Python–使用 Tkinter 模块的动态 GUI 计算器

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/python-dynamic-GUI-calculator-using-tkinter-module/

Python 为开发图形用户界面提供了许多选项,如 Kivy、PyQT、WxPython 和其他一些选项。Tkinter 是内置 python 的版本,这使得它成为最常用的版本。Tkinter 简单、快速、强大。

初学者可以轻松学会使用本文创建一个简单的计算器: Python |使用 Tkinter 的简单 GUI 计算器



  • 创建主窗口
  • 创建包含计算器中使用的所有键的容器(此处列出)
  • 为我们创建的所有按钮创建一个容器
  • 创建按钮并将它们添加到按钮容器中
  • 定义按下按钮时要调用的函数
  • 运行主循环


Python 3

# Import required modules
from tkinter import *
import tkinter.font as font

# Creating the main window
root = Tk()

# Assigning it the desired geometry

# Assigning the name of our window

# Assigning it the capability to
# be resizable (It is default)
root.resizable(0, 0)

# Creating a StringVar to take
# the text entered in the Entry widget
inp = StringVar()
myFont = font.Font(size=15)

# Creating an Entry widget to get the
# mathematical expression
# And also to display the results
screen = Entry(root, text=inp, width=30,
               justify='right', font=(10), bd=4)

# We will use a grid like structure
screen.grid(row=0, columnspan=4, padx=15,
            pady=15, ipady=5)

# Key matrix contains all the required the keys
key_matrix = [["c", u"\u221A", "/", "<-"],
              ["7", "8", "9", "*"],
              ["4", "5", "6", "-"],
              ["1", "2", "3", "+"],
              ["!", 0, ".", "="]]

# Creating a dictionary for the buttons
btn_dict = {}

# Variable to store our results
ans_to_print = 0

# Defining the function for calculation
def Calculate(event):

    # getting the name of the button clicked
    button = event.widget.cget("text")

    # Referring the global values
    global key_matrix, inp, ans_to_print

        # Event containing a sqrt operation
        if button == u"\u221A":
            ans = float(inp.get())**(0.5)
            ans_to_print = str(ans)

        elif button == "c":  # Clear Button

        elif button == "!":  # Factorial
            def fact(n): return 1 if n == 0 else n*fact(n-1)

        elif button == "<-":  # Backspace

        elif button == "=":  # Showing The Results
            # Calculating the mathematical exp. using eval
            ans_to_print = str(eval(inp.get()))

        # You may add many more operations

            # Displaying the digit pressed on screen

        # In case invalid syntax given in expression
        inp.set("Wrong Operation")

# Creating the buttons using for loop

# Number of rows containing buttons
for i in range(len(key_matrix)): 
    # Number of columns 
    for j in range(len(key_matrix[i])): 

        # Creating and Adding the buttons to dictionary
        btn_dict["btn_"+str(key_matrix[i][j])] = Button(
          root, bd=1, text=str(key_matrix[i][j]), font=myFont)

        # Positioning buttons
          row=i+1, column=j, padx=5, pady=5, ipadx=5, ipady=5)

        # Assigning an action to the buttons
        btn_dict["btn_"+str(key_matrix[i][j])].bind('<Button-1>', Calculate)

# Running the main loop


输出示例 2