
原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/python-group-like-key-in-dictionary/


方法#1:使用循环 这是我们执行这个任务的野蛮方式。在这种情况下,我们使用条件语句检查元素,并根据子串的存在插入键。

# Python3 code to demonstrate working of 
# Group Similar keys in dictionary
# Using loop

# initializing Dictionary
test_dict = {'gfg1' : 1, 'is1' : 2, 'best1' : 3, 
            'gfg2' : 9, 'is2' : 8, 'best2' : 7,
            'gfg3' : 10, 'is3' : 5, 'best3' : 6}

# printing original dictionary
print("The original dictionary is : " + str(test_dict))

# Group Similar keys in dictionary
# Using loop
res = []
res1, res2, res3 = {}, {}, {}
for key, value in test_dict.items():
  if 'gfg' in key:
    res1[key] = value
  elif 'is' in key:
    res2[key] = value
  elif 'best' in key:
    res3[key] = value


# printing result 
print("The grouped similar keys are : " + str(res)) 

Output :

原始字典为:{'best2': 7,' best3': 6,' is2': 8,' is3': 5,' best1': 3,' gfg1': 1,' gfg3': 10,' is1': 2,' gfg2': 9} 分组的相似键为:[{'gfg3': 10,' gfg2': 9,' gfg1': 1},{'is2': 8,' is3': 5,' is1': 2},{'best3': 6,' best1': 3,' best2': 7}]