Python | kivy 中的文件选择器


Kivy 是 Python 中独立于平台的 GUI 工具。因为它可以在安卓、IOS、linux 和视窗等平台上运行。它基本上是用来开发安卓应用程序的,但并不意味着它不能在桌面应用程序上使用。

Kivy 教程–通过示例学习 Kivy



  • 文件选择列表视图将文件条目显示为垂直列表中的文本项目,文件夹可以折叠和展开。
  • 文件选择视图从左到右显示图标和文本,并根据需要换行。


Basic Approach 
1) import kivy
2) import kivyApp
3) import Boxlayot
4) Set minimum version(optional)
5) create layout class
6) create App class
7) create .kv file
8) return Layout/widget/Class(according to requirement)
9) Run an instance of the class or App

实施办法: 。py 文件

Python 3

# Program to explain how to use File chooser in kivy 

# import kivy module    
import kivy  

# base Class of your App inherits from the App class.    
# app:always refers to the instance of your application   
from import App 

# this restrict the kivy version i.e  
# below this kivy version you cannot  
# use the app or software  

# BoxLayout arranges widgets in either in
# a vertical fashion that is one on top of
# another or in a horizontal fashion
# that is one after another.
from kivy.uix.boxlayout import BoxLayout

# create the layout class
class Filechooser(BoxLayout):
    def select(self, *args):
        try: self.label.text = args[1][0]
        except: pass

# Create the App class
class FileApp(App):
    def build(self):
        return Filechooser()

# run the App
if __name__ == '__main__':

。kv 文件

Python 3

#, kv file implementation


    label: label

    # Providing the orientation
    orientation: 'vertical'

    # Creating the File list / icon view


        # Creating list view one side
                    rgb: .4, .5, .5
                    pos: self.pos
                    size: self.size

        # Creating Icon view other side
                    rgb: .5, .4, .5
                    pos: self.pos
                    size: self.size

    # Adding label
        id: label
        size_hint_y: .1
                rgb: .5, .5, .4
                pos: self.pos
                size: self.size
