
原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/find-与给定分数最接近的分数-具有最小绝对差/

给定三个整数 xy ,以及 n,任务就是找到这样一对整数 a,bT8】(1<= b<= n;0 < = a) 值| x/y–a/b |尽可能最小,其中|x|代表 x 的绝对值。


输入: x = 3,y = 7,n = 6 输出: 2/5 解释: a=2 和 b=5 和 b < =6 然后 3/7–2/5 = 1/35,这是可能的最小差值

输入: x = 12,y = 37,n = 5 T3】输出: 1/3

方法:迭代分母。让分母为 i 。那么就需要选择这样一个分子 d 使得| x/y–d/I |最小。 d = (x*i)/y 是个不错的选择。还要检查 d+1 。在将答案从 A/B 更新为 d/i 时,检查x/y–d/I(I * x-y * d)*(B * y)。按照以下步骤解决问题:

  • 将变量 AB 初始化为 -1 存储答案。
  • 使用变量 i 迭代范围【1,N】,并执行以下步骤:
    • 将变量 d 初始化为 (i*x)/y 作为最接近的分子。
    • 如果 d 大于等于 0A 等于 -1ABS(B * x–y * A)* ABS(I * y)大于ABS(I * x–y * d)* ABS(B * y),则将 A 的值设置为 dB
    • d 的值增加 1。
    • 如果 d 大于等于 0A 等于 -1ABS(B * x–y * A)* ABS(I * y)大于ABS(I * x–y * d)* ABS(B * y),则将 A 的值设置为 dB
  • 执行上述步骤后,打印 A/B 的值作为答案。



// C++ program for the above approach
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

// Function to find the absolute
// value of x
long long ABS(long long x) { return max(x, -x); }

// Function to find the fraction with
// minimum absolute difference
void findFraction(long long x, long long y, long long n)

    // Initialize the answer variables
    long long A = -1, B = -1;

    // Iterate over the range
    for (long long i = 1; i <= n; i++) {

        // Nearest fraction
        long long d = (i * x) / y;

        // x/y - d/i < x/y -A/B
        //(B*x-y*A) * (i*y) > (i*x-y*d) * (B*y)
        if (d >= 0
            && (A == -1
                || ABS(B * x - y * A) * ABS(i * y)
                       > ABS(i * x - y * d) * ABS(B * y)))
            A = d, B = i;

        // Check for d+1
        if (d >= 0
            && (A == -1
                || ABS(B * x - y * A) * ABS(i * y)
                       > ABS(i * x - y * d) * ABS(B * y)))
            A = d, B = i;

    // Print the answer
    cout << A << "/" << B << endl;

// Driver Code
int main()

    long long x = 3, y = 7, n = 6;

    findFraction(x, y, n);

    return 0;

Java 语言(一种计算机语言,尤用于创建网站)

// Java code for the above approach
import java.io.*;
class GFG

    // Function to find the absolute
    // value of x
    static long ABS(long x) { return Math.max(x, -x); }

    // Function to find the fraction with
    // minimum absolute difference
    static void findFraction(long x, long y, long n)

        // Initialize the answer variables
        long A = -1, B = -1;

        // Iterate over the range
        for (long i = 1; i <= n; i++) {

            // Nearest fraction
            long d = (i * x) / y;

            // x/y - d/i < x/y -A/B
            //(B*x-y*A) * (i*y) > (i*x-y*d) * (B*y)
            if (d >= 0
                && (A == -1
                    || ABS(B * x - y * A) * ABS(i * y)
                           > ABS(i * x - y * d)
                                 * ABS(B * y)))
                A = d;
            B = i;

            // Check for d+1
            if (d >= 0
                && (A == -1
                    || ABS(B * x - y * A) * ABS(i * y)
                           > ABS(i * x - y * d)
                                 * ABS(B * y)))
                A = d;
            B = i;

        // Print the answer
        System.out.println(A + "/" + B);

    // Driver Code
    public static void main(String[] args)

        long x = 3;
        long y = 7;
        long n = 6;

        findFraction(x, y, n);

// This code is contributed by lokeshpotta.

Python 3

# Python3 program for the above approach

# Function to find the absolute
# value of x
def ABS(x):

    return max(x, -x)

# Function to find the fraction with
# minimum absolute difference
def findFraction(x, y, n):

    # Initialize the answer variables
    A = -1
    B = -1

    # Iterate over the range
    for i in range(1, n + 1):

        # Nearest fraction
        d = (i * x) // y

        # x/y - d/i < x/y -A/B
        # (B*x-y*A) * (i*y) > (i*x-y*d) * (B*y)
        if (d >= 0 and (A == -1 or
           ABS(B * x - y * A) * ABS(i * y) >
           ABS(i * x - y * d) * ABS(B * y))):
            A = d
            B = i

        # Check for d+1
        d += 1
        if (d >= 0 and (A == -1 or
           ABS(B * x - y * A) * ABS(i * y) >
           ABS(i * x - y * d) * ABS(B * y))):
            A = d
            B = i

    # Print the answer
    print(str(A) + "/" + str(B))

# Driver Code
if __name__ == '__main__':

    x = 3
    y = 7
    n = 6

    findFraction(x, y, n)

# This code is contributed by mohit kumar 29


// C# code for the above approach
using System;

public class GFG{

    // Function to find the absolute
    // value of x
    static long ABS(long x) { return Math.Max(x, -x); }

    // Function to find the fraction with
    // minimum absolute difference
    static void findFraction(long x, long y, long n)

        // Initialize the answer variables
        long A = -1, B = -1;

        // Iterate over the range
        for (long i = 1; i <= n; i++) {

            // Nearest fraction
            long d = (i * x) / y;

            // x/y - d/i < x/y -A/B
            //(B*x-y*A) * (i*y) > (i*x-y*d) * (B*y)
            if (d >= 0
                && (A == -1
                    || ABS(B * x - y * A) * ABS(i * y)
                           > ABS(i * x - y * d)
                                 * ABS(B * y)))
                A = d;
            B = i;

            // Check for d+1
            if (d >= 0
                && (A == -1
                    || ABS(B * x - y * A) * ABS(i * y)
                           > ABS(i * x - y * d)
                                 * ABS(B * y)))
                A = d;
            B = i;

        // Print the answer
        Console.Write(A + "/" + B);

    // Driver Code
    static public void Main (){

        long x = 3;
        long y = 7;
        long n = 6;

        findFraction(x, y, n);

// This code is contributed by shubhamsingh10.

java 描述语言


// JavaScript program for the above approach

// Function to find the absolute
// value of x
function ABS(x)
    return Math.max(x, -x);

// Function to find the fraction with
// minimum absolute difference
function findFraction(x, y, n)

    // Initialize the answer variables
    let A = -1, B = -1;

    // Iterate over the range
    for(let i = 1; i <= n; i++)

        // Nearest fraction
        let d = Math.floor((i * x) / y);

        // x/y - d/i < x/y -A/B
        //(B*x-y*A) * (i*y) > (i*x-y*d) * (B*y)
        if (d >= 0 && (A == -1 || ABS(B * x - y * A) *
            ABS(i * y) > ABS(i * x - y * d) * ABS(B * y)))
            A = d;

        B = i;

        // Check for d+1
        if (d >= 0 && (A == -1 || ABS(B * x - y * A) *
            ABS(i * y) > ABS(i * x - y * d) * ABS(B * y)))
            A = d;

        B = i;

    // Print the answer
    document.write(A + "/" + B);

// Driver code
let x = 3;
let y = 7;
let n = 6;

findFraction(x, y, n);

// This code is contributed by sanjoy_62




时间复杂度:O(N) T5辅助空间:** O(1)