
原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/python-convert-string-to-list-dictionary/


输入:test _ str =[" { ' Gfg ':3,' Best' : 8},{'Gfg' : 4,' Best' : 8}]"] 输出:[{ ' Gfg ':3,' Best' : 8},{'Gfg': 4,' Best ':8 }] 解释:字符串转换为字典列表。

输入:test _ str =[" { ' Gfg ':3,' Best' : 8}]"] 输出:[{ ' Gfg ':3,' Best ':8 }] 解释:字符串转换为字典列表。

方法#1:使用 json.loads() + replace()

上述功能的组合可以用来解决这个问题。在本文中,我们使用 replace()替换内部字符串,并使用 loads()创建字典列表。

Python 3

# Python3 code to demonstrate working of 
# Convert String to List of dictionaries
# Using json.loads + replace()
import json

# initializing string
test_str = ["[{'Gfg' : 3, 'Best' : 8}, {'Gfg' : 4, 'Best' : 9}]"]

# printing original string
print("The original string is : " + str(test_str))

# replace() used to replace strings 
# loads() used to convert 
res = [json.loads(idx.replace("'", '"')) for idx in test_str]

# printing result 
print("Converted list of dictionaries : " + str(res)) 


The original string is : ["[{'Gfg' : 3, 'Best' : 8}, {'Gfg' : 4, 'Best' : 9}]"]
Converted list of dictionaries : [[{'Gfg': 3, 'Best': 8}, {'Gfg': 4, 'Best': 9}]]

方法 2:使用 eval()


Python 3

# Python3 code to demonstrate working of 
# Convert String to List of dictionaries
# Using json.loads + replace()

# initializing string
test_str = "[{'Gfg' : 3, 'Best' : 8}, {'Gfg' : 9, 'Best' : 9}]"

# printing original string
print("The original string is : " + str(test_str))

# eval() used to convert 
res = list(eval(test_str))

# printing result 
print("Converted list of dictionaries : " + str(res)) 


The original string is : [{'Gfg' : 3, 'Best' : 8}, {'Gfg' : 9, 'Best' : 9}]
Converted list of dictionaries : [{'Gfg': 3, 'Best': 8}, {'Gfg': 9, 'Best': 9}]