

先决条件C++ 中的运算符重载C++ 中的链表

C++附带的库提供了执行输入和输出的方法。 在 C++ 中,输入和输出以字节序列(也称为流)的形式执行。 输入和输出流iostream库管理。 cincout是输入流和输出流的标准对象。

我们可以重载>><<运算符,以在链表中输入,并在 C++ 中打印链表中的元素。 它具有为运算符提供针对数据类型的特殊含义的能力,此特性称为运算符重载


returnType operator symbol (arguments)


istream& operator>>(istream& is, node*& head) 
    // Function call to overload the ">>" 
    // operator 


上面函数的返回类型是对istream对象的引用。 在语句中:cin >> headcin是该函数的第一个参数,对头部的引用是第二个参数。 当执行任何这样的语句时,将调用上述函数。


ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, node* head) 
    // Function call to overload the "<<" 
    // operator 


上面函数的返回类型是对ostream对象的引用。 在语句中cout << headcout是该函数的第一个参数,对head的引用是第二个参数。 当执行任何这样的语句时,将调用上述函数。


以下是<<>>运算符的重载代码,其使用数字N作为连续输入并在链表中插入数字N,直到N = -1

// C++ program to demonstrate the 
// overloading of '<<' and '>>' 
// operators 
#include <iostream> 
using namespace std; 

// Class for each node object 
// of the linked list 
class node { 
    // Node of the linked list 
    int data; 
    node* next; 

    // Constructor of node class 
    node(int d) 
        data = d; 
        next = NULL; 

// Insert a node at head of linked 
// list 
void insertAtHead(node*& head, int d) 
    node* n = new node(d); 
    n->next = head; 
    head = n; 

// Insert a node at tail of linked 
// list 
void insertAtTail(node* head, int data) 
    // Make new node using 
    // constructor 
    node* n = new node(data); 
    node* temp = head; 

    // Traverse till we get to end of 
    // the linked list 
    while (temp->next != NULL) 
        temp = temp->next; 

    // Append the new node n at the end 
    // of the linked list 
    temp->next = n; 

// Print the node at the linked list 
void print(node* head) 
    // Print the first Node 
    if (head != NULL) { 
        cout << head->data; 
        head = head->next; 

    // Traverse till head traverse 
    // till end 
    while (head != NULL) { 
        cout << "->" << head->data; 
        head = head->next; 

// Function that takes continuous input 
// until user enter -1 while initializing 
// the linked list. 
void takeInput(node*& head) 
    int n; 
    cin >> n; 

    // If n is not equals to -1 insert 
    // the node in the linked list 
    while (n != -1) { 

        // If head is NULL, insert at 
        // the beginning of list 
        if (head == NULL) 
            insertAtHead(head, n); 
            insertAtTail(head, n); 
        cin >> n; 

// Overloading the ostream operator '<<' 
// to print the complete linked list from 
// beginning 
ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, node* head) 

// Overloading the istream operator '>>' 
// to take continuous input into the linked 
// list until user inputs -1 
istream& operator>>(istream& is, node*& head) 

// Driver Code 
int main() 
    // initialise head to NULL 
    node* head = NULL; 

    // Overloading of '>>' for inserting 
    // element in the linked list 
    cin >> head; 

    // Overloading of '<<' for printing 
    // element in the linked list 
    cout << head; 
    return 0; 

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