找出只能用数字 3、4 构成且最大长度为 n 的数字的个数

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/find-可使用数字 3-4 形成的数字计数-仅限最大长度为-n/

给定一个数 n,找出这些数的个数,这些数只能用数字 3 和 4 构成,长度最大为 n 例:

Input : N = 2
Output : 6
Explanation : 3, 4, 33, 34, 43, 44 
are numbers having length 2 and digits 3 and 4 only.

Input : N = 1
Output : 2
Explanation : 3, 4 are the only such numbers.

接近:长度 1 有 2 个数字。他们分别是 3 岁和 4 岁。长度为 2 的数字有 4 个。他们是 33,34,43 和 44。长度为 3 的数字有 8 个。它们是 333,334,343,344,433,434,443,444。长度每增加 1,数字就会增加 2 倍。 很容易证明:对于前一长度的任何数字,可以附加 3 或 4,所以前一长度的一个数字产生下一长度的两个数字。 那么对于长度 N,这样的长度 N 的数的量正好是 2*N,但是在问题中,我们需要长度不大于 N 的数的个数,我们来总结一下。2 1 = 2,2 1 + 2 2 = 2 + 4 = 6,21+22+23= 2+4+8 = 14,21+22+23+24= 2+4+4 人们可以注意到,之前所有 2 的幂的和等于下一个 2 的幂减去第一个 2 的幂。所以问题的答案是 2N+1–2。 以下是上述方法的实施:


// Cpp program to find the count of numbers that
// can be formed using digits 3, 4 only and
// having length at max N.
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

// Function to find the count of numbers that
// can be formed using digits 3, 4 only and
// having length at max N.
long long numbers(int n)
    return (long long)(pow(2, n + 1)) - 2;

// Driver code
int main()
    int n = 2;

    cout << numbers(n);

    return 0;

Java 语言(一种计算机语言,尤用于创建网站)

// Java program to find the count of numbers that
// can be formed using digits 3, 4 only and
// having length at max N.

class GFG

// Function to find the count of numbers that
// can be formed using digits 3, 4 only and
// having length at max N.
static long numbers(int n)
    return (long)(Math.pow(2, n + 1)) - 2;

// Driver code
public static void main(String args[])
    int n = 2;

    System.out.println( numbers(n));

// This code is contributed by Arnab Kundu

Python 3

# Python3 program to find the count of
# numbers that can be formed using digits
# 3, 4 only and having length at max N.

# Function to find the count of numbers
# that can be formed using digits 3, 4
# only and having length at max N.
def numbers(n):
    return pow(2, n + 1) - 2

# Driver code
n = 2

# This code is contributed
# by Shrikant13


// C# program to find the count of numbers that
// can be formed using digits 3, 4 only and
// having length at max N.
using System;

class GFG

// Function to find the count of numbers that
// can be formed using digits 3, 4 only and
// having length at max N.
static long numbers(int n)
    return (long)(Math.Pow(2, n + 1)) - 2;

// Driver code
static void Main()
    int n = 2;

    Console.WriteLine( numbers(n));

// This code is contributed by mits

服务器端编程语言(Professional Hypertext Preprocessor 的缩写)

// PHP program to find the count of
// numbers that can be formed using
// digits 3, 4 only and having length
// at max N.

// Function to find the count of numbers
// that can be formed using digits 3, 4 only
// and having length at max N.
function numbers($n)
    return (pow(2, $n + 1)) - 2;

// Driver code
$n = 2;

echo numbers($n);

// This code is contributed
// by Akanksha Rai

java 描述语言

// javascript program to find the count of numbers that
// can be formed using digits 3, 4 only and
// having length at max N.
    // Function to find the count of numbers that
    // can be formed using digits 3, 4 only and
    // having length at max N.
    function numbers(n) {
        return  (Math.pow(2, n + 1)) - 2;

    // Driver code

        var n = 2;


// This code is contributed by Princi Singh
