从串联 M 次的数组中找到第 K 个最小元素

原文:https://www . geeksforgeeks . org/find-the-k-th-最小数组元素-串联-m-times/

给定一个数组 arr[]和两个整数 KM 。问题是在将数组连接到自身 M 次后找到第 K 个最小元素举例:

Input  : arr[] = {3, 1, 2}, K = 4, M = 3 
Output : 4'th Minimum element is : 2
Explanation: Concatenate array 3 times (ie., M = 3)
              arr[] = [3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2]
              arr[] = [1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3]
              Now 4'th Minimum element is 2

Input  : arr[] = {1, 13, 9, 17, 1, 12}, K = 19, M = 7 
Output : 19'th Minimum element is : 9


  1. 将给定的数组添加到一个向量或任何其他数组中,比如 V,表示 M 次。
  2. 将向量或数组 V 按升序排序。
  3. 返回向量 V 的索引 ( K-1 ) 处的值,即返回V【K–1】。



// C++ programme to find the K'th minimum
// element from an array concatenated M times

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

// Function to find the K-th minimum element
// from an array concatenated M times
int KthMinValAfterMconcatenate(int A[], int N,
                                 int M, int K)
    vector<int> V;

    for (int i = 0; i < M; i++) {
        for (int j = 0; j < N; j++) {

    // sort the elements in ascending order
    sort(V.begin(), V.end());

    // return K'th Min element
    // present at K-1 index
    return (V[K - 1]);

// Driver Code
int main()
    int A[] = { 3, 1, 2 };

    int M = 3, K = 4;
    int N = sizeof(A) / sizeof(A[0]);

    cout << KthMinValAfterMconcatenate(A, N, M, K);

    return 0;

Java 语言(一种计算机语言,尤用于创建网站)

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;

// Java programme to find the K'th minimum
// element from an array concatenated M times
class GFG

    // Function to find the K-th minimum element
    // from an array concatenated M times
    static int KthMinValAfterMconcatenate(int[] A, int N,
            int M, int K)
        ArrayList V = new ArrayList();

        for (int i = 0; i < M; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < N; j++)

        // sort the elements in ascending order

        // return K'th Min element
        // present at K-1 index
        return ((int) V.get(K - 1));

    // Driver Code
    public static void main(String[] args)
        int[] A = {3, 1, 2};
        int M = 3, K = 4;
        int N = A.length;
        System.out.println(KthMinValAfterMconcatenate(A, N, M, K));

/* This code contributed by PrinciRaj1992 */

Python 3

# Python3 program to find the K'th minimum 
# element from an array concatenated M times

# Function to find the K-th minimum element 
# from an array concatenated M times
def KthMinValAfterMconcatenate(A, N, M, K):

    V = []

    for i in range(0, M): 
        for j in range(0, N): 

    # sort the elements in ascending order

    # return K'th Min element
    # present at K-1 index
    return V[K - 1]

# Driver Code
if __name__ == "__main__":

    A = [3, 1, 2] 

    M, K = 3, 4
    N = len(A)

    print(KthMinValAfterMconcatenate(A, N, M, K))

# This code is contributed by Rituraj Jain


// C# programme to find the K'th minimum
// element from an array concatenated M times
using System;
using System.Collections;

class GFG

// Function to find the K-th minimum element
// from an array concatenated M times
static int KthMinValAfterMconcatenate(int []A, int N,
                                int M, int K)
    ArrayList V=new ArrayList();

    for (int i = 0; i < M; i++)
        for (int j = 0; j < N; j++)

    // sort the elements in ascending order

    // return K'th Min element
    // present at K-1 index
    return ((int)V[K - 1]);

// Driver Code
static void Main()
    int []A = { 3, 1, 2 };

    int M = 3, K = 4;
    int N = A.Length;

    Console.WriteLine(KthMinValAfterMconcatenate(A, N, M, K));

// This code is contributed by mits

服务器端编程语言(Professional Hypertext Preprocessor 的缩写)

// PHP programme to find the K'th minimum
// element from an array concatenated M times

// Function to find the K-th minimum element
// from an array concatenated M times
function KthMinValAfterMconcatenate($A, $N,
                                    $M, $K)
    $V = array();

    for ($i = 0; $i < $M; $i++)
        for ($j = 0; $j < $N; $j++)
            array_push($V, $A[$j]);

    // sort the elements in ascending order

    // return K'th Min element
    // present at K-1 index
    return ($V[$K - 1]);

// Driver Code
$A = array( 3, 1, 2 );

$M = 3;
$K = 4;
$N = count($A);

echo KthMinValAfterMconcatenate($A, $N, $M, $K);

// This code is contributed by mits

java 描述语言


// Javascript programme to find the K'th minimum
// element from an array concatenated M times

// Function to find the K-th minimum element
// from an array concatenated M times
function KthMinValAfterMconcatenate(A, N, M, K)
    var V = [];

    for (var i = 0; i < M; i++) {
        for (var j = 0; j < N; j++) {

    // sort the elements in ascending order

    // return K'th Min element
    // present at K-1 index
    return (V[K - 1]);

// Driver Code
var A = [3, 1, 2];
var M = 3, K = 4;
var N = A.length;
document.write( KthMinValAfterMconcatenate(A, N, M, K));




有效方法:如果 M 的值很小,上述方法可以很好地工作,但是对于 来说,M 的值很大,会产生内存错误或超时错误。 想法是观察给定数组排序后,当我们将它串联 M 次并再次排序时,每个元素现在都会在新的串联数组中出现 M 次。所以,

  1. 给定数组按升序排序。
  2. 返回给定数组 ie 的索引 ( (K-1) / M ) 处的值。,返回 arr[((K-1) / M)]。



// C++ programme to find the K'th minimum element
// from an array concatenated M times

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

// Function to find the K-th minimum element
// from an array concatenated M times
int KthMinValAfterMconcatenate(int A[], int N,
                                  int M, int K)
    // Sort the elements in
    // ascending order
    sort(A, A + N);

    // Return the K'th Min element
    // present at ( (K-1) / M ) index
    return (A[((K - 1) / M)]);

// Driver Code
int main()
    int A[] = { 3, 1, 2 };

    int M = 3, K = 4;
    int N = sizeof(A) / sizeof(A[0]);

    cout << KthMinValAfterMconcatenate(A, N, M, K);

    return 0;

Java 语言(一种计算机语言,尤用于创建网站)

// Java programme to find the K'th minimum element
// from an array concatenated M times
import java.util.*;

class GFG1

    // Function to find the K-th minimum element
    // from an array concatenated M times
    static int KthMinValAfterMconcatenate(int[] A, int N,
                                            int M, int K)
        // Sort the elements in
        // ascending order

        // Return the K'th Min element
        // present at ( (K-1) / M ) index
        return (A[((K - 1) / M)]);

    // Driver Code
    public static void main(String[] args)

        int[] A = {3, 1, 2};

        int M = 3, K = 4;
        int N = A.length;

        System.out.println(KthMinValAfterMconcatenate(A, N, M, K));

// This code contributed by Rajput-Ji

Python 3

# Python3 program to find the K'th minimum
# element from an array concatenated M times

# Function to find the K-th minimum element
# from an array concatenated M times
def KthMinValAfterMconcatenate(A, N, M, K):

    V = []

    for i in range(0, M):
        for j in range(0, N):

    # sort the elements in ascending order

    # return K'th Min element
    # present at K-1 index
    return V[K - 1]

# Driver Code
if __name__ == "__main__":

    A = [3, 1, 2]

    M, K = 3, 4
    N = len(A)

    print(KthMinValAfterMconcatenate(A, N, M, K))

# This code is contributed by Rituraj Jain


// C# programme to find the K'th minimum element
// from an array concatenated M times
using System;

class GFG

// Function to find the K-th minimum element
// from an array concatenated M times
static int KthMinValAfterMconcatenate(int []A, int N,
                                int M, int K)
    // Sort the elements in
    // ascending order

    // Return the K'th Min element
    // present at ( (K-1) / M ) index
    return (A[((K - 1) / M)]);

// Driver Code
static void Main()
    int []A = { 3, 1, 2 };

    int M = 3, K = 4;
    int N = A.Length;

    Console.WriteLine(KthMinValAfterMconcatenate(A, N, M, K));

// This code is contributed by mits

服务器端编程语言(Professional Hypertext Preprocessor 的缩写)

// PHP programme to find the K'th minimum element
// from an array concatenated M times

// Function to find the K-th minimum element
// from an array concatenated M times
function KthMinValAfterMconcatenate($A, $N, $M, $K)
    // Sort the elements in
    // ascending order

    // Return the K'th Min element
    // present at ( (K-1) / M ) index
    return ($A[(($K - 1) / $M)]);

// Driver Code
$A = array(3, 1, 2);

$M = 3; $K = 4;
$N = sizeof($A);

echo(KthMinValAfterMconcatenate($A, $N, $M, $K));

// This code contributed by Code_Mech.

java 描述语言


// JavaScript programme to find the K'th minimum element
// from an array concatenated M times

// Function to find the K-th minimum element
// from an array concatenated M times
function KthMinValAfterMconcatenate(A,  N, M,  K)
    // Sort the elements in
    // ascending order

    // Return the K'th Min element
    // present at ( (K-1) / M ) index
    return (A[((K - 1) / M)]);

// Driver Code
var A = [3, 1, 2 ];
var M = 3, K = 4;
var N = A.length;
document.write( KthMinValAfterMconcatenate(A, N, M, K));

