Python–提取 K 键中字符串值为空的字典

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/python-extract-dictionary-with-empty-string-value-in-k-key/


输入:test _ list =[{“Gfg”:“4”,“是”:“好”,“最好”:“1”},{“Gfg”:“9”,“是”:“CS”,“最好”:“10”}],K =“Gfg” 输出 : [] 解释:无“Gfg”键为空。

输入:test _ list =[{“Gfg”:“”、“”:“好”、“最好”:“1”}、{“Gfg”:“9”、“是”:“CS”、“最好”:“10”}]、K =“Gfg” 输出:[{“Gfg”:“”、“:“好”、“最好”:“1”}] 解释:字典中带空的“Gfg”提取出来。



Python 3

# Python3 code to demonstrate working of 
# Extract dictionaries with Empty String value in K key
# Using list comprehension

# initializing lists
test_list = [{"Gfg" : "4", "is" : "good", "best" : "1"},
             {"Gfg" : "", "is" : "better", "best" : "8"},
             {"Gfg" : "9", "is" : "CS", "best" : "10"}]

# printing original list
print("The original list : " + str(test_list))

# initializing K key 
K = "Gfg"

# using list comprehension to fetch empty string key's dictionaries
res = [sub for sub in test_list if sub[K] == '']

# printing result 
print("The extracted dictionaries : " + str(res))


The original list : [{'Gfg': '4', 'is': 'good', 'best': '1'}, {'Gfg': '', 'is': 'better', 'best': '8'}, {'Gfg': '9', 'is': 'CS', 'best': '10'}]
The extracted dictionaries : [{'Gfg': '', 'is': 'better', 'best': '8'}]

方法 2:使用过滤器()+λ

这是执行这项任务的另一种方式。在本文中,我们使用 filter()和 lambda 的功能和迭代提取所有空值键的字典。

Python 3

# Python3 code to demonstrate working of 
# Extract dictionaries with Empty String value in K key
# Using filter() + lambda

# initializing lists
test_list = [{"Gfg" : "4", "is" : "good", "best" : "1"},
             {"Gfg" : "", "is" : "better", "best" : "8"},
             {"Gfg" : "9", "is" : "CS", "best" : "10"}]

# printing original list
print("The original list : " + str(test_list))

# initializing K key 
K = "Gfg"

# filter() used to iteration
# lambda for functionality
res = list(filter(lambda sub: sub[K] == '', test_list))

# printing result 
print("The extracted dictionaries : " + str(res))


The original list : [{'Gfg': '4', 'is': 'good', 'best': '1'}, {'Gfg': '', 'is': 'better', 'best': '8'}, {'Gfg': '9', 'is': 'CS', 'best': '10'}]
The extracted dictionaries : [{'Gfg': '', 'is': 'better', 'best': '8'}]