Java 中的猜数字游戏


任务是编写一个 Java 程序,其中用户将得到 K 的试验来猜测一个随机生成的数字。下面是游戏规则:

  • If the guess number is greater than the actual number, the program will respond with a message that the guess number is higher than the actual number.
  • If the number of guesses is less than the actual number, the program will respond with a message that the number of guesses is less than the actual number.
  • If the guess number is equal to the actual number, or the k test is exhausted, the program will end with an appropriate message.


  • The method is to use math. random () method in Java to generate a random number.
  • Now use a loop to get k input from the user, and print whether the number is less than or greater than the actual number for each input.
  • If the user guessed the number correctly in the k tryouts, the printing user won.
  • Otherwise, print what he can't guess and then print the actual numbers.



// Java program for the above approach
import java.util.Scanner;

public class GFG {

    // Function that implements the
    // number guessing game
    public static void
        // Scanner Class
        Scanner sc = new Scanner(;

        // Generate the numbers
        int number = 1 + (int)(100
                               * Math.random());

        // Given K trials
        int K = 5;

        int i, guess;

            "A number is chosen"
            + " between 1 to 100."
            + "Guess the number"
            + " within 5 trials.");

        // Iterate over K Trials
        for (i = 0; i < K; i++) {

                "Guess the number:");

            // Take input for guessing
            guess = sc.nextInt();

            // If the number is guessed
            if (number == guess) {
                    + " You guessed the number.");
            else if (number > guess
                     && i != K - 1) {
                    "The number is "
                    + "greater than " + guess);
            else if (number < guess
                     && i != K - 1) {
                    "The number is"
                    + " less than " + guess);

        if (i == K) {
                "You have exhausted"
                + " K trials.");

                "The number was " + number);

    // Driver Code
    public static void
    main(String arg[])

        // Function Call