
原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/python-convert-tuple-value-list-to-list-of-tuples/


输入 : test_dict = {'Gfg' : [(5,6,7),(6),],' is' : [(5,5,2,2,6)],' best' :[(7,]} 输出 : [('Gfg ',5,6,7),(' Gfg ',6),(' is ',5,5,2,2,6),(' best ',7)] 解释:按值分组的按键。

输入 : test_dict = {'Gfg' : [(5,,(6),],' is' : [(5,],' best' :[(7,]} 输出 : [('Gfg ',5)、(' Gfg ',6)、(' is ',5)、(' best ',7)] 解释:按值分组的按键。

方法#1:使用循环+ *运算符+项()


Python 3

# Python3 code to demonstrate working of 
# Convert Tuple value list to List of tuples
# Using loop + * operator + items()

# initializing dictionary
test_dict = {'Gfg' : [(5, 6, 7), (1, 3), (6, )],
             'is' : [(5, 5, 2, 2, 6)], 
             'best' :[(7, ), (9, 16)]}

# printing original dictionary
print("The original dictionary is : " + str(test_dict))

# using items() to extract all the items of 
# dictionary
res = []
for key, val in test_dict.items():
    for ele in val:
        res.append((key, *ele))

# printing result 
print("The converted tuple list : " + str(res)) 


原字典为:{'Gfg': [(5,6,7),(1,3),(6),],' is': [(5,5,2,2,6)],' best': [(7),(9,16)]} 转换后的元组列表:[('Gfg ',5,6,7),(' Gfg ',1,3),(' Gfg ',6),(' is ',5,5,2,2,6),(' best ',7)、(' best ',9,16)]

方法 2:使用列表理解+ *运算符+项目()


Python 3

# Python3 code to demonstrate working of 
# Convert Tuple value list to List of tuples
# Using list comprehension + * operator + items()

# initializing dictionary
test_dict = {'Gfg' : [(5, 6, 7), (1, 3), (6, )],
             'is' : [(5, 5, 2, 2, 6)], 
             'best' :[(7, ), (9, 16)]}

# printing original dictionary
print("The original dictionary is : " + str(test_dict))

# list comprehension encapsulates whole logic 
# into one line
res = [(key, *ele) for key, sub in test_dict.items() for ele in sub]

# printing result 
print("The converted tuple list : " + str(res)) 


原字典为:{'Gfg': [(5,6,7),(1,3),(6),],' is': [(5,5,2,2,6)],' best': [(7),(9,16)]} 转换后的元组列表:[('Gfg ',5,6,7),(' Gfg ',1,3),(' Gfg ',6),(' is ',5,5,2,2,6),(' best ',7)、(' best ',9,16)]