C 中的猜数字游戏


给定一个整数 N 。数字猜谜游戏是一种简单的猜谜游戏,用户最多需要在 10 次尝试中猜出 0N 之间的数字。游戏将在 10 次尝试后结束,如果玩家猜不到号码,他将输掉游戏。


N = 100 所选号码: 20

机器:猜一个 1 到 N 之间的数字 T3】玩家:30 T6【机器:请降低数字! 玩家: 15 机器:请高数! 玩家: 20 机器:你在 3 次尝试 中猜到了数字现在,终止游戏。


  • 生成一个介于 0N 之间的随机数。
  • 然后从 1 迭代到 10 ,检查输入的数字是否等于假设的数字。
  • 如果是,那么玩家赢得游戏。
  • 否则,在 10 次尝试后终止游戏。



// C program for the above approach
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

// Function that generate a number in
// the range [1, N] and checks if the
// generated number is the same as the
// guessed number or not
void guess(int N)
    int number, guess, numberofguess = 0;

    // Generate a random number
    number = rand() % N;

    printf("Guess a number between"
           " 1 and %d\n",

    // Using a do-while loop that will
    // work until user guesses
    // the correct number
    do {

        if (numberofguess > 9) {
            printf("\nYou Loose!\n");

        // Input by user
        scanf("%d", &guess);

        // When user guesses lower
        // than actual number
        if (guess > number)

            printf("Lower number "

        // When user guesses higher
        // than actual number
        else if (number > guess)

            printf("Higher number"
                   " please!\n");

        // Printing number of times
        // user has taken to guess
        // the number
            printf("You guessed the"
                   " number in %d "

    } while (guess != number);

// Driver Code
int main()
    int N = 100;

    // Function call

    return 0;
