相邻数字的绝对差最多为 1 的第 n 个正数

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/n-正数-其相邻数字的绝对差值最多为 1/

给定一个数字 N ,任务是找到 N 个数字,其每对相邻数字之间的绝对差值为 1。 举例:

输入: N = 5 输出: 5 说明: 前 5 个这样的数字是 1、2、3、4、 5输入: N = 15 输出: 23 说明: 前 15 个这样的数字是 1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、21、22、 23


  • 准备一个空队列,将所有整数 1 到 9 按递增顺序排队。

  • 现在执行以下操作 N 次。

    • 出列并存储在数组 arr 中,该数组在 arr[i]中存储所需类型的数量。
    • If (arr[i] % 10!= 0),然后将10 * arr[I]+(arr[I]% 10)–1入队。
    • 入队 10 * arr[i] + (arr[i] % 10)
    • If (arr[i] % 10!= 9),然后将 10 * arr[i] + (arr[i] % 10) + 1 入队。
  • 返回arr【N】作为答案。



// C++ Program to find Nth number with
// absolute difference between all
// adjacent digits at most 1.

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

// Return Nth number with
// absolute difference between all
// adjacent digits at most 1.
void findNthNumber(int N)
    // To store all such numbers
    long long arr[N + 1];

    queue<long long> q;

    // Enqueue all integers from 1 to 9
    // in increasing order.
    for (int i = 1; i <= 9; i++)

    // Perform the operation N times so that
    // we can get all such N numbers.
    for (int i = 1; i <= N; i++) {

        // Store the front element of queue,
        // in array and pop it from queue.
        arr[i] = q.front();

        // If the last digit of dequeued integer is
        // not 0, then enqueue the next such number.
        if (arr[i] % 10 != 0)
            q.push(arr[i] * 10 + arr[i] % 10 - 1);

        // Enqueue the next such number
        q.push(arr[i] * 10 + arr[i] % 10);

        // If the last digit of dequeued integer is
        // not 9, then enqueue the next such number.
        if (arr[i] % 10 != 9)
            q.push(arr[i] * 10 + arr[i] % 10 + 1);


// Driver Code
int main()
    int N = 21;
    return 0;

Java 语言(一种计算机语言,尤用于创建网站)

// Java program to find Nth number with
// absolute difference between all
// adjacent digits at most 1.
import java.util.*;

class GFG{

// Return Nth number with
// absolute difference between all
// adjacent digits at most 1.
static void findNthNumber(int N)

    // To store all such numbers
    int []arr = new int[N + 1];

    Queue<Integer> q = new LinkedList<>();

    // Enqueue all integers from 1 to 9
    // in increasing order.
    for(int i = 1; i <= 9; i++)

    // Perform the operation N times so
    // that we can get all such N numbers.
    for(int i = 1; i <= N; i++)

       // Store the front element of queue,
       // in array and pop it from queue.
       arr[i] = q.peek();

       // If the last digit of dequeued
       // integer is not 0, then enqueue
       // the next such number.
       if (arr[i] % 10 != 0)
           q.add(arr[i] * 10 + arr[i] % 10 - 1);

       // Enqueue the next such number
       q.add(arr[i] * 10 + arr[i] % 10);

       // If the last digit of dequeued
       // integer is not 9, then enqueue
       // the next such number.
       if (arr[i] % 10 != 9)
           q.add(arr[i] * 10 + arr[i] % 10 + 1);

// Driver Code
public static void main(String[] args)
    int N = 21;


// This code is contributed by Amit Katiyar

Python 3

# Python 3 Program to find Nth number with
# absolute difference between all
# adjacent digits at most 1.

# Return Nth number with
# absolute difference between all
# adjacent digits at most 1.
def findNthNumber(N):

    # To store all such numbers
    arr = [0 for i in range(N + 1)]

    q = []

    # Enqueue all integers from 1 to 9
    # in increasing order.
    for i in range(1, 10, 1):

    # Perform the operation N times so that
    # we can get all such N numbers.
    for i in range(1, N+1, 1):

        # Store the front element of queue,
        # in array and pop it from queue.
        arr[i] = q[0]

        # If the last digit of dequeued integer is
        # not 0, then enqueue the next such number.
        if (arr[i] % 10 != 0):
            q.append(arr[i] * 10 + arr[i] % 10 - 1)

        # Enqueue the next such number
        q.append(arr[i] * 10 + arr[i] % 10)

        # If the last digit of dequeued integer is
        # not 9, then enqueue the next such number.
        if (arr[i] % 10 != 9):
            q.append(arr[i] * 10 + arr[i] % 10 + 1)


# Driver Code
if __name__ == '__main__':

    N = 21

# This code is contributed by Samarth


// C# program to find Nth number with
// absolute difference between all
// adjacent digits at most 1.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

class GFG{

// Return Nth number with
// absolute difference between all
// adjacent digits at most 1.
static void findNthNumber(int N)

    // To store all such numbers
    int []arr = new int[N + 1];

    Queue<int> q = new Queue<int>();

    // Enqueue all integers from 1 to 9
    // in increasing order.
    for(int i = 1; i <= 9; i++)

    // Perform the operation N times so
    // that we can get all such N numbers.
    for(int i = 1; i <= N; i++)

       // Store the front element of queue,
       // in array and pop it from queue.
       arr[i] = q.Peek();

       // If the last digit of dequeued
       // integer is not 0, then enqueue
       // the next such number.
       if (arr[i] % 10 != 0)
           q.Enqueue(arr[i] * 10 +
                     arr[i] % 10 - 1);

       // Enqueue the next such number
       q.Enqueue(arr[i] * 10 + arr[i] % 10);

       // If the last digit of dequeued
       // integer is not 9, then enqueue
       // the next such number.
       if (arr[i] % 10 != 9)
           q.Enqueue(arr[i] * 10 +
                     arr[i] % 10 + 1);

// Driver Code
public static void Main(String[] args)
    int N = 21;


// This code is contributed by Rohit_ranjan

java 描述语言


    // JavaScript program to find Nth number with
    // absolute difference between all
    // adjacent digits at most 1.

    // Return Nth number with
    // absolute difference between all
    // adjacent digits at most 1.
    function findNthNumber(N)

        // To store all such numbers
        let arr = new Array(N + 1);

        let q = [];

        // Enqueue all integers from 1 to 9
        // in increasing order.
        for(let i = 1; i <= 9; i++)

        // Perform the operation N times so
        // that we can get all such N numbers.
        for(let i = 1; i <= N; i++)

           // Store the front element of queue,
           // in array and pop it from queue.
           arr[i] = q[0];

           // If the last digit of dequeued
           // integer is not 0, then enqueue
           // the next such number.
           if (arr[i] % 10 != 0)
               q.push(arr[i] * 10 + arr[i] % 10 - 1);

           // Enqueue the next such number
           q.push(arr[i] * 10 + arr[i] % 10);

           // If the last digit of dequeued
           // integer is not 9, then enqueue
           // the next such number.
           if (arr[i] % 10 != 9)
               q.push(arr[i] * 10 + arr[i] % 10 + 1);
        document.write(arr[N] + "</br>");

    let N = 21;





