
原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/org-组织-锦标赛-问题/

给定一个正整数 N 表示玩游戏的玩家数。游戏在两个队之间进行,每个队至少由一名玩家组成,但是游戏中玩家的总数必须是 N 。游戏正好持续 30 分钟,任务是检查所有玩家是否会对战游戏如果游戏可以玩到 T 小时并且允许玩游戏超过 1 次。如果发现为真,则打印“可能”。否则,打印“不可能”


输入: N = 3,T = 1 输出:可能 解释: 前半小时玩家{ p 1 ,p 2 }与{ p 3 进行了对局。 在 2d 半小时内,玩家{ p 2 、P 3 }与{ p 1 } 进行了比赛,因为所有玩家都在 T(=1)小时内进行了比赛。因此,所需的输出是“可能的”。

输入: N = 4,T = 0.5 输出:不可能 解释: 前半小时玩家{ p 1 ,p 2 }与{ p 3 ,p 4 进行了对局。 由于玩家 p 1 没有在 T(=0.5)小时内与 p 2 进行比赛。因此,要求的输出是“不可能”。


  • In each game, if one of the two teams has only one player, then the game must be played [T0】 N-1 【T1 times.
  • Every game, if one team has n/2 players and the other team has (n+1)/2 , the game must play (n+1)/2 times.


  • 如果游戏总时间 N-1 次小于或等于 T ,则打印“可能”
  • 如果游戏总时间 (N + 1) / 2 次小于或等于 T ,则打印“可能”
  • 否则,打印“不可能”



// C++ Program for the above approach
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

// Function to find the N players
// the game against each other or not
string calculate(int N, int T)

   // Base Case
    if (N <= 1 || T <= 0) {

      // Return -1 if not valid
        return "-1";

  // Converting hours into minutes
    int minutes = T * 60;

   // Calculating maximum games that
    // can be played.
    int max_match = N - 1;

  // Time required for conducting
    // maximum games
    int max_time = max_match * 30;

  // Checking if it is possible
    // to conduct maximum games
    if (max_time <= minutes) {

      // Return possible
        return "Possible";

  // Calculating minimum games
    int min_match = N / 2;
    min_match = N - min_match;

  // Time required for conducting
    // minimum games
    int min_time = min_match * 30;

  // Checking if it is possible
   // to conduct minimum games
    if (min_time <= minutes) {

      // Return possible
        return "Possible";

  // Return not possible if time
   // is less than required time
    return "Not Possible";

 // Driver Code
 // Total count of players
int main()
    int N = 6, T = 2;

  // function call
    cout << calculate(N, T);
    return 0;

// This code is contributed by Parth Manchanda

Java 语言(一种计算机语言,尤用于创建网站)

// Java program for the above approach
import java.io.*;

class GFG {

// Function to find the N players
// the game against each other or not
static String calculate(int N, int T)

   // Base Case
    if (N <= 1 || T <= 0) {

      // Return -1 if not valid
        return "-1";

  // Converting hours into minutes
    int minutes = T * 60;

   // Calculating maximum games that
    // can be played.
    int max_match = N - 1;

  // Time required for conducting
    // maximum games
    int max_time = max_match * 30;

  // Checking if it is possible
    // to conduct maximum games
    if (max_time <= minutes) {

      // Return possible
        return "Possible";

  // Calculating minimum games
    int min_match = N / 2;
    min_match = N - min_match;

  // Time required for conducting
    // minimum games
    int min_time = min_match * 30;

  // Checking if it is possible
   // to conduct minimum games
    if (min_time <= minutes) {

      // Return possible
        return "Possible";

  // Return not possible if time
   // is less than required time
    return "Not Possible";

// Driver code
public static void main(String[] args)
    int N = 6, T = 2;

    // function call
    System.out.println(calculate(N, T));

// This code is contributed by sanjoy_62.

Python 3

# Python program for the above problem

# Function to find the N players
# the game against each other or not
def calculate(N, T):

    # Base Case
    if N <= 1 or T <= 0:

        # Return -1 if not valid
        return -1

    # Converting hours into minutes
    minutes = T * 60

    # Calculating maximum games that
    # can be played.
    max_match = N - 1

    # Time required for conducting
    # maximum games
    max_time = max_match * 30

    # Checking if it is possible
    # to conduct maximum games
    if max_time <= minutes:

        # Return possible
        return "Possible"

    # Calculating minimum games
    min_match = N//2
    min_match = N - min_match

    # Time required for conducting
    # minimum games
    min_time = min_match * 30

    # Checking if it is possible
    # to conduct minimum games
    if min_time <= minutes:

        # Return possible
        return "Possible"

    # Return not possible if time
    # is less than required time
    return "Not Possible"

# Driver Code
if __name__ == "__main__":

    # Total count of players
    N = 6

    # Given hours
    T = 2

    # Function call
    ans = calculate(N, T)

    # Print ans


// C# program for the above approach
using System;

class GFG{

// Function to find the N players
// the game against each other or not
static string calculate(int N, int T)

   // Base Case
    if (N <= 1 || T <= 0) {

      // Return -1 if not valid
        return "-1";

  // Converting hours into minutes
    int minutes = T * 60;

   // Calculating maximum games that
    // can be played.
    int max_match = N - 1;

  // Time required for conducting
    // maximum games
    int max_time = max_match * 30;

  // Checking if it is possible
    // to conduct maximum games
    if (max_time <= minutes) {

      // Return possible
        return "Possible";

  // Calculating minimum games
    int min_match = N / 2;
    min_match = N - min_match;

  // Time required for conducting
    // minimum games
    int min_time = min_match * 30;

  // Checking if it is possible
   // to conduct minimum games
    if (min_time <= minutes) {

      // Return possible
        return "Possible";

  // Return not possible if time
   // is less than required time
    return "Not Possible";

// Driver Code
public static void Main(String[] args)
    int N = 6, T = 2;

  // function call
    Console.WriteLine(calculate(N, T));

// This code is contributed by splevel62.

java 描述语言

       // JavaScript Program for the above approach

       // Function to find the N players
       // the game against each other or not
       function calculate(N, T)

           // Base Case
           if (N <= 1 || T <= 0)

               // Return -1 if not valid
               return -1;

           // Converting hours into minutes
           let minutes = T * 60;

           // Calculating maximum games that
           // can be played.
           let max_match = N - 1

           // Time required for conducting
           // maximum games
           max_time = max_match * 30

           // Checking if it is possible
           // to conduct maximum games
           if (max_time <= minutes)

               // Return possible
               return "Possible";

           // Calculating minimum games
           min_match = Math.floor(N / 2);
           min_match = N - min_match

           // Time required for conducting
           // minimum games
           min_time = min_match * 30;

           // Checking if it is possible
           // to conduct minimum games
           if (min_time <= minutes)

               // Return possible
               return "Possible";

               // Return not possible if time
               // is less than required time
               return "Not Possible";


       // Driver Code
       // Total count of players
       let N = 6

       // Given hours
       let T = 2

       // Function call
       let ans = calculate(N, T)

       // Print ans

   // This code is contributed by Potta Lokesh



时间复杂度:O(1) T5辅助空间:** O(1)