
原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/python-自定义-连续字符-字符串重复/


输入 : test_str = 'Geeks4Geeks ',test _ dict = {“G”:3,“e”:1,“4”:3,“k”:5,“s”:3 } T3】输出:gggeekkksss 444 ggeekkkss T6】解释:每个字母按照字典中的值重复。

输入 : test_str = 'Geeks4Geeks ',test _ dict = {“G”:3,“e”:1,“4”:3,“k”:5,“s”:1 } 输出:gggeekkks 444 ggeekkks 解释:每个字母按照字典中的值重复。



Python 3

# Python3 code to demonstrate working of 
# Custom Consecutive character repetition in String
# Using loop

# initializing string
test_str = 'Geeks4Geeks'

# printing original string
print("The original string is : " + str(test_str))

# initializing dictionary 
test_dict = {"G" : 3, "e" : 2, "4" : 4, "k" : 5, "s" : 3}

res = ""
for ele in test_str:

    # using * operator for repetition
    # using + for concatenation
    res += ele * test_dict[ele]

# printing result 
print("The filtered string : " + str(res)) 


The original string is : Geeks4Geeks
The filtered string : GGGeeeekkkkksss4444GGGeeeekkkkksss

方法 2:使用列表理解+连接()

这是执行这项任务的另一种方式。在这种情况下,我们执行与上述功能类似的任务。唯一的区别是我们使用 join()来合并创建的重复列表。

Python 3

# Python3 code to demonstrate working of 
# Custom Consecutive character repetition in String
# Using list comprehension + join()

# initializing string
test_str = 'Geeks4Geeks'

# printing original string
print("The original string is : " + str(test_str))

# initializing dictionary 
test_dict = {"G" : 3, "e" : 2, "4" : 4, "k" : 5, "s" : 3}

# using join to perform concatenation of strings
res = "".join([ele * test_dict[ele] for ele in test_str])

# printing result 
print("The filtered string : " + str(res)) 


The original string is : Geeks4Geeks
The filtered string : GGGeeeekkkkksss4444GGGeeeekkkkksss