
原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/python-双拆分-字符串到矩阵/



输入 : test_str = 'Gfg,bestfor,allgeeks,and,CS ',row _ splt =“”,ele _ splt =“ ”T3】输出 : [['Gfg ',' best'],['for ',' all'],['geeks ',' and ',' CS '] 解释*:字符串按行拆分,元素按各自的 delims 拆分。

输入 : test_str = 'Gfg!最适合!所有极客!还有!' CS ',row_splt = " ",ele_splt = "!" 输出 : [['Gfg ',' best'],['for ',' all'],['geeks ',' and ',' CS']] 解释*:字符串按行拆分,元素按各自的 delims 拆分。

方法#1:使用 split() +循环

在这种情况下,首先使用 split() 构造矩阵的行,然后嵌套 split()以获得单个元素之间的分离。

Python 3

# Python3 code to demonstrate working of 
# Double Split String to Matrix
# Using split() + loop

# initializing string
test_str = 'Gfg,best#for,all#geeks,and,CS'

# printing original string
print("The original string is : " + str(test_str))

# initializing row split char 
row_splt = "#"

# initializing element split char 
ele_splt = ","

# split for rows
temp = test_str.split(row_splt)
res = []

for ele in temp:

    # split for elements

# printing result 
print("String after Matrix conversion : " + str(res)) 


原字符串为:Gfg,best#for,all#geeks,and,CS 矩阵转换后的字符串:[['Gfg ',' best'],['for ',' all'],['geeks ',' and ',' CS']]

方法 2:使用列表理解+拆分()


Python 3

# Python3 code to demonstrate working of 
# Double Split String to Matrix
# Using list comprehension + split()

# initializing string
test_str = 'Gfg,best#for,all#geeks,and,CS'

# printing original string
print("The original string is : " + str(test_str))

# initializing row split char 
row_splt = "#"

# initializing element split char 
ele_splt = ","

# split for rows
temp = test_str.split(row_splt)

# using list comprehension as shorthand
res = [ele.split(ele_splt) for ele in temp]

# printing result 
print("String after Matrix conversion : " + str(res))


原字符串为:Gfg,best#for,all#geeks,and,CS 矩阵转换后的字符串:[['Gfg ',' best'],['for ',' all'],['geeks ',' and ',' CS']]