Python 字典 fromkeys()方法

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/python-dictionary-from keys-method/

Python 字典 fromkeys()函数返回带有映射键和特定值的字典。它根据给定的序列创建一个具有特定值的新字典。

语法:from key(seq,val)


  • 序列:要转换成字典的序列。
  • val : 需要分配给生成的密钥的初始值。默认为无。


Python 字典 fromkeys()方法示例

示例 1: 演示 fromkeys()的工作原理

Python 3

# Python 3 code to demonstrate
# working of fromkeys()

# initializing sequence
seq = {'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'}

# using fromkeys() to convert sequence to dict
# initializing with None
res_dict = dict.fromkeys(seq)

# Printing created dict
print("The newly created dict with None values : " + str(res_dict))

# using fromkeys() to convert sequence to dict
# initializing with 1
res_dict2 = dict.fromkeys(seq, 1)

# Printing created dict
print("The newly created dict with 1 as value : " + str(res_dict2))


新创建的无值字典:{'d ':无,' a ':无,' b ':无,' c ':无,' e ':无} 新创建的以 1 为值的字典:{'d': 1,' a': 1,' b': 1,' c': 1,' e': 1}

以可变对象为值的 fromdict()的行为



*示例 2:* 演示可变对象的行为

Python 3

# Python 3 code to demonstrate
# behaviour with mutable objects

# initializing sequence and list
seq = {'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'}
lis1 = [2, 3]

# using fromkeys() to convert sequence to dict
# using conventional method
res_dict = dict.fromkeys(seq, lis1)

# Printing created dict
print("The newly created dict with list values : "
      + str(res_dict))

# appending to lis1

# Printing dict after appending
# Notice that append takes place in all values
print("The dict with list values after appending : "
      + str(res_dict))

lis1 = [2, 3]

# using fromkeys() to convert sequence to dict
# using dict. comprehension
res_dict2 = {key: list(lis1) for key in seq}

# Printing created dict
print("The newly created dict with list values : "
      + str(res_dict2))

# appending to lis1

# Printing dict after appending
# Notice that append doesnt take place now.
print("The dict with list values after appending (no change) : "
      + str(res_dict2))


新创建的带有列表值的 dict:{ ' d ':[2,3],' e': [2,3],' c': [2,3],' a': [2,3],' b': [2,3]} 追加后带有列表值的 dict:{ ' d ':[2,3,4],' e': [2,3,4],' c': [2,3,4],' a': [2,3,4],' b': [2,3,4]} 3]} 追加后有列表值的字典(无变化):{'d': [2,3],' e': [2,3],' c': [2,3],' a': [2,3],' b': [2,3]}

示例 3: Python 字典 fromkeys()默认值

Python 3

x = ('key1', 'key2', 'key3')
y = 0

d = dict.fromkeys(x, y)



{'key1': 0, 'key2': 0, 'key3': 0}

示例 4:带空列表的 Python 字典 fromkeys()

Python 3

# Python3 code to demonstrate
# to initialize dictionary with list
# using fromkeys()

# using fromkeys() to construct
new_dict = dict.fromkeys(range(4), [])

# printing result
print ("New dictionary with empty lists as keys : " + str(new_dict))


New dictionary with empty lists as keys : {0: [], 1: [], 2: [], 3: []}