
原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/python-带有唯一值列表的词典/


输入 : [{'Gfg': [2,3],' is' : [7,8],' best' : [10]},{'Gfg': [2,3],' is' : [7,8],' best' : [10],' best' : [10]}] 输出 : [{'Gfg': [2,3],' is': [7,8],' best': [10]}] 解释:两者为相似词典,故 1 为

输入 : [{'Gfg': [2,3],' is' : [7,8],' best' : [10]},{'Gfg': [2,3],' is' : [7,8],' best' : [10,11]}] 输出 : [{'Gfg': [2,3],' is': [7,8],' best': [10]},{'Gfg': [2,3],' is ':[7]



Python 3

# Python3 code to demonstrate working of 
# Unique Value Lists Dictionaries
# Using loop

# initializing lists
test_list = [{'Gfg':  [2, 3], 'is' : [7, 8], 'best' : [10]}, 
             {'Gfg':  [2, 3], 'is' : [7], 'best' : [10]}, 
             {'Gfg':  [2, 3], 'is' : [7, 8], 'best' : [10]}]

# printing original list
print("The original list : " + str(test_list))

# Using loop to iterate through elements
# result array to also keep track of already occurred elements
res = []
for sub in test_list:
    if sub not in res:

# printing result 
print("List after duplicates removal : " + str(res))


The original list : [{'Gfg': [2, 3], 'is': [7, 8], 'best': [10]}, {'Gfg': [2, 3], 'is': [7], 'best': [10]}, {'Gfg': [2, 3], 'is': [7, 8], 'best': [10]}]
List after duplicates removal : [{'Gfg': [2, 3], 'is': [7, 8], 'best': [10]}, {'Gfg': [2, 3], 'is': [7], 'best': [10]}]

方法 2:使用列表理解


Python 3

# Python3 code to demonstrate working of 
# Unique Value Lists Dictionaries
# Using list comprehension

# initializing lists
test_list = [{'Gfg':  [2, 3], 'is' : [7, 8], 'best' : [10]}, 
             {'Gfg':  [2, 3], 'is' : [7], 'best' : [10]}, 
             {'Gfg':  [2, 3], 'is' : [7, 8], 'best' : [10]}]

# printing original list
print("The original list : " + str(test_list))

# list comprehension to encapsulate logic in one liner
res = []
[res.append(val) for val in test_list if val not in res]

# printing result 
print("List after duplicates removal : " + str(res))


The original list : [{'Gfg': [2, 3], 'is': [7, 8], 'best': [10]}, {'Gfg': [2, 3], 'is': [7], 'best': [10]}, {'Gfg': [2, 3], 'is': [7, 8], 'best': [10]}]
List after duplicates removal : [{'Gfg': [2, 3], 'is': [7, 8], 'best': [10]}, {'Gfg': [2, 3], 'is': [7], 'best': [10]}]