
原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/one 97 paytm-面试-体验/

书面 1:技术和资质。 书面 2:书面编码

  • 笔试 1 是基于能力倾向和计算机基础的普通笔试。
  • Written 2: Few Questions I remembered :



     char a;
     int i = 300;
     a = &i;



    Imagine you have a special keyboard with the following keys: A Ctrl+A Ctrl+C Ctrl+V

    其中 CTRL+A、CTRL+C、CTRL+V 分别作为“全选”、“复制”和“粘贴”操作的一个功能键。 如果只能按键盘 N 次(用以上四个键),请写一个程序产生 a 的最大数字,如果可能,也请打印出键的顺序。 也就是说输入参数为 N(可以按的键数),输出为 M(可以产生的 As 数)。

    Q3: 考虑一棵二叉树不一定是 BST,用和> = k 去掉所有不在任何路径上的节点。

    Q4: 给定一个数组,以 aceg……

    Q5: 给定一组数字,以单个数字的形式排列,这样得出的数字就是 最大值。 例如给定:99、8、76、45、66、9、7、33、5、42 零件号:99987766654233

    操作和编码问题的分段截止。 标记是针对正确的方法而不是确切的答案进行的。

  • 第 1 轮(技术): Q1: 你将如何在数据库中存储 8 亿条记录。 Q2: 双浮点的数据存储在 C/C++和 Java 中有所不同,是怎样的呢??? Q2: 在用 Java 和 C#编写的程序之间传输数据。 Q3: 我需要建立一个网络,在这个网络中我会保证安全,你会怎么进行 Q4: A 和 B 是两个集合写一个非嵌套的查询,这样我就可以得到 B 中的数据而不是 A 中的数据了。 Q5: 000……..?11111111111111111111…………….?写一个程序,找到系列 111111111 的 开头的索引…..?。

  • Round 2 (Technical): Q1: Give your introduction along with your technical skills. Q2: Explain your project “Stock Prediction” Q3: I want to retrieve records from a table from date 1 – 15. I don’t want to use range Queries Suggest optimal solutions… I suggest Indexing on the date column. He insisted on alternate ways. “he said what you think you can do……” Q4: What is Unique and NULL Constraint? Difference between Primary Key and Unique. How many maximum records in Unique can be NULL? Q5: Write the Most optimized algorithm for finding a Word in the sentence. (I used the Trie approach, he scolded me for not asking the sentence is sorted or not. the used Binary search.) Q6: Difference between thread and process. What is PCB? What is synchronization ?? What is Semaphore? Explain and solve the Producer-Consumer Problem using Semaphore? What is Drawback here What is the monitor? Solve Producer-Consumer Problem using Monitor and explain the pros and cons.

    来自德里地区的最后 8 名候选人入选。

    • Round 3(Final Round Managerial and Technical): Q1: What you want to do in your Life ?? Discussion life as a placement coordinator? What you did ? your duties? differences you made … Q2: Doing Post Market Analysis of a Stock Market of Previous Month. Write a Program of Stock Buy Sell to Maximize Profit. Q3: Explain Cursor ? its types? differences between them? What to use when? Q4: Explain Matrix? Matrix Multiplication? Difference ways of Matrix Multiplication? Explain Both. Q5: What are you doing right now ??? will you join us ?? Why ??

    来自印度 30 所大学的学生接受评估,排名前 25 名的学生获得了这份工作。



    All Practice Problems for Paytm !


    Convert array into Zig-Zag fashionStock buy and sellLargest Number formed from an Array