两个 N 位数乘积的最大回文:集合 2

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/maximum-回文-哪个是两个 n 位数的乘积-set-2/

给定一个值 N ,找出最大的回文数,它是两个 N 位数的乘积。 例:

输入: N = 2 输出: 9009 说明: 9009 是两个 2 位数 91 和 99 (9009 = 9199) 输入: N = 3 输出: 906609 输入:* N = 4 【T18

观察:对于上面的问题可以做如下观察: 让 N = 2,那么乘积将包含 4 位数。由于产品将是回文,它将是“ abba ”形式,其中 a、b 是它们各自位置值的数字。 因此,

为 N = 2:T2【阿爸】= 1000 a+100b+10b+a = 1001 a+110 b = 11。(91a + 10b) 同样,对于 N = 3: “abcba”= 100000 a+10000 b+1000c+100c+10 b+ 1a = 100001 a+10010 b+1100 c = 11。(9091a + 910b + 100c) 为 N = 5: 【abcdeedcba】= 100000000 a+10000000 b+100000000 c+10000000d+1000000 e+10000d+10000 c+10 b+ a = 100000000000001 a+10000000010 b(90909091 a+909091 b+91000 c+10000d)

方法:从上面的观察,可以观察到一个模式,每个回文积总会有一个因子 11。

  1. 对于任何 N 位数的 P 和 Q,如果 P 和 Q 的乘积是回文,那么 P 或 Q 都可以被 11 整除,但不能同时被 11 整除。
  2. 因此,我们可以通过只检查其中一个数字的 11 的倍数来减少计算量,而不是检查 P 和 Q 的乘积是否是所有可能的 P 和 Q 对的回文。


Java 语言(一种计算机语言,尤用于创建网站)

// Java implementation of the above approach

public class GFG {

    // Function to check if a number is a
    // Palindrome or not
    static boolean isPalindrome(long x)
        // Taking the string value
        // of the number
        String num = String.valueOf(x);
        boolean result = true;
        int i = 0;
        int j = num.length() - 1;

        // Loop to check if every i-th
        // character from beginning is
        // equal to every (N - i)th char
        while (i < j && result) {
            result = num.charAt(i++)
                     == num.charAt(j--);

        return result;

    // Function to find the largest palindrome
    // which is a product of two N digited numbers
    public static void find(final int nDigits)

        // Find lowerBound, upperBound for
        // a given nDigits. for n=2; [10, 99]
        final long lowerBound
            = (long)Math.pow(10, nDigits - 1);

        final long upperBound
            = (lowerBound * 10) - 1;

        // Result variables
        long resultP = 0, resultQ = 0,
             resultR = 0;

        // Keep p decrementing by 11
        for (long p = upperBound;
             p > lowerBound;
             p -= 11) {

            // Find the nearest number
            // divisible by 11
            while (p % 11 != 0) {

            // Keep decrementing q by 1
            for (long q = upperBound;
                 q > lowerBound;
                 q--) {
                long t = p * q;

                // Update the result if
                // t > r and is a palindrome
                if (t > resultR
                    && isPalindrome(t)) {
                    resultP = p;
                    resultQ = q;
                    resultR = t;

        // Printing the final result

    // Driver code
    public static void main(String[] args)
        int N = 2;

Python 3

# Python 3 implementation of
# the above approach

# Function to check if a
# number is a Palindrome
# or not
def isPalindrome(x):

    # Taking the string value
    # of the number
    num = str(x)
    result = True
    i = 0
    j = len(num) - 1

    # Loop to check if every i-th
    # character from beginning is
    # equal to every(N - i)th char
    while (i < j and result):
        result = num[i] == num[j]
        i += 1
        j -= 1

    return result

# Function to find the largest
# palindrome which is a product
# of two N digited numbers
def find(nDigits):

    # Find lowerBound, upperBound
    # for a given nDigits. for n = 2
    # [10, 99]
    lowerBound = pow(10, nDigits - 1)

    upperBound = (lowerBound * 10) - 1

    # Result variables
    resultP = 0
    resultQ = 0
    resultR = 0

    # Keep p decrementing by 11
    for p in range(upperBound,
                   lowerBound, -11):

        # Find the nearest number
        # divisible by 11
        while (p % 11 != 0):
            p -= 1

        # Keep decrementing q by 1
        for q in range(upperBound,
                       lowerBound, -1):
            t = p * q

            # Update the result if
            # t > r and is a palindrome
            if (t > resultR and
                resultP = p
                resultQ = q
                resultR = t

    # Printing the final result

# Driver code
if __name__ == "__main__":

    N = 2

# This code is contributed by Chitranayal


// C# implementation of the above approach
using System;

class GFG {

    // Function to check if a number is a
    // Palindrome or not
    static bool isPalindrome(long x)
        // Taking the string value
        // of the number
        String num = String.Join("",x);
        bool result = true;
        int i = 0;
        int j = num.Length - 1;

        // Loop to check if every i-th
        // character from beginning is
        // equal to every (N - i)th char
        while (i < j && result) {
            result = num[i++]
                     == num[j--];

        return result;

    // Function to find the largest palindrome
    // which is a product of two N digited numbers
    public static void find(int nDigits)

        // Find lowerBound, upperBound for
        // a given nDigits. for n=2; [10, 99]
        long lowerBound
            = (long)Math.Pow(10, nDigits - 1);

        long upperBound
            = (lowerBound * 10) - 1;

        // Result variables
        long resultP = 0, resultQ = 0,
             resultR = 0;

        // Keep p decrementing by 11
        for (long p = upperBound;
             p > lowerBound;
             p -= 11) {

            // Find the nearest number
            // divisible by 11
            while (p % 11 != 0) {

            // Keep decrementing q by 1
            for (long q = upperBound;
                 q > lowerBound;
                 q--) {
                long t = p * q;

                // Update the result if
                // t > r and is a palindrome
                if (t > resultR
                    && isPalindrome(t)) {
                    resultP = p;
                    resultQ = q;
                    resultR = t;

        // Printing the readonly result

    // Driver code
    public static void Main(String[] args)
        int N = 2;

// This code is contributed by sapnasingh4991

java 描述语言

// Javascript implementation of the above approach

    // Function to check if a number is a
    // Palindrome or not
    function isPalindrome(x)
        // Taking the string value
        // of the number
        let num = x.toString();
        let result = true;
        let i = 0;
        let j = num.length - 1;

        // Loop to check if every i-th
        // character from beginning is
        // equal to every (N - i)th char
        while (i < j && result) {
            result = num[i++]
                     == num[j--];

        return result;

    // Function to find the largest palindrome
    // which is a product of two N digited numbers
    function find(nDigits)

        // Find lowerBound, upperBound for
        // a given nDigits. for n=2; [10, 99]
        let lowerBound
            = Math.floor(Math.pow(10, nDigits - 1));

        let upperBound
            = (lowerBound * 10) - 1;

        // Result variables
        let resultP = 0, resultQ = 0,
             resultR = 0;

        // Keep p decrementing by 11
        for (let p = upperBound;
             p > lowerBound;
             p -= 11) {

            // Find the nearest number
            // divisible by 11
            while (p % 11 != 0) {

            // Keep decrementing q by 1
            for (let q = upperBound;
                 q > lowerBound;
                 q--) {
                let t = p * q;

                // Update the result if
                // t > r and is a palindrome
                if (t > resultR
                    && isPalindrome(t)) {
                    resultP = p;
                    resultQ = q;
                    resultR = t;

        // Printing the readonly result

// Driver Code

    let N = 2;




时间复杂度:O(上限–下限) 2


相关文章: 最大回文,是两个 n 位数的乘积