
原文:https://www . geeksforgeeks . org/modify-二叉树-通过将每个节点替换为其前序-前序-后序之和/

给定一个由 N 节点组成的二叉树,任务是用其前序前身前序后继之和替换二叉树中的每个节点。


输入: */3 4***

  • **对于节点 2: 前序前置任务= 0(因为前序前置任务不存在),前序后续任务= 3。总和= 3。****
  • **对于节点 3: 前序前驱= 2,前序后继= 6。总和= 8。****
  • **对于节点 6: 前序前驱= 3,前序后继= 5。总和= 8。****
  • **对于节点 5: 前序前置= 6,前序后续= 4。总和= 10。****
  • **对于节点 4: 前序前置= 5,前序后续= 7。总和= 12。****
  • **对于节点 7: 前序前置= 4,前序后续= 8。总和= 12。****
  • **对于节点 8: 前序前置任务= 7,前序后续任务= 0(因为前序后续任务不存在)。总和= 7。****

**输入: 1 /* 2 3* 输出: 2 /* 4 2*


  • *声明一个函数,说 replaceNode(root,A[],idx)在树上执行前序遍历,起始索引为 i** ,执行如下步骤:

    • 如果根节点为,则从功能返回。
    • 将当前节点的值替换为V[I–1]+V[I+1]对于元素 V[i] ,值V[I–1]V[i + 1] 分别为其前序前置前序后续
    • 递归调用函数 replaceNode(根- >左,A[],idx + 1)replaceNode(根- >右,A[],idx + 1)*
    • *初始化一个向量 V ,它存储给定树的前序遍历。***
    • *0 存储在索引 0 中,因为最左侧叶节点的预订前身不存在。***
    • *对给定的树执行预序遍历,并将预序遍历存储在向量 V 中。***
    • *0 存储在向量的端,作为不存在的最右边叶节点的预订后继节点。***
    • *调用函数 replaceNode(根,A[],1) 用需要的和替换每个节点。***
    • *完成以上步骤后,打印修改树的预订单。***



*****// C++ program for the above approach

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

// Node of a binary tree
struct Node {
    int data;
    struct Node *left, *right;

// Function to generate a new node
struct Node* getnew(int data)
    // Allocate node
    struct Node* newnode
        = (struct Node*)malloc(
            sizeof(struct Node));

    // Assign the data value
    newnode->data = data;
    newnode->left = newnode->right = NULL;

    return newnode;

// Function to store Preorder Traversal
// of the binary tree in the vector V
void StorePreorderTraversal(
    struct Node* root, vector<int>& v)
    // If root is NULL, then return
    if (root == NULL)

    // Store the root's data in V

    // Recur on the left subtree
        root->left, v);

    // Recur on right subtree
        root->right, v);

// Function to replace each node of a
// Binary Tree with the sum of its
// preorder predecessor and successor
void ReplaceNodeWithSum(struct Node* root,
                        vector<int>& v,
                        int& i)
    // If root does not exist
    if (root == NULL)

    // Update the data present in the
    // root by the sum of its preorder
    // predecessor and successor
    root->data = v[i - 1] + v[i + 1];

    // Increment index 'i'

    // Recur on the left subtree
                       v, i);

    // Recur on the right subtree
                       v, i);

// Utility function to replace each
// node of a binary tree with the
// sum of its preorder predecessor
// and successor
void ReplaceNodeWithSumUtil(
    struct Node* root)
    // If tree is empty, then return
    if (root == NULL)

    vector<int> v;

    // Stores the value of preorder
    // predecessor for root node

    // Store the preorder
    // traversal of the tree in V
    StorePreorderTraversal(root, v);

    // Store the value of preorder
    // successor for rightmost leaf

    // Replace each node
    // with the required sum
    int i = 1;

    // Function call to update
    // the values of the node
    ReplaceNodeWithSum(root, v, i);

// Function to print the preorder
// traversal of a binary tree
void PreorderTraversal(
    struct Node* root)
    // If root is NULL
    if (root == NULL)

    // Print the data of node
    cout << root->data << " ";

    // Recur on the left subtree

    // Recur on the right subtree

// Driver Code
int main()
    // Binary Tree
    struct Node* root = getnew(2);
    root->left = getnew(3);
    root->right = getnew(4);
    root->left->left = getnew(6);
    root->left->right = getnew(5);
    root->right->left = getnew(7);
    root->right->right = getnew(8);

    // Print the preorder traversal
    // of the original tree
    cout << "Preorder Traversal before"
         << " modification of tree: ";


    // Print the preorder traversal
    // of the modified tree
    cout << "\nPreorder Traversal after "
         << "modification of tree: ";

    return 0;

*Java 语言(一种计算机语言,尤用于创建网站)***

*****// Java program for the above approach
import java.util.Vector;

class GFG{

// Node of a binary tree
static class Node
    int data;
    Node left, right;

// INT class
static class INT
    int data;

// Function to get a new node
// of a binary tree
static Node getNode(int data)

    // Allocate node
    Node new_node = new Node();

    // Put in the data;
    new_node.data = data;
    new_node.left = new_node.right = null;

    return new_node;

// Function to print the preorder traversal
// of a binary tree
static void preorderTraversal(Node root)

    // If root is null
    if (root == null)

    // First print the data of node
    System.out.print(root.data + " ");

    // Then recur on left subtree

    // Now recur on right subtree

// Function to replace each node with the sum of its
// preorder predecessor and successor
static void replaceNodeWithSum(Node root,
                               Vector<Integer> V, INT i)

    // If root is null
    if (root == null)

    // Replace node's data with the sum of its
    // preorder predecessor and successor
    root.data = V.get(i.data - 1) +
                V.get(i.data + 1);

    // Move 'i' to point to the next 'V' element

    // First recur on left child
    replaceNodeWithSum(root.left, V, i);

    // Now recur on right child
    replaceNodeWithSum(root.right, V, i);

// Function to store the preorder traversal
// of the binary tree in V
static void storePreorderTraversal(Node root,
                                   Vector<Integer> V)

    // If root is null
    if (root == null)

    // Then store the root's data in 'V'

    // First recur on left child
    storePreorderTraversal(root.left, V);

    // Now recur on right child
    storePreorderTraversal(root.right, V);

// Utility function to replace each node in binary
// tree with the sum of its preorder predecessor
// and successor
static void replaceNodeWithSumUtil(Node root)

    // If tree is empty
    if (root == null)

    Vector<Integer> V = new Vector<Integer>();

    // Store the value of preorder predecessor
    // for the leftmost leaf

    // Store the preorder traversal of the tree in V
    storePreorderTraversal(root, V);

    // Store the value of preorder successor
    // for the rightmost leaf

    // Replace each node with the required sum
    INT i = new INT();

    i.data = 1;

    replaceNodeWithSum(root, V, i);

// Driver code
public static void main(String[] args)

    // Binary tree formation
    Node root = getNode(2);
    root.left = getNode(3);
    root.right = getNode(4);
    root.left.left = getNode(6);
    root.left.right = getNode(5);
    root.right.left = getNode(7);
    root.right.right = getNode(8);

    // Print the preorder traversal of the original tree
    System.out.print("Preorder Transversal before " +
                     "modification of tree:\n");


    // Print the preorder traversal of the modification
    // tree
    System.out.print("\nPreorder Transversal after " +
                     "modification of tree:\n");

// This code is contributed by abhinavjain194*****

*Python 3***

*****# Python3 program for the above approach

# Node of a binary tree
class Node:

    def __init__(self, d):

        self.data = d
        self.left = None
        self.right = None

# Function to store Preorder Traversal
# of the binary tree in the vector V
def StorePreorderTraversal(root):

    global v

    # If root is NULL, then return
    if (root == None):

    # Store the root's data in V

    # Recur on the left subtree

    # Recur on right subtree

# Function to replace each node of a
# Binary Tree with the sum of its
# preorder predecessor and successor
def ReplaceNodeWithSum(root):

    global v, i

    # If root does not exist
    if (root == None):

    # Update the data present in the
    # root by the sum of its preorder
    # predecessor and successor
    root.data = v[i - 1] + v[i + 1]

    # Increment index 'i'
    i += 1

    # Recur on the left subtree

    # Recur on the right subtree

# Utility function to replace each
# node of a binary tree with the
# sum of its preorder predecessor
# and successor
def ReplaceNodeWithSumUtil(root):

    global v, i

    # If tree is empty, then return
    if (root == None):


    # Stores the value of preorder
    # predecessor for root node

    # Store the preorder
    # traversal of the tree in V

    # Store the value of preorder
    # successor for rightmost leaf

    # Replace each node
    # with the required sum
    i = 1

    # Function call to update
    # the values of the node

# Function to print the preorder
# traversal of a binary tree
def PreorderTraversal(root):

    # If root is NULL
    if (root == None):

    # Print the data of node
    print(root.data, end = " ")

    # Recur on the left subtree

    # Recur on the right subtree

# Driver Code
if __name__ == '__main__':

    # Binary Tree
    v, i = [], 0
    root = Node(2)
    root.left = Node(3)
    root.right = Node(4)
    root.left.left = Node(6)
    root.left.right = Node(5)
    root.right.left = Node(7)
    root.right.right = Node(8)

    # Print the preorder traversal
    # of the original tree
    print("Preorder Traversal before "
          "modification of tree: ", end = "")



    # Print the preorder traversal
    # of the modified tree
    print("\nPreorder Traversal after "
          "modification of tree: ", end = "")


# This code is contributed by mohit kumar 29*****


*****// C# program for the above approach
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
class GFG {

    // TreeNode class
    class Node {
        public int data;
        public Node left, right;

    static int i;

    // Function to get a new node
    // of a binary tree
    static Node getNode(int data)

        // Allocate node
        Node new_node = new Node();

        // Put in the data;
        new_node.data = data;
        new_node.left = new_node.right = null;

        return new_node;

    // Function to print the preorder traversal
    // of a binary tree
    static void preorderTraversal(Node root)

        // If root is null
        if (root == null)

        // First print the data of node
        Console.Write(root.data + " ");

        // Then recur on left subtree

        // Now recur on right subtree

    // Function to replace each node with the sum of its
    // preorder predecessor and successor
    static void replaceNodeWithSum(Node root, List<int> V)

        // If root is null
        if (root == null)

        // Replace node's data with the sum of its
        // preorder predecessor and successor
        root.data = V[i - 1] + V[i + 1];

        // Move 'i' to point to the next 'V' element

        // First recur on left child
        replaceNodeWithSum(root.left, V);

        // Now recur on right child
        replaceNodeWithSum(root.right, V);

    // Function to store the preorder traversal
    // of the binary tree in V
    static void storePreorderTraversal(Node root, List<int> V)

        // If root is null
        if (root == null)

        // Then store the root's data in 'V'

        // First recur on left child
        storePreorderTraversal(root.left, V);

        // Now recur on right child
        storePreorderTraversal(root.right, V);

    // Utility function to replace each node in binary
    // tree with the sum of its preorder predecessor
    // and successor
    static void replaceNodeWithSumUtil(Node root)

        // If tree is empty
        if (root == null)

        List<int> V = new List<int>();

        // Store the value of preorder predecessor
        // for the leftmost leaf

        // Store the preorder traversal of the tree in V
        storePreorderTraversal(root, V);

        // Store the value of preorder successor
        // for the rightmost leaf

        // Replace each node with the required sum
        i = 1;

        replaceNodeWithSum(root, V);

  static void Main() {
    // Binary tree formation
    Node root = getNode(2);
    root.left = getNode(3);
    root.right = getNode(4);
    root.left.left = getNode(6);
    root.left.right = getNode(5);
    root.right.left = getNode(7);
    root.right.right = getNode(8);

    // Print the preorder traversal of the original tree
    Console.Write("Preorder Transversal before " +
                     "modification of tree: ");


    // Print the preorder traversal of the modification
    // tree
    Console.Write("\nPreorder Transversal after " +
                     "modification of tree: ");

*java 描述语言***

    // Javascript program for the above approach

    class Node
        constructor(data) {
           this.left = null;
           this.right = null;
           this.data = data;

    // Function to get a new node
    // of a binary tree
    function getNode(data)

        // Allocate node
        let new_node = new Node(data);
        return new_node;

    // Function to print the preorder traversal
    // of a binary tree
    function preorderTraversal(root)

        // If root is null
        if (root == null)

        // First print the data of node
        document.write(root.data + " ");

        // Then recur on left subtree

        // Now recur on right subtree

    // Function to replace each node with the sum of its
    // preorder predecessor and successor
    function replaceNodeWithSum(root, V)

        // If root is null
        if (root == null)

        // Replace node's data with the sum of its
        // preorder predecessor and successor
        root.data = V[data - 1] +
                    V[data + 1];

        // Move 'i' to point to the next 'V' element

        // First recur on left child
        replaceNodeWithSum(root.left, V);

        // Now recur on right child
        replaceNodeWithSum(root.right, V);

    // Function to store the preorder traversal
    // of the binary tree in V
    function storePreorderTraversal(root, V)

        // If root is null
        if (root == null)

        // Then store the root's data in 'V'

        // First recur on left child
        storePreorderTraversal(root.left, V);

        // Now recur on right child
        storePreorderTraversal(root.right, V);

    // Utility function to replace each node in binary
    // tree with the sum of its preorder predecessor
    // and successor
    function replaceNodeWithSumUtil(root)

        // If tree is empty
        if (root == null)

        let V = [];

        // Store the value of preorder predecessor
        // for the leftmost leaf

        // Store the preorder traversal of the tree in V
        storePreorderTraversal(root, V);

        // Store the value of preorder successor
        // for the rightmost leaf

        data = 1;

        replaceNodeWithSum(root, V);

    // Binary tree formation
    let root = getNode(2);
    root.left = getNode(3);
    root.right = getNode(4);
    root.left.left = getNode(6);
    root.left.right = getNode(5);
    root.right.left = getNode(7);
    root.right.right = getNode(8);

    // Print the preorder traversal of the original tree
    document.write("Preorder Transversal before " +
                     "modification of tree : ");


    // Print the preorder traversal of the modification
    // tree
    document.write("</br>" + "Preorder Transversal after " +
                     "modification of tree : ");



Preorder Traversal before modification of tree: 2 3 6 5 4 7 8 Preorder Traversal after modification of tree: 3 8 8 10 12 12 7*

*时间复杂度:O(N) T5辅助空间: O(N)*