Python–Tweepy 中的 DirectMessage 对象

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/python-direct message-object-in-tweepy/

推特是一个流行的社交网络,用户在这里分享被称为推文的消息。推特允许我们使用推特应用编程接口或 Tweepy 挖掘任何用户的数据。这些数据将是从用户那里提取的推文。首先要做的是从 twitter developer 获取消费者密钥、消费者秘密、访问密钥和访问秘密,每个用户都可以轻松获得。这些密钥将帮助应用编程接口进行身份验证。


Tweepy 模块中的 DirectMessage 对象包含一个地方的信息。

以下是 DirectMessage 对象中的属性列表:

  • Type: The type of direct message.
  • id: ID of the direct message.
  • [T0】 created _ timestamp: 【T1] The timestamp when the direct message was created.
  • Message _ Creation: Details of the content of the direct message, such as the sender's ID, text, media, etc.


# import the module
import tweepy

# assign the values accordingly
consumer_key = ""
consumer_secret = ""
access_token = ""
access_token_secret = ""

# authorization of consumer key and consumer secret
auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(consumer_key, consumer_secret)

# set access to user's access key and access secret 
auth.set_access_token(access_token, access_token_secret)

# calling the api 
api = tweepy.API(auth)

# ID of the direct message 
id = 1271013844639313927

# fetching the direct message 
direct_message = api.get_direct_message(id) 

# printing the information
print("The type is : " + direct_message.type)
print("The id is : " +
print("The created_timestamp is : " + direct_message.created_timestamp)

# inside message_create
print("The recipient_id is : " + direct_message.message_create['target']['recipient_id'])
print("The sender_id is : " + direct_message.message_create['sender_id'])
print("The source_app_id is : " + direct_message.message_create['source_app_id'])
print("The text is : " + str(direct_message.message_create['message_data']['text']))
print("The entities are : " + str(direct_message.message_create['message_data']['entities']))
print("The media attachment is : " + str(direct_message.message_create['message_data']['attachment']))


类型为:message _ create id 为:1271013844639313927 created _ timestamp 为:1591868289514 收件人 _id 为:2344960135 发件人 _id 为:4801790172 来源 _app_id 为:3033300 文字为: 实体为: media _ URL ':' https://ton . Twitter . com/1.1/ton/data/DM/1271013844639313927/1271013835181154304/gif1lwj 9 . png ',' media _ URL _ https ':' https://ton . Twitter . com/1.1/ton/data/DM/127101384639313927/127117