
原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/find-不属于任何方块的坐标/

给定一个由 (4 * N + 1) 对坐标组成的数组 arr[] ,这些坐标代表任何 N 个正方形的角的坐标,因此只有一个坐标不属于任何正方形,任务是找到那个不属于任何正方形的坐标。


输入: N = 2,arr[] = { {0,0},{0,1},{0,2},{1,0},{1,1},{1,2},{2,0},{2,2 } } T3】输出:1 1 T6】解释:T8】正方形有四条边:x = 0,x = 2,y = 0,y = 2,现在除了

输入: N = 2,arr[] = { {0,0},{0,1},{0,2},{1,0},{0,3},{1,2},{2,0},{2,1},{2,2} } 输出: 0 3


  • 因为 N ≥ 2 ,正方形边的坐标至少会出现两次。因此,由于只有一个点不在边界上,至少出现两次的 x 坐标之间的最大值将为我们提供正方形右侧的 x 坐标。
  • 其他三个边可以用最大/最小和 x/y 坐标的不同组合类似地获得。
  • 知道了正方形的边之后,就很容易识别出不在边界上的点。


  • 使用变量 i 迭代一个范围【0,N】,并执行以下步骤:
    • 2e9 初始化变量 x1,y1 ,用 -2e9 初始化变量 x2,y2 ,存储正方形上下边界的点。
    • 使用变量 j 迭代一个范围【0,N】,并执行以下步骤:
      • 如果 i 不等于 j ,则执行以下步骤:
        • x1 设置为 x1p[j]的最小值。首先
        • x2 设置为 x2p[j]的最大值。首先
        • y1 设置为 y1p【j】的最小值。第二
        • y2 设置为 y2p【j】的最小值。第二
    • 初始化一个变量,将 ok 设为 true ,将变量 cnt1、cnt2、cnt3、cnt4 设为 0 ,将最大和最小点数存储为 x1、x2、y1、y2
    • 使用变量 j 迭代一个范围【0,N】,并执行以下步骤:
      • 如果 i 不等于 j ,则执行以下步骤:
        • p[j]。首先等于 x1、,然后将 cnt1 的值增加 1
        • p[j]。首先等于 x2、,然后将 cnt2 的值增加 1
        • p[j]。第二个等于 y1、,然后将 cnt3 的值增加 1
        • p[j]。第二个等于 y2、,然后将 cnt4 的值增加 1
      • 否则,将 ok 的值设置为 false
    • 如果 ok 的值为cnt1、cnt2、cnt3、cnt4 的值大于等于 N、x2–x2等于y2–y1,则, p[i] 为要求点。打印答案。



// C++ program for the above approach
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

typedef long long ll;
#define fi first
#define se second

// Function to find the point that is
// not a part of the side of a square
void findPoint(int n,
               vector<pair<int, int> > p)
    // Traverse each pair of coordinates
    for (int i = 0; i < n * 4 + 1; ++i) {

        int x1 = 2e9, x2 = -2e9;
        int y1 = 2e9, y2 = -2e9;

        for (int j = 0; j < n * 4 + 1; ++j)
            if (i != j) {

                // Minimize x-coordinate
                // in all the points
                // except current point
                x1 = min(x1, p[j].fi);

                // Maximize x-coordinate in
                // all the points except
                // the current point
                x2 = max(x2, p[j].fi);

                // Minimize y-coordinate
                // in all the points
                // except current point
                y1 = min(y1, p[j].se);

                // Maximize y-coordinate
                // in all the points
                // except current point
                y2 = max(y2, p[j].se);

        bool ok = 1;

        int c1 = 0, c2 = 0;
        int c3 = 0, c4 = 0;

        for (int j = 1; j <= n * 4 + 1; ++j)
            if (i != j) {

                // If x-coordinate matches
                // with other same line
                if ((p[j].fi == x1
                     || p[j].fi == x2)
                    || ((p[j].se == y1
                         || p[j].se == y2))) {

                    if (p[j].fi == x1)

                    if (p[j].fi == x2)

                    // If y coordinate matches
                    // with other same line
                    if (p[j].se == y1)

                    if (p[j].se == y2)
                    ok = 0;

        // Check if the condition
        // for square exists or not
        if (ok && c1 >= n && c2 >= n
            && c3 >= n && c4 >= n
            && x2 - x1 == y2 - y1) {

            // Print the output
            cout << p[i].fi << " "
                 << p[i].se << "\n";

// Driver Code
int main()
    int N = 2;
    vector<pair<int, int> > arr
        = { { 0, 0 }, { 0, 1 }, { 0, 2 },
            { 1, 0 }, { 1, 1 }, { 1, 2 },
            { 2, 0 }, { 2, 1 }, { 2, 2 } };

    findPoint(N, arr);

    return 0;

Java 语言(一种计算机语言,尤用于创建网站)

import java.util.ArrayList;

//Java program for above approach
class GFG{
    static class pair<T, V>{
        T fi;
        V se;
        pair(T a, V b){
            this.fi = a;
            this.se = b;

    // Function to find the point that is
    // not a part of the side of a square
    static void findPoint(int n,
                   ArrayList<pair<Integer, Integer> > p)
        // Traverse each pair of coordinates
        for (int i = 0; i < n * 4 + 1; ++i) {

            int x1 = (int) 2e9, x2 = (int) -2e9;
            int y1 = (int) 2e9, y2 = (int) -2e9;

            for (int j = 0; j < n * 4 + 1; ++j)
                if (i != j) {

                    // Minimize x-coordinate
                    // in all the points
                    // except current point
                    x1 = Math.min(x1, p.get(j).fi);

                    // Maximize x-coordinate in
                    // all the points except
                    // the current point
                    x2 = Math.max(x2, p.get(j).fi);

                    // Minimize y-coordinate
                    // in all the points
                    // except current point
                    y1 = Math.min(y1, p.get(j).se);

                    // Maximize y-coordinate
                    // in all the points
                    // except current point
                    y2 = Math.max(y2, p.get(j).se);

            boolean ok = true;

            int c1 = 0, c2 = 0;
            int c3 = 0, c4 = 0;

            for (int j = 1; j < n * 4 + 1; ++j)
                if (i != j) {

                    // If x-coordinate matches
                    // with other same line
                    if ((p.get(j).fi == x1
                            || p.get(j).fi == x2)
                            || ((p.get(j).se == y1
                            || p.get(j).se == y2))) {

                        if (p.get(j).fi == x1)

                        if (p.get(j).fi == x2)

                        // If y coordinate matches
                        // with other same line
                        if (p.get(j).se == y1)

                        if (p.get(j).se == y2)
                        ok = false;

            // Check if the condition
            // for square exists or not
            if (ok && c1 >= n && c2 >= n
                    && c3 >= n && c4 >= n
                    && x2 - x1 == y2 - y1) {

                // Print the output
                System.out.println(p.get(i).fi + " " + p.get(i).se);


    //Driver Code
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int N = 2;
        ArrayList<pair<Integer, Integer> > arr = new ArrayList<>();
        arr.add(new pair<Integer, Integer>(0,0));
        arr.add(new pair<Integer, Integer>(0,1));
        arr.add(new pair<Integer, Integer>(0,2));
        arr.add(new pair<Integer, Integer>(1,0));
        arr.add(new pair<Integer, Integer>(1,1));
        arr.add(new pair<Integer, Integer>(1,2));
        arr.add(new pair<Integer, Integer>(2,0));
        arr.add(new pair<Integer, Integer>(2,1));
        arr.add(new pair<Integer, Integer>(2,2));
        findPoint(N, arr);


// This code is contributed by hritikrommie.

Python 3

# Python 3 program for the above approach

# Function to find the point that is
# not a part of the side of a square
def findPoint(n, p):
    # Traverse each pair of coordinates
    for i in range(n * 4 + 1):
        x1 = 2e9
        x2 = -2e9
        y1 = 2e9
        y2 = -2e9

        for j in range(n * 4 + 1):
            if (i != j):

                # Minimize x-coordinate
                # in all the points
                # except current point
                x1 = min(x1, p[j][0])

                # Maximize x-coordinate in
                # all the points except
                # the current point
                x2 = max(x2, p[j][0])

                # Minimize y-coordinate
                # in all the points
                # except current point
                y1 = min(y1, p[j][1])

                # Maximize y-coordinate
                # in all the points
                # except current point
                y2 = max(y2, p[j][1])

        ok = 1

        c1 = 0
        c2 = 0
        c3 = 0
        c4 = 0

        for j in range(1,n * 4 + 1,1):
            if (i != j):

                # If x-coordinate matches
                # with other same line
                if ((p[j][0] == x1 or p[j][0] == x2) or (p[j][1] == y1 or p[j][1] == y2)):
                    if (p[j][0] == x1):
                        c1 += 1

                    if (p[j][0] == x2):
                        c2 += 1

                    # If y coordinate matches
                    # with other same line
                    if (p[j][1] == y1):
                        c3 += 1

                    if (p[j][1] == y2):
                        c4 += 1
                    ok = 0

        # Check if the condition
        # for square exists or not
        if (ok and c1 >= n and c2 >= n and c3 >= n and c4 >= n and x2 - x1 == y2 - y1):

            # Print the output

# Driver Code
if __name__ == '__main__':
    N = 2
    arr =  [[0, 0],[0, 1],[0, 2],[1, 0],[1, 1],[1, 2],[2, 0],[2, 1],[2, 2]]

    findPoint(N, arr)

    # This code is contributed by ipg2016107.


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时间复杂度:O(N2) 辅助空间: O(1)