
将任意数字乘以 4

原文:https://www . geeksforgeeks . org/乘法-number-4-use-bitwise-operator/

我们是一个数字 n,我们的任务是使用逐位运算符将数字乘以 4。 示例:

Input : 4
Output :16

Input :5
Output :20

解释情况 1:-n = 4 4 的二进制数是 100,现在向右移动两位,然后是 10000,现在数字是 16 乘以 44=16 ans。 接近* :- (n < < 2)向右移动两位


// C++ program to multiply a number with
// 4 using Bitwise Operator
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

// function the return multiply a number
//  with 4 using bitwise operator
int multiplyWith4(int n)
    // returning a number with multiply
    // with 4 using2 bit shifring right
    return (n << 2);

// derive function
int main()
    int n = 4;
    cout << multiplyWith4(n) << endl;
    return 0;

Java 语言(一种计算机语言,尤用于创建网站)

// Java program to multiply a number
// with 4 using Bitwise Operator

class GFG {

// function the return
// multiply a number
// with 4 using bitwise
// operator
static int multiplyWith4(int n)

    // returning a number
    // with multiply with
    // 4 using 2 bit shifting
    // right
    return (n << 2);

// Driver Code
public static void main(String[] args)
    int n = 4;

// This code is contributed by Smitha.

Python 3

# Python 3 program to multiply
# a number with 4 using Bitwise
# Operator

# function the return multiply
# a number with 4 using bitwise
# operator
def multiplyWith4(n):

    # returning a number with
    # multiply with 4 using2
    # bit shifring right
    return (n << 2)

# derive function
n = 4

# This code is contributed
# by Smitha


// C# program to multiply a number
// with 4 using Bitwise Operator
using System;

class GFG {

// function the return
// multiply a number
// with 4 using bitwise
// operator
static int multiplyWith4(int n)

    // returning a number
    // with multiply with
    // 4 using 2 bit shifting
    // right
    return (n << 2);

// Driver Code
public static void Main(String[] args)
    int n = 4;

// This code is contributed by Smitha.

服务器端编程语言(Professional Hypertext Preprocessor 的缩写)

// PHP program to multiply
// a number with 4 using
// Bitwise Operator

// function the return
// multiply a number
// with 4 using bitwise
// operator
function multiplyWith4($n)

    // returning a number
    // with multiply with
    // 4 using2 bit
    // shifting right
    return ($n << 2);

    // Driver Code
    $n = 4;
    echo multiplyWith4($n),"\n";

// This code is contributed by Ajit.

java 描述语言

// javascript program to multiply a number
// with 4 using Bitwise Operator  
// function the return
// multiply a number
// with 4 using bitwise
// operator
function multiplyWith4(n)

    // returning a number
    // with multiply with
    // 4 using 2 bit shifting
    // right
    return (n << 2);

// Driver Code
var n = 4;

// This code is contributed by Amit Katiyar



推广:一般来说,我们可以使用按位运算符乘以 2 的幂。例如,假设我们希望与 16 相乘(这是 2 4 ,我们可以通过向左移动 4 来实现。