Python |使用列表内容创建词典

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/python-词典-创建-使用-列表-目录/


方法一:利用字典理解+ zip()

在这个方法中,我们使用字典理解来执行迭代和逻辑部分,将所有列表绑定到一个字典中,并使用相关的键,这是通过 zip 函数来完成的。

# Python3 code to demonstrate
# Dictionary creation using list contents
# using Dictionary comprehension + zip()

# initializing list
keys_list = ["key1", "key2"]
nested_name = ["Manjeet", "Nikhil"]
nested_age = [22, 21]

# printing original lists
print("The original key list : " + str(keys_list))
print("The original nested name list : " + str(nested_name))
print("The original nested age list : " + str(nested_age))

# using Dictionary comprehension + zip()
# Dictionary creation using list contents
res = {key: {'name': name, 'age': age} for key, name, age in
              zip(keys_list, nested_name, nested_age)}

# print result
print("The dictionary after construction : " + str(res))

Output :

原始键列表:['key1 ',' key2'] 原始嵌套名称列表:['Manjeet ',' Nikhil'] 原始嵌套年龄列表:[22,21] 构造后的字典:{'key1': {'age': 22,' name': 'Manjeet'},' key2': {'age': 21,' name': 'Nikhil'}}

方法二:利用字典理解+ enumerate()

类似的任务可以使用由 zip 功能执行的enumerate 功能来执行。字典理解执行类似于上面的任务。

# Python3 code to demonstrate
# Dictionary creation using list contents
# using dictionary comprehension + enumerate()

# initializing list
keys_list = ["key1", "key2"]
nested_name = ["Manjeet", "Nikhil"]
nested_age = [22, 21]

# printing original lists
print("The original key list : " + str(keys_list))
print("The original nested name list : " + str(nested_name))
print("The original nested age list : " + str(nested_age))

# using dictionary comprehension + enumerate()
# Dictionary creation using list contents
res = {val : {"name": nested_name[key], "age": nested_age[key]}
       for key, val in enumerate(keys_list)}

# print result
print("The dictionary after construction : " + str(res))

Output :

原始键列表:['key1 ',' key2'] 原始嵌套名称列表:['Manjeet ',' Nikhil'] 原始嵌套年龄列表:[22,21] 构造后的字典:{'key1': {'age': 22,' name': 'Manjeet'},' key2': {'age': 21,' name': 'Nikhil'}}