所有字符至少出现K次的最大子字符串 | 系列 2




输入str = "aabbba", K = 3



在子字符串aabbba中,每个字符重复至少K次,其长度为 6。

输入str = "ababacb", K = 3





方法:在本文中,我们将讨论使用分治技术和递归的方法。 步骤如下:

  1. 将给定字符串的每个字符的频率存储在大小为26的频率数组中。

  2. 初始化两个变量,start = 0end是字符串str的长度。

  3. startend遍历字符串,并计算每个字符重复的次数并将其存储在数组中。

  4. 如果有任何字符重复的少于K,则将字符串分成两半。 如果i是我们发现str[i]重复少于K次的字符串的索引,则将字符串分为两半,从开始到ii + 1到结束。

  5. 在上述步骤中递归调用两个半部分,即从开始到ii + 1到结束,然后重复步骤 2 和 3 并通过上述递归调用返回获得的两个值的最大值。

  6. 如果startend之间的所有字符至少重复K次,则答案是end - start



// C++ program for the above approach  
#include <bits/stdc++.h>  
using namespace std;  

// Function to find the longest substring  
int longestSubstring(int start, int end,  
                    string s, int k)  
    int left, right;  

    // Array for counting the number of  
    // times each character repeats  
    // count the number of times each  
    // character repeats from start to end  
    int count[26] = { 0 };  

    // Store the frequency from s[start...end]  
    for (int i = start; i < end; i++) {  
        count[s[i] - 'a'] += 1;  

    // Iterate from [start, end]  
    for (int i = start; i < end; i++) {  

        if (count[s[i] - 'a'] < k) {  

            // Recursive call for left subpart  
            left = longestSubstring(start,  

            // Recursive call for right subpart  
            right = longestSubstring(i + 1,  

            // Return maximum of left & right  
            return max(left, right);  

    // If all the characters are repeated  
    // at least k times  
    return end - start;  

// Driver Code  
int main()  
    // Given String str  
    string str = "aabbba";  
    int k = 3;  

    // Function Call  
    cout << longestSubstring(0, str.length(),  
                            str, k)  
        << endl;  
    return 0;  


// Java program for the above approach  
import java.util.*;  

class GFG{  

// Function to find the longest subString  
static int longestSubString(int start, int end,  
                            String s, int k)  
    int left, right;  

    // Array for counting the number of  
    // times each character repeats  
    // count the number of times each  
    // character repeats from start to end  
    int count[] = new int[26];  

    // Store the frequency from s[start...end]  
    for(int i = start; i < end; i++)  
        count[s.charAt(i) - 'a'] += 1;  

    // Iterate from [start, end]  
    for(int i = start; i < end; i++)  
        if (count[s.charAt(i) - 'a'] < k)  

            // Recursive call for left subpart  
            left = longestSubString(start, i,  
                                    s, k);  

            // Recursive call for right subpart  
            right = longestSubString(i + 1, end,  
                                    s, k);  

            // Return maximum of left & right  
            return Math.max(left, right);  

    // If all the characters are repeated  
    // at least k times  
    return end - start;  

// Driver Code  
public static void main(String[] args)  

    // Given String str  
    String str = "aabbba";  
    int k = 3;  

    // Function Call  
    System.out.print(longestSubString(0, str.length(),  
                                        str, k) + "\n");  

// This code is contributed by Amit Katiyar  


# Python3 program for the above approach  

# Function to find the longest substring  
def longestSubString(start, end, s, k):  

    # List for counting the number of  
    # times each character repeats  
    # count the number of times each  
    # chracter repeats from start to end  
    count = [0 for i in range(26)]  

    # Store the frequency from s[start...end]  
    for i in range(start, end):  
        count[ord(s[i]) - ord('a')] += 1

    # Iterate from [start, end]  
    for i in range(start, end):  
        if(count[ ord(s[i]) - ord('a')] < k):  

            # Recursive call for left subpart  
            left = longestSubString(start, i,  
                                        s, k)  

            # Recursive call for right subpart  
            right = longestSubString(i + 1, end,  
                                        s, k)  

            # Return maximum of left & right  
            return max(left, right)  

    # If all the characters are repeated  
    # at least k times  
    return end - start  

# Driver Code  

# Given String str  
str = "aabbba"
k = 3

# Function call  
print(longestSubString(0, len(str), str, k))  

# This code is contributed by dadimadhav 


// C# program for the above approach 
using System; 

class GFG{ 

// Function to find the longest subString 
static int longestSubString(int start, int end, 
                             string s, int k) 
    int left, right; 

    // Array for counting the number of 
    // times each character repeats 
    // count the number of times each 
    // character repeats from start to end 
    int []count = new int[26]; 

    // Store the frequency from s[start...end] 
    for(int i = start; i < end; i++) 
        count[s[i] - 'a'] += 1; 

    // Iterate from [start, end] 
    for(int i = start; i < end; i++) 
        if (count[s[i] - 'a'] < k)  

            // Recursive call for left subpart 
            left = longestSubString(start, i, 
                                    s, k); 

            // Recursive call for right subpart 
            right = longestSubString(i + 1, end, 
                                     s, k); 

            // Return maximum of left & right 
            return Math.Max(left, right); 

    // If all the characters are repeated 
    // at least k times 
    return end - start; 

// Driver Code 
public static void Main(string[] args) 

    // Given String str 
    string str = "aabbba"; 
    int k = 3; 

    // Function call 
    Console.Write(longestSubString(0, str.Length, 
                                      str, k) + "\n"); 

// This code is contributed by rutvik_56 



时间复杂度O(N * log2(N))