Python 字典,设置并计数检查频率是否可以相同

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/python-dictionary-set-counter-check-frequency-can-变成/



Input  : str = “xyyz”
Output : Yes
We can remove character ’y’ from above 
string to make the frequency of each 
character same. 

Input : str = “xyyzz” 
Output : Yes
We can remove character ‘x’ from above 
string to make the frequency of each 
character same.

Input : str = “xxxxyyzz” 
Output : No
It is not possible to make frequency of 
each character same just by removing at 
most one character from above string.

此问题已有解决方案,请参考检查一次移除链接是否可以使所有字符的频率变得相同。我们将在 Python 中快速解决这个问题。方法很简单,

  1. 我们需要统计字符串中每个字母的频率,为此我们将使用 Counter(input) 方法,它返回一个以字符为键,以它们各自的频率为值的字典。
  2. 现在提取每个字符的频率列表,并在 python 中的 Set() 数据结构中推送这些值。
  3. Since set contains unique values, so if size of set is 1 that means frequencies of all characters were same, if size of set is 2 then check if value of first element is 1 or not ( if 1 then we can make same frequency by removing one character at most otherwise not possible ).


    Function to Check if frequency of all characters

    can become same by one removal

    from collections import Counter

    def allSame(input):

    # calculate frequency of each character     # and convert string into dictionary     dict=Counter(input)

    # now get list of all values and push it     # in set     same = list(set(dict.values()))

    if len(same)>2:         print('No')     elif len (same)==2 and same[1]-same[0]>1:         print('No')     else:         print('Yes')

    # now check if frequency of all characters      # can become same

    Driver program

    if name == "main":     input = 'xxxyyzzt'     allSame(input) ```


    ```py No
