
原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/python-convert-list-to-list-of-dictionary/


输入 : test_list = ["Gfg ",3," is ",8],key_list = ["name "," id"] 输出 : [{'name': 'Gfg ',' id': 3},{'name': 'is ',' id': 8}] 解释:自定义键映射的值,【name】->“Gfg”,“id”->3。

输入 : test_list = ["Gfg ",10],key_list = ["name "," id"] 输出 : [{'name': 'Gfg ',' id': 10}] 解释:通过按键映射将列表转换为记录列表。



Python 3

# Python3 code to demonstrate working of 
# Convert List to List of dictionaries
# Using dictionary comprehension + loop

# initializing lists
test_list = ["Gfg", 3, "is", 8, "Best", 10, "for", 18, "Geeks", 33]

# printing original list
print("The original list : " + str(test_list))

# initializing key list 
key_list = ["name", "number"]

# loop to iterate through elements
# using dictionary comprehension
# for dictionary construction
n = len(test_list)
res = []
for idx in range(0, n, 2):
    res.append({key_list[0]: test_list[idx], key_list[1] : test_list[idx + 1]})

# printing result 
print("The constructed dictionary list : " + str(res))


原始列表:['Gfg ',3,' is ',8,' Best ',10,' for ',18,' Geeks ',33] 构造的字典列表:[{'name': 'Gfg ',' number': 3},{'name': 'is ',' number': 8},{'name': 'Best ',' number': 10},{'name': 'for ',' number': 18},{'name': 'Geeks ',' number': 33}]



Python 3

# Python3 code to demonstrate working of 
# Convert List to List of dictionaries
# Using zip() + list comprehension

# initializing lists
test_list = ["Gfg", 3, "is", 8, "Best", 10, "for", 18, "Geeks", 33]

# printing original list
print("The original list : " + str(test_list))

# initializing key list 
key_list = ["name", "number"]

# using list comprehension to perform as shorthand
n = len(test_list)
res = [{key_list[0]: test_list[idx], key_list[1]: test_list[idx + 1]}
       for idx in range(0, n, 2)]

# printing result 
print("The constructed dictionary list : " + str(res))


原始列表:['Gfg ',3,' is ',8,' Best ',10,' for ',18,' Geeks ',33] 构造的字典列表:[{'name': 'Gfg ',' number': 3},{'name': 'is ',' number': 8},{'name': 'Best ',' number': 10},{'name': 'for ',' number': 18},{'name': 'Geeks ',' number': 33}]