考虑下面给出的表格结构,它必须被创建为数据帧。栏目为身高、体重、年龄。8 名学生的记录形成一排排。
| | **高度** | **重量** | **年龄** | | **史蒂夫** | 165 | 63.5 | Twenty | | 笑 | 165 | 64 | Twenty-two | | nivi | 164 | Sixty-three point five | Twenty-two | | 简 | 158 | Fifty-four | Twenty-one | | 凯特 | 167 | Sixty-three point five | Twenty-three | | 露西 | 160 | Sixty-two | Twenty-two | | ram | 158 | Sixty-four | Twenty | | niki | One hundred and sixty-five | Sixty-four | Twenty-one |第一步是为上面的列表创建数据框。请看下面的代码片段。
Python 3
# import library
import pandas as pd
# create a Dataframe
df = pd.DataFrame({
'height' : [165, 165, 164,
158, 167, 160,
158, 165],
'weight' : [63.5, 64, 63.5,
54, 63.5, 62,
64, 64],
'age' : [20, 22, 22,
21, 23, 22,
20, 21]},
index = ['Steve', 'Ria', 'Nivi',
'Jane', 'Kate', 'Lucy',
'Ram', 'Niki'])
# show the Dataframe
方法 1: 使用进行循环。
数据框已经创建,可以使用对循环进行硬编码,并计算特定列中唯一值的数量。例如,在上表中,如果希望计算高度栏中唯一值的数量。想法是使用变量 cnt 来存储计数和具有先前访问值的列表。然后,对于遍历“高度”列的循环,对于每个值,它检查在访问列表中是否已经访问过相同的值。如果以前没有访问过该值,则计数增加 1。
Python 3
# import library
import pandas as pd
# create a Dataframe
df = pd.DataFrame({
'height' : [165, 165, 164,
158, 167, 160,
158, 165],
'weight' : [63.5, 64, 63.5,
54, 63.5, 62,
64, 64],
'age' : [20, 22, 22,
21, 23, 22,
20, 21]},
index = ['Steve', 'Ria', 'Nivi',
'Jane', 'Kate', 'Lucy',
'Ram', 'Niki'])
# variable to hold the count
cnt = 0
# list to hold visited values
visited = []
# loop for counting the unique
# values in height
for i in range(0, len(df['height'])):
if df['height'][i] not in visited:
cnt += 1
print("No.of.unique values :",
print("unique values :",
No.of.unique values : 5
unique values : [165, 164, 158, 167, 160]
- *熊猫.独特()*
- *data frame . nuneme()*
- *Series.value_counts()*
唯一方法将一维数组或序列作为输入,并返回其中唯一项的列表。返回值是一个 NumPy 数组,其中的内容基于传递的输入。如果提供索引作为输入,那么返回值也将是唯一值的索引。
Python 3
# import library
import pandas as pd
# create a Dataframe
df = pd.DataFrame({
'height' : [165, 165, 164,
158, 167, 160,
158, 165],
'weight' : [63.5, 64, 63.5,
54, 63.5, 62,
64, 64],
'age' : [20, 22, 22,
21, 23, 22,
20, 21]},
index = ['Steve', 'Ria', 'Nivi',
'Jane', 'Kate', 'Lucy',
'Ram', 'Niki'])
# counting unique values
n = len(pd.unique(df['height']))
print("No.of.unique values :",
No.of.unique values : 5
*方法三:*使用data frame . nunice()。****
**语法:data frame . never(axis = 0/1,dropna=True/False)****
*Python 3*
**# import library
import pandas as pd
# create a Dataframe
df = pd.DataFrame({
'height' : [165, 165, 164,
158, 167, 160,
158, 165],
'weight' : [63.5, 64, 63.5,
54, 63.5, 62,
64, 64],
'age' : [20, 22, 22,
21, 23, 22,
20, 21]},
index = ['Steve', 'Ria', 'Nivi',
'Jane', 'Kate', 'Lucy',
'Ram', 'Niki'])
# check the values of
# each row for each column
n = df.nunique(axis=0)
print("No.of.unique values in each column :\n",
**No.of.unique values in each column :
height 5
weight 4
age 4
dtype: int64**
**语法:data frame . col _ name . never()****
*Python 3*
**# import library
import pandas as pd
# create a Dataframe
df = pd.DataFrame({
'height' : [165, 165, 164,
158, 167, 160,
158, 165],
'weight' : [63.5, 64, 63.5,
54, 63.5, 62,
64, 64],
'age' : [20, 22, 22,
21, 23, 22,
20, 21]},
index = ['Steve', 'Ria', 'Nivi',
'Jane', 'Kate', 'Lucy',
'Ram', 'Niki'])
# count no. of unique
# values in height column
n = df.height.nunique()
print("No.of.unique values in height column :",
**No.of.unique values in height column : 5**
**方法三:使用series . value _ counts()。**
**语法:series . value _ counts(normalize =False,sort=True,升序= False,bins = None,dropna=True)****
*Python 3*
**# import library
import pandas as pd
# create a Dataframe
df = pd.DataFrame({
'height' : [165, 165, 164,
158, 167, 160,
158, 165],
'weight' : [63.5, 64, 63.5,
54, 63.5, 62,
64, 64],
'age' : [20, 22, 22,
21, 23, 22,
20, 21]},
index = ['Steve', 'Ria', 'Nivi',
'Jane', 'Kate', 'Lucy',
'Ram', 'Niki'])
# getting the list of unique values
li = list(df.height.value_counts())
# print the unique value counts
print("No.of.unique values :",
**No.of.unique values : 5**
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