

左树或左堆是用二进制堆的变体实现的优先级队列。每个节点都有一个 s 值(或等级或距离),它是到最近的叶子的距离。与二进制堆(总是一个完整的二叉树相比,左树可能非常不平衡。


  Function       Complexity              Comparison
1) Get Min:       O(1)      [same as both Binary and Binomial]
2) Delete Min:    O(Log n)  [same as both Binary and Binomial]
3) Insert:        O(Log n)  [O(Log n) in Binary and O(1) in 
                            Binomial and O(Log n) for worst case]                                                                  
4) Merge:         O(Log n)  [O(Log n) in Binomial]


  1. 正常最小堆属性:键(i) > =键(父(I))
  2. Heavier on left side : dist(right(i)) <= dist(left(i)). here, dist(i) is the number of edges on shortest path from node i to a leaf in extended binary tree representation (in this representation, null child considered as external or node). descendant through right child. every subtree also leftist and dist( )="1" + right( ).< ol>

    示例:下面的左树显示了通过上述过程为每个节点计算的距离。最右边的节点的等级为 0,因为该节点的右子树为空,其父节点的距离为 1 乘 dist( i ) = 1 + dist( right( i))。每个节点都遵循相同的方法,并计算它们的 s 值(或等级)。



    1. 从根到最右边叶子的路径是从根到叶子的最短路径。
    2. 如果最右边的叶的路径有 x 个节点,那么左边的堆至少有 2 个x–1 个节点。这意味着对于具有 n 个节点的左边堆,到最右边叶的路径长度是 O(log n)。


    1. 主要操作是合并()。
    2. deleteMin()(或 extractMin())可以通过移除根并为左右子树调用 merge()来完成。
    3. insert()可以通过创建一个带有单键(要插入的键)的左树,并为给定的树和带有单个节点的树调用 merge()来完成。

    合并背后的想法: 由于右子树较小,所以想法是将一棵树的右子树与其他树合并。下面是一些抽象的步骤。

    1. 将值较小的根作为新根。
    2. 把它左边的子树挂在左边。
    3. 递归合并它的右子树和另一棵树。
    4. 从递归返回之前: –更新合并根的 dist()。 –如果需要,交换根下的左右子树,以保持合并后的 结果的左属性

    来源:http://courses . cs . Washington . edu/courses/CSE 326/08 sp/讲座/05-左派-heaps.pdf


    1. 比较两个堆的根。
    2. 将小键推入空堆栈,并移动到小键的右子键。
    3. 递归地比较两个键,继续将较小的键推到堆栈上,并移动到它的右子键。
    4. 重复上述操作,直到到达空节点。
    5. 取最后一个处理过的节点,使其成为栈顶节点的右子节点,如果违反了左堆的属性,则转换为左堆。
    6. 递归地继续从栈中弹出元素,并使它们成为新栈顶的右子元素。

    例: 考虑下面给出的两个左派堆: 2



    节点 7 的子树违反了左堆的属性,所以我们用左子树交换它,保留左堆的属性。 4


    5 6

    该算法最差情况下的时间复杂度为 O(log n),其中 n 是最左边堆中的节点数。

    合并两个左派堆的另一个例子: lt9


    ``` //C++ program for leftist heap / leftist tree


    using namespace std;

    // Node Class Declaration class LeftistNode { public:     int element;     LeftistNode left;     LeftistNode right;     int dist;     LeftistNode(int & element, LeftistNode lt = NULL,                 LeftistNode rt = NULL, int np = 0)     {         this->element = element;         right = rt;         left = lt,         dist = np;     } };

    //Class Declaration class LeftistHeap { public:     LeftistHeap();     LeftistHeap(LeftistHeap &rhs);     ~LeftistHeap();     bool isEmpty();     bool isFull();     int &findMin();     void Insert(int &x);     void deleteMin();     void deleteMin(int &minItem);     void makeEmpty();     void Merge(LeftistHeap &rhs);     LeftistHeap & operator =(LeftistHeap &rhs); private:     LeftistNode root;     LeftistNode Merge(LeftistNode h1,                        LeftistNode h2);     LeftistNode Merge1(LeftistNode h1,                         LeftistNode h2);     void swapChildren(LeftistNode * t);     void reclaimMemory(LeftistNode * t);     LeftistNode clone(LeftistNode *t); };

    // Construct the leftist heap LeftistHeap::LeftistHeap() {     root = NULL; }

    // Copy constructor. LeftistHeap::LeftistHeap(LeftistHeap &rhs) {     root = NULL;     *this = rhs; }

    // Destruct the leftist heap LeftistHeap::~LeftistHeap() {     makeEmpty( ); }

    / Merge rhs into the priority queue. rhs becomes empty. rhs must be different from this./ void LeftistHeap::Merge(LeftistHeap &rhs) {     if (this == &rhs)         return;     root = Merge(root, rhs.root);     rhs.root = NULL; }

    / Internal method to merge two roots.  Deals with deviant cases and calls recursive Merge1./ LeftistNode *LeftistHeap::Merge(LeftistNode * h1,                                 LeftistNode * h2) {     if (h1 == NULL)         return h2;     if (h2 == NULL)         return h1;     if (h1->element < h2->element)         return Merge1(h1, h2);     else         return Merge1(h2, h1); }

    / Internal method to merge two roots.  Assumes trees are not empty, and h1's root contains   smallest item./ LeftistNode *LeftistHeap::Merge1(LeftistNode * h1,                                  LeftistNode * h2) {     if (h1->left == NULL)         h1->left = h2;     else     {         h1->right = Merge(h1->right, h2);         if (h1->left->dist < h1->right->dist)             swapChildren(h1);         h1->dist = h1->right->dist + 1;     }     return h1; }

    // Swaps t's two children. void LeftistHeap::swapChildren(LeftistNode * t) {     LeftistNode *tmp = t->left;     t->left = t->right;     t->right = tmp; }

    / Insert item x into the priority queue, maintaining   heap order./ void LeftistHeap::Insert(int &x) {     root = Merge(new LeftistNode(x), root); }

    / Find the smallest item in the priority queue. Return the smallest item, or throw Underflow if empty./ int &LeftistHeap::findMin() {     return root->element; }

    / Remove the smallest item from the priority queue. Throws Underflow if empty./ void LeftistHeap::deleteMin() {     LeftistNode *oldRoot = root;     root = Merge(root->left, root->right);     delete oldRoot; }

    / Remove the smallest item from the priority queue. Pass back the smallest item, or throw Underflow if empty./ void LeftistHeap::deleteMin(int &minItem) {     if (isEmpty())     {         cout<<"Heap is Empty"<<endl;         return;     }     minItem = findMin();     deleteMin(); }

    / Test if the priority queue is logically empty.  Returns true if empty, false otherwise/ bool LeftistHeap::isEmpty() {     return root == NULL; }

    / Test if the priority queue is logically full.  Returns false in this implementation./ bool LeftistHeap::isFull() {     return false; }

    // Make the priority queue logically empty void LeftistHeap::makeEmpty() {     reclaimMemory(root);     root = NULL; }

    // Deep copy LeftistHeap &LeftistHeap::operator =(LeftistHeap & rhs) {     if (this != &rhs)     {         makeEmpty();         root = clone(rhs.root);     }     return *this; }

    // Internal method to make the tree empty. void LeftistHeap::reclaimMemory(LeftistNode * t) {     if (t != NULL)     {         reclaimMemory(t->left);         reclaimMemory(t->right);         delete t;     } }

    // Internal method to clone subtree. LeftistNode *LeftistHeap::clone(LeftistNode * t) {     if (t == NULL)         return NULL;     else         return new LeftistNode(t->element, clone(t->left),                                clone(t->right), t->dist); }

    //Driver program int main() {     LeftistHeap h;     LeftistHeap h1;     LeftistHeap h2;     int x;     int arr[]= {1, 5, 7, 10, 15};     int arr1[]= {22, 75};

    h.Insert(arr[0]);     h.Insert(arr[1]);     h.Insert(arr[2]);     h.Insert(arr[3]);     h.Insert(arr[4]);     h1.Insert(arr1[0]);     h1.Insert(arr1[1]);

    h.deleteMin(x);     cout<< x <<endl;

    h1.deleteMin(x);     cout<< x <<endl;

    h.Merge(h1);     h2 = h;

    h2.deleteMin(x);     cout<< x << endl;

    return 0; } ```


    ``` 1 22 5


    参考文献: 维基百科-左派树 CSC378:左派树

    本文由贾芳·科利和米纳尔·苏尼尔·帕尔尚供稿。如果你喜欢 GeeksforGeeks 并想投稿,你也可以使用contribute.geeksforgeeks.org写一篇文章或者把你的文章邮寄到 contribute@geeksforgeeks.org。看到你的文章出现在极客博客主页上,帮助其他极客。

