设置倒计时定时器使用 Python-OpenCV


原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/set-倒计时-计时器-捕捉-图像-使用-python-opencv/

先决条件:OpenCV 简介

我们大多数人已经用手机的倒计时器捕捉到了图像。借助 OpenCV ,我们可以在电脑上做同样的事情。

但是在这里我们可以指定倒计时定时器,而不是选择一个指定的倒计时,每当特定的键被按下时(比如说 q ),倒计时定时器就会启动,我们将借助 cv2.putText()功能在我们的相机上显示倒计时,当它达到零时,我们将捕获图像,显示固定秒数的捕获图像(根据我们的需要),并将图像写入/保存在磁盘上。现在让我们看看如何执行这个任务:


  • 首先,我们将在秒内设置倒计时定时器的初始值。(我们也可以将此作为用户的输入)。
  • 打开摄像机,使用cv2 创建视频采集对象。 【视频拍摄】。
  • 当摄像机打开时
    • 我们将阅读每一帧,并使用 cv2.imshow() 进行显示。
    • 现在我们设置一个键(我们用 q )开始倒计时。
    • 一按下这个键,我们就开始倒计时。
    • 我们将借助 time.time() 功能记录倒计时,并使用cv2 . puttext()功能在视频上显示倒计时。
    • 当到达零点时,我们将复制当前帧,使用cv2 . imwrite()功能将当前帧写入磁盘上的所需位置。****
    • *按下*‘Esc’后,我们将关闭摄像头。****


*Python 3*

**import cv2
import time

# for simplicity we set it to 3
# We can also take this as input
TIMER = int(20)

# Open the camera
cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0)

while True:

    # Read and display each frame
    ret, img = cap.read()
    cv2.imshow('a', img)

    # check for the key pressed
    k = cv2.waitKey(125)

    # set the key for the countdown
    # to begin. Here we set q
    # if key pressed is q
    if k == ord('q'):
        prev = time.time()

        while TIMER >= 0:
            ret, img = cap.read()

            # Display countdown on each frame
            # specify the font and draw the
            # countdown using puttext
            font = cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX
            cv2.putText(img, str(TIMER),
                        (200, 250), font,
                        7, (0, 255, 255),
                        4, cv2.LINE_AA)
            cv2.imshow('a', img)

            # current time
            cur = time.time()

            # Update and keep track of Countdown
            # if time elapsed is one second
            # than decrease the counter
            if cur-prev >= 1:
                prev = cur
                TIMER = TIMER-1

            ret, img = cap.read()

            # Display the clicked frame for 2
            # sec.You can increase time in
            # waitKey also
            cv2.imshow('a', img)

            # time for which image displayed

            # Save the frame
            cv2.imwrite('camera.jpg', img)

            # HERE we can reset the Countdown timer
            # if we want more Capture without closing
            # the camera

    # Press Esc to exit
    elif k == 27:

# close the camera

# close all the opened windows

