 1;

        # Check if n is a power of 2
        if (val == n):

        elif (n / tmp == 2 and cnt == 1):

        # Check if cnt is not one
        # then player 1 wins

# Driver code
if __name__ == "__main__":

    n = 1; k = 1;

    findWinner(n, k);

# This code is contributed by AnkitRai01


// C# implementation to find the
// Largest Odd Divisior Game to
// check which player wins
using System;

class GFG{

// Function to find the
// Largest Odd Divisior Game to
// check which player wins
public static void findWinner(int n, int k)
    int cnt = 0;

    // Check if n == 1 then
    // player 2 will win
    if (n == 1)

    // Check if n == 2 or n is odd
    else if ((n & 1) != 0 || n == 2)

        int tmp = n;
        int val = 1;

        // While n is greater than k and
        // divisible by 2 keep
        // incrementing tha val
        while (tmp > k && tmp % 2 == 0)
            tmp /= 2;
            val *= 2;

        // Loop to find greatest
        // odd divisor
        for(int i = 3;
                i <= Math.Sqrt(tmp); i++)
           while (tmp % i == 0)
               tmp /= i;
        if (tmp > 1)

        // Check if n is a power of 2
        if (val == n)

        else if (n / tmp == 2 && cnt == 1)

        // Check if cnt is not one
        // then player 1 wins

// Driver code
public static void Main(string[] args)
    int n = 1, k = 1;

    findWinner(n, k);
// This code is contributed by rutvik_56

java 描述语言


// Javascript implementation to find the
// Largest Odd Divisior Game to
// check which player wins

// Function to find the
// Largest Odd Divisior Game to
// check which player wins
function findWinner(n, k)
    let cnt = 0;

    // Check if n == 1 then
    // player 2 will win
    if (n == 1)

    // Check if n == 2 or n is odd
    else if ((n & 1) != 0 || n == 2)

        let tmp = n;
        let val = 1;

        // While n is greater than k and
        // divisible by 2 keep
        // incrementing tha val
        while (tmp > k && tmp % 2 == 0)
            tmp /= 2;
            val *= 2;

        // Loop to find greatest
        // odd divisor
        for(let i = 3;
                i <= Math.sqrt(tmp); i++)
           while (tmp % i == 0)
               tmp /= i;
        if (tmp > 1)

        // Check if n is a power of 2
        if (val == n)

        else if (n / tmp == 2 && cnt == 1)

        // Check if cnt is not one
        // then player 1 wins

// Driver Code

    let n = 1, k = 1;

    findWinner(n, k);

   // This code is contributed by splevel62.



时间复杂度: O(sqrt(n)) 辅助空间: O(1)