
原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/number-stop-station-problem/

两个地方 A 和 b 之间有 12 个中间站。找出一列火车可以在其中 4 个中间站停车的方法,这样就不会有两个停车站是连续的? 示例–

Input  : n = 12, s = 4
Output : 126

Input  : n = 16, s = 5
Output : 792

解释 1 : 固定/移除四个停靠点中的一个作为固定点,并计算在它们之间可以插入多少个其他站点,如果停靠点之间必须至少有一个站点。

            A   x   x   x   x   x   x   x   x   B

在这 8 个不停站之间,我们有 9 个位置,我们选择这 9 个位置作为这 8 个站之间的停站。 所以,答案应该是^{9}C_4   = 126 解释 2 : 如果你知道关于不可区分的球组合成可区分的盒子,那么你可以简单的使用,^{(n-p+1)}C_p   。在这个问题中,$n$是站点的数量,$p$是您想要停止的站点的数量。在这里,停靠站就像不可区分的球,不停靠站就像可区分的盒子。 因此,^{(12-8+1)}C_4   = ^{9}C_4   = 126 代码–


#include <stdio.h>
int stopping_station(int, int);

// function to calculate number
// of ways of selecting 'p' non consecutive
// stations out of 'n' stations
int stopping_station(int p, int n)

    int num = 1, dem = 1, s = p;

    // selecting 's' positions out of 'n-s+1'
    while (p != 1) {

        dem *= p;

    int t = n - s + 1;
    while (t != (n - 2 * s + 1)) {

        num *= t;

    if ((n - s + 1) >= s)
        printf("%d", num / dem);


        // if conditions does not satisfy of combinatorics
        printf("not possible");

// driver code
int main()

    // n is total number of stations
    // s is no. of stopping stations
    int n, s;

    // arguments of function are
    // number of stopping station
    // and total number of stations
    stopping_station(4, 12);

Java 语言(一种计算机语言,尤用于创建网站)

// Java code to calculate number
// of ways of selecting 'p' non
// consecutive stations out of
// 'n' stations

import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;

class GFG
    public static int stopping_station(int p, int n)
        int num = 1, dem = 1, s = p;

        // selecting 's' positions out of 'n-s+1'
        while (p != 1)
            dem *= p;

        int t = n - s + 1;
        while (t != (n - 2 * s + 1))
            num *= t;

        if ((n - s + 1) >= s)
            System.out.print(num / dem);

            // if conditions does not satisfy of combinatorics
            System.out.print("not possible");

        return 0;

    public static void main (String[] args)
        // n is total number of stations
        // s is no. of stopping stations
        int n, s;

        // arguments of function are
        // number of stopping station
        // and total number of stations
        stopping_station(4, 12);
// ""This code is contributed by Mohit Gupta_OMG ""

Python 3

# Python code to calculate number
# of ways of selecting 'p' non
# consecutive stations out of
# 'n' stations

def stopping_station( p, n):
    num = 1
    dem = 1
    s = p

    # selecting 's' positions
    # out of 'n-s+1'
    while p != 1:
        dem *= p

    t = n - s + 1
    while t != (n-2 * s + 1):
        num *= t
    if (n - s + 1) >= s:
        return int(num/dem)
        # if conditions does not
        # satisfy of combinatorics
        return -1

# driver code
num = stopping_station(4, 12)
if num != -1:
    print("Not Possible")

# This code is contributed by "Abhishek Sharma 44"


// C# code to calculate number
// of ways of selecting 'p' non
// consecutive stations out of
// 'n' stations
using System;

class GFG {

    public static int stopping_station(int p,
                                       int n)
        int num = 1, dem = 1, s = p;

        // selecting 's' positions
        // out of 'n-s+1'
        while (p != 1)
            dem *= p;

        int t = n - s + 1;
        while (t != (n - 2 * s + 1))
            num *= t;

        if ((n - s + 1) >= s)
            Console.WriteLine(num / dem);

        // if conditions does not
        // satisfy of combinatorics
          Console.WriteLine("Not possible");
        return 0;

    // Driver Code
    public static void Main(String []args)

        // arguments of function are
        // number of stopping station
        // and total number of stations
        stopping_station(4, 12);

// This code is contributed by vt_m.

服务器端编程语言(Professional Hypertext Preprocessor 的缩写)

// PHP code for Number of stopping
// station problem

// function to calculate number
// of ways of selecting 'p' non
// consecutive stations out of
// 'n' stations
function stopping_station(int $p, int $n)
    $num = 1;
    $dem = 1;
    $s = $p;

    // selecting 's' positions
    // out of 'n-s+1'
    while($p != 1)

        $dem *= $p;

    $t = $n - $s + 1;
    while($t != ($n - 2 * $s + 1))
        $num *= $t;

    if (($n - $s + 1) >= $s)
        echo $num / $dem;


        // if conditions does not
        // satisfy of combinatorics
        echo "not possible";

    // Driver Code
    // n is total number of stations
    // s is no. of stopping stations
    $n; $s;

    // arguments of function are
    // number of stopping station
    // and total number of stations
    stopping_station(4, 12);

// This code is contributed by anuj_67.

java 描述语言


// Javascript code to calculate number
// of ways of selecting 'p' non
// consecutive stations out of
// 'n' stations

    function stopping_station( p,  n)
        var num = 1, dem = 1, s = p;

        // selecting 's' positions
        // out of 'n-s+1'
        while (p != 1)
            dem *= p;

        var t = n - s + 1;
        while (t != (n - 2 * s + 1))
            num *= t;

        if ((n - s + 1) >= s){
            document.write(num / dem);

        // if conditions does not
        // satisfy of combinatorics
          document.write("Not possible");
        return 0;

    // Driver Code

        // arguments of function are
        // number of stopping station
        // and total number of stations
        stopping_station(4, 12);

